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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

04-11-2024 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by LuvDaVlogs
Wait i thought el diesel said that nobody cared about results????

The lengths people go to, to protect their ego.

Its obvious to everyone why he doesnt say what his results are when hes so forthcoming with all these various stats that mean nothing. You dont need him to say it out loud, he cant gaslight his way out of it by claiming he did say how much he made. It is what it is.

In his deluded world of fantasy hes the number 2 vlogger, hes part of the 1% making it in poker, hes physically fit, he was the best trial lawyer who followed the rubric to a T, and he lives in 5 star resorts like the Rio or the flamingo.

People who are making 20k a year like el diesel dont make so little money or have so little skills to offer the world they only make that much money by mistake
Yeah this x 100

For Rice to not be jumping around bragging about how much he made last year means he barely made anything. He admitted that it didn't even cover his paltry expenses for the year.

And he didn't even say that it covered the majority of his expenses which he would have said if it were even remotely close to being the case. That means he made considerably less than anyone here is even guessing.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 12:32 AM
You guys came up with a probably close estimate of what he made in 2023 (which was sfa). Why do you need 300 more posts speculating about it?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by VeniceMerchant
You guys came up with a probably close estimate of what he made in 2023 (which was sfa). Why do you need 300 more posts speculating about it?
Probably because that's exactly the purpose of this thread, at least in its current state. People who come by just to question it are the ones who have somehow stumbled into the wrong neck of the woods.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:36 AM
TBC had another 5k losing night from Poker/BJ and then to top it off he goes and spends $183 at Walmart. His bankroll is now down to 38k.

Can you imagine how Rice would react to losing 5k in one night? He has a mental break down after losing half a buy-in because he thinks he should always win every session. In some ways they are very similar (both nomadic, autistic and OCD) but in other ways they are polar opposites.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Langdon
so he spent 1600+ hours to make....

if he worked less than minimum wage he would have made more.

I hear like every fast food or other restaurant job offers free meals
Doesn't seem likely he could get a food service job.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 03:35 AM
If Diesel did a collab video with Danny the Medic, why, my mind would be blown

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 09:48 AM
Rice has an erudite, sophisticated audience that respects his economy of words.

1 day ago
I like how your videos aren’t filled with needless words, and basically wasted time.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
Rice has an erudite, sophisticated audience that respects his economy of words.

1 day ago
I like how your videos aren’t filled with needless words, and basically wasted time.

His fans are the movers/shakers of the world, they don’t have time for fluff.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by angle_shooter
TBC had another 5k losing night from Poker/BJ and then to top it off he goes and spends $183 at Walmart. His bankroll is now down to 38k.

Can you imagine how Rice would react to losing 5k in one night? He has a mental break down after losing half a buy-in because he thinks he should always win every session. In some ways they are very similar (both nomadic, autistic and OCD) but in other ways they are polar opposites.
Forget losing 5k he'd have a meltdown if he spent 183 dollars at Walmart.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 10:09 AM
I'm shocked Diesel doesn't chop. Does he know he's a super nit and super nits chop? Not like Diesel would play heads up well but I guess he wants action if he gets a super premium. Especially if he's small blind, bad nits are incentivized to chop.

I do like how he says people that chop with bad hands and play with good hands give away their range that weighs heavily to big cards. How does he think people at the table react whenever he plays a hand especially for a raise? But I guess he's of the mind that no one pays attention at the table but him.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by FL Pkrdlr
His fans are the movers/shakers of the world, they don’t have time for fluff.
His fans are 1 wrong intake question away from being assigned a permanent legal guardian for the rest of their lives.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Koshka
I'm shocked Diesel doesn't chop. Does he know he's a super nit and super nits chop? Not like Diesel would play heads up well but I guess he wants action if he gets a super premium. Especially if he's small blind, bad nits are incentivized to chop.

I do like how he says people that chop with bad hands and play with good hands give away their range that weighs heavily to big cards. How does he think people at the table react whenever he plays a hand especially for a raise? But I guess he's of the mind that no one pays attention at the table but him.
Whatever he bets, just slide out a stack of reds, verbally announce "100 cans of sardines," and watch him hit the autofold button.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
Rice has an erudite, sophisticated audience that respects his economy of words.

1 day ago
I like how your videos aren’t filled with needless words, and basically wasted time.
I tried watching today's video. Had to turn it off early as he was wasting too much of my time with his cigar.

I ain't got time for his nontent. Gave him a Thunbs Down for wasting my time.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
Rice has an erudite, sophisticated audience that respects his economy of words.

1 day ago
I like how your videos aren’t filled with needless words, and basically wasted time.
his 7 minute ramblings that could be accomplished in 20 seconds? oh okay
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Old Man Coffee
I tried watching today's video. Had to turn it off early as he was wasting too much of my time with his cigar.

I ain't got time for his nontent. Gave him a Thunbs Down for wasting my time.
I think it's a total boss move when he lites up. Assume it drives the ladies wild too. Women want him, men want to be him. That's how you win at life
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 01:14 PM
A lot of you are missing the point of Rice's channel. It's not a vlog about results, #pokerlife, or strategy. It's an effort to spam the algorithm with daily, low quality, low effort videos in order to milk whatever Youtube revenue he can muster up to add to his sub $7/hr wages at poker.

A man's gotta eat.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
I'm shocked Diesel doesn't chop. Does he know he's a super nit and super nits chop? Not like Diesel would play heads up well but I guess he wants action if he gets a super premium. Especially if he's small blind, bad nits are incentivized to chop.

I do like how he says people that chop with bad hands and play with good hands give away their range that weighs heavily to big cards. How does he think people at the table react whenever he plays a hand especially for a raise? But I guess he's of the mind that no one pays attention at the table but him.
How does El Diesel, the Ivy League educated biggest nit in Vegas, who literally logs how much rake he pays into different promo funds and is so proud of maximizing his rewards to rake ratio, not understand that chopping blinds in 1/2 is a no brainer because of rake?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by foatie
His fans are 1 wrong intake question away from being assigned a permanent legal guardian for the rest of their lives.
Always be careful with those tricky intake questions.....

For example : "Yes or no, I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy ?"
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by ark_angel
How does El Diesel, the Ivy League educated biggest nit in Vegas, who literally logs how much rake he pays into different promo funds and is so proud of maximizing his rewards to rake ratio, not understand that chopping blinds in 1/2 is a no brainer because of rake?
He is desperate for action and hoping he gets spite action from annoyed fish and gets to play more hands heads up with clueless mutants. Lately he has been whining more about not getting action than bad beats. So many of diesel’s vlogs show how toxic he is for games, I can see him grunting at these tourists when they beg him to chop and Diesel has QQ in the big blind, then he films a vlogs saying he’s doing it for the benefit of the fish lol he might actually believe his own lies and delusion.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by ark_angel
How does El Diesel, the Ivy League educated biggest nit in Vegas, who literally logs how much rake he pays into different promo funds and is so proud of maximizing his rewards to rake ratio, not understand that chopping blinds in 1/2 is a no brainer because of rake?
Whoa, I am the biggest Ivy League educated nit in Las Vegas and have the YSOP 2023 Championship bracelet to prove it......

Basically, I consider playing $1-2 to be entertainment, so chopping small blind hands every round instead of raising the big heads up every time is a sacrifice of an entertainment opportunity.

In a very nitty paraphrase of Doyle, I'm making my opponent have to risk calling to protect his big blind....
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
Rice has an erudite, sophisticated audience that respects his economy of words.

1 day ago
I like how your videos aren’t filled with needless words, and basically wasted time.
That guy must be in a coma. Diesel's vid's are 2 minute videos that are 5 minutes long. Is he that way in person? It must be exhausting.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Pete_Peters
I think it's a total boss move when he lites up. Assume it drives the ladies wild too. Women want him, men want to be him. That's how you win at life
Guess that's what Miss Manners would do, light up a stinky stogie right next to you. As well as shave her head and leave all the hair on the floor.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 03:32 PM
Top 3 hobbies for American males: 1964

1. Baseball
2. Cars
3. Fishing

Top 3 hobbies for American males: 2024

1. Video games
2. Complaining about women
3. Internet forums

What a crazy world we live in today
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 08:30 PM
What do you guys think of this video? Any feedback would be nice, be brutally honest please.

EDIT: fixed embedding

Last edited by biggetje; 04-12-2024 at 08:37 PM.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-12-2024 , 08:32 PM
to embed you just use the last section, in this case just this section nrCfVcIDLiM

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