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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

11-07-2022 , 12:09 AM

As you can see above, it is not in his relationship with Lady Trooper that Trooper is experiencing what Old Man Coffee calls "hard times." Most likely, business related. Hope he'll pull through.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 12:44 AM
Probably stressed that his videos aren't getting 10K views anymore and Go Gamble World has bombed.

I think maybe all the GGW extra content being posted on YouTube that isn't drawing views is causing the algorithm to quit pushing out his poker lifestyle vlogs to potential viewers.

Imagine if he loses the Trooper Thursday game at the same time his YouTube channel crashes. He might end up as a shooter.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 01:02 AM
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 01:06 AM
How much money could Trooper make if he dealt poker for say 10 hours a day 3 days a week on the strip? Would someone hire him to just work 3 days a week?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 01:06 AM
He did post that cryptic video a few years back saying one day everyone will know his name.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
That was the recent GGW one.... I think it was said that Trooper mentioned it on YouTube

Regarding his original account which was banned some time ago I don't think anyone knows for sure but just before the ban be was posting a lot of conspiracy stuff so likely to be that
I'm pretty sure he was talking about his original Twitter account. My guess is that after that video came out one of the sex offenders reported his Go Gamble twitter account as being an alternate account for a banned user so they banned him.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I'm pretty sure he was talking about his original Twitter account. My guess is that after that video came out one of the sex offenders reported his Go Gamble twitter account as being an alternate account for a banned user so they banned him.
Yeah that's definitely possible as a banned user should not be using an alternative account
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Old Man Coffee
Probably stressed that his videos aren't getting 10K views anymore and Go Gamble World has bombed.

I think maybe all the GGW extra content being posted on YouTube that isn't drawing views is causing the algorithm to quit pushing out his poker lifestyle vlogs to potential viewers.

Imagine if he loses the Trooper Thursday game at the same time his YouTube channel crashes. He might end up as a shooter.
It’s 100% this. He supposedly spent really long hours on this GGW stuff and it’s completely flopped. He’s now only getting 5k views/video instead of 10k bc he watered his channel down with even worse and lazier content. The clicks on his site probably fell off a cliff after the first weeks, and his podcast numbers are probably dreadful because he has absolutely nothing interesting to say.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 10:49 AM
Coach El Diesel laying out his vlogging plans to the end of the year:

Definitely the best real life poker vlogger out there. Poker vlogging as poker vlogging should be....a close reflection of the daily life of a professional player. Nothing wrong with the well produced entertainment vlogs of Owen, Neeme, Slow and Rampage - they have their place and make people happy. But when it comes to on the ground reality reporting, El Diesel's vlog his currently my favorite.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:09 AM
El Diesel legit looks like he enjoys his life, isn't annoyed at the grind, and his lo-fi video production is simple just like his play. It's always a refreshing take.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 01:03 PM
El Diesel is ****ed in the head. I like the guy, but there's something seriously wrong with him.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 01:36 PM
Nice of Trooper to always follow this thread and provide updates on what we talk about. Like he showed Lady Trooper and him together recently. Now he talks about his Twitter ban.

Starts around 10:40.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 01:40 PM
He is trying to say that he doesn't care at all and it's twitter that will lose out by not having him. lol

Go Gamble empire must be thriving, he is talking about having a house built on the side of a mountain. lol
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 01:57 PM
El Diesel coming in December 5 videos on his personal finances and 5 videos on his much-anticipated Dividend retirement system series.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Nice of Trooper to always follow this thread and provide updates on what we talk about. Like he showed Lady Trooper and him together recently. Now he talks about his Twitter ban.

Starts around 10:40.

Thanks. I'll save people the trouble of having to listen:
  • Do you feel like there's a sort of some parallels between an HOA and Twitter?
  • Hmm.
  • I see where you're going like the Twitter of houses.
  • You're going to get canceled.
  • If you don't have the right number of blocks in your driveway, I don't know if they can straight up cancel.
  • They can sure as hell find you until you can be fined no more.
  • Twitter on the other hand, cannot find you as far as I know, no, but they can suspend you permanently.
  • Yeah.
  • Tell me a little about that.
  • Well, well, first of all, I think I talked about that last week that I was suspended.
  • My main account was suspended for, right, right.
  • But maybe if it may be after this one, you'll get double suspended.
  • Well, if you just keep talking about, yeah, I'm suspended now.
  • The go gamble world Twitter account is suspended, which, um, but the reason for suspension is evading suspension.
  • So in other words, when I got, uh, suspended from the original account, my old account,
  • the account that's been around since 2008 Twitter, um, loyal user since 2008.
  • Um, ever, you know, when that one was suspended, it says that you're not allowed to start another
  • Twitter account and, um, any attempt to start a new Twitter account to evade the suspension, that will be suspended.
  • So in other words, they're saying I can't use Twitter, but I didn't start a new Twitter account.
  • The go gamble world Twitter account was, you know, around before, yeah, before the other one got suspended.
  • So in other words, like if you're a guy and you have a media company, let's just say like,
  • if you're the owner of a newspaper and you have a personal Twitter account and the newspaper has a Twitter account.
  • So all, if you get suspended on your personal, they suspend the newspaper Twitter account too.
  • That makes no sense.
  • I think they, I think they kind of just make up their own rules as this goes along.
  • They definitely do.
  • I hope that, uh, some sense comes to Twitter and I can appeal on my original one because again, I say I didn't break any rules.
  • There's no rules against retweeting some threatening tweet that someone sent to you.
  • But here's, here's the issue.
  • I think, first of all, well, here's the weird thing.
  • I don't know what really did it.
  • So the day that I got suspended, minutes before the suspension occurred, I changed my display
  • name to the trooper nine seven, but I don't think that has anything to do with it.
  • I think someone reported me because I don't care what your name is, man.
  • A lot of these, uh, policies are in the reasons you get suspended and removed.
  • They're, they're in the policies, uh, there's a policy like section of your agreement that
  • no one reads, literally no one reads when they set up a Twitter.
  • Yeah.
  • But I'm saying that they were, that, that is it possible that that could have flagged my account as being associated with a suspended account.
  • I kind of doubt it, but I'll tell you, I think some dickhead out there reported me because
  • of the podcast, because we talked about it.
  • Yeah.
  • Some King rat.
  • Yeah.
  • And what was it a day or two after the podcast went up?
  • But if someone is reporting me as evading suspension, that, that report, the person who,
  • the reporting party, if you will, um, they're only hurting themselves because they have
  • a deep, a deep rooted desperate need to follow me on Twitter.
  • They need to see me on Twitter.
  • They need to hear me saying things and then they get me reported.
  • Yeah.
  • They got to have it.
  • They got to have them a little trooper.
  • Trolls of that level are, uh, the greatest follower and fan of the trooper and they're just hurting themselves.
  • You were the equivalent to the large size ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery, the got to have it size.
  • Yeah.
  • That's you.
  • Well, well, I don't see why anyone would have to have it.
  • I'm just telling you what these people do have to have, right?
  • Someone does.
  • Someone does.
  • And, and, uh, I don't need Twitter.
  • I mean, let's face it.
  • I haven't looked at Twitter in days now and I barely miss it.
  • It's only, the only reason I miss it is like a little bit of a habit.
  • I mean, I still have Instagram, but I want to see the news.
  • I mean, I still have Google.
  • So I don't really care that much.
  • Um, so they're only hurting themselves.
  • Right on.
  • So **** them.
  • It's not the end of the world.
  • No, it's not.
  • It's just Twitter.
  • I'm going to appeal one last time on my main account.
  • If that doesn't work, then it's going to be ****ed Twitter forever.
  • And I'm going to start making my own accounts.
  • Maybe let Elon take over a little longer, you know, let him get settled in.
  • That's what I was waiting on.
  • That's what I was going to do, you know, like once you see the Donald get reinstated, then shoot Elon an email.
  • You know what I mean?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
[*]But here's, here's the issue.[*]I think, first of all, well, here's the weird thing.[*]I don't know what really did it.[*]So the day that I got suspended, minutes before the suspension occurred, I changed my display[*]name to the trooper nine seven, but I don't think that has anything to do with it.[*]I think someone reported me because I don't care what your name is, man.
Lol @ trooper acting like he doesn’t know the real reason. He got suspended for being a vile, hateful person. He should just create an account on TruthSocial since that site fits closer to his beliefs anyways.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Hellmuth was right
Lol @ trooper acting like he doesn’t know the real reason. He got suspended for being a vile, hateful person. He should just create an account on TruthSocial since that site fits closer to his beliefs anyways.
There are a lot of vile, hateful bluecheckmarks that haven't been suspended yet (sans Kathy Griffen, well deserved). So there has to be something more to it.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 04:31 PM
Trooper should hit up Sunup Brewing in Phoenix for product tie-in...
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 06:33 PM
Drinking is a sin bro.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
He is trying to say that he doesn't care at all and it's twitter that will lose out by not having him. lol
I'm a big Trooper supporter. He's a good dude. I'm also a fan of Kathy Griffin. She is hilarious. I completely understand why they like to rant and rave and get all wild and crazy about politics to their large online fanbases but I really think it's a big mistake for them to mix business and politics like this, at least to this level.

Twitter is an invaluable tool for someone like Kathy to get the word out as she tours around the country doing comedy gigs. She can also use it to grow her fan base and keep her fans engaged and interested in her. I'm sure Trooper also has legitimate business uses for twitter as well. The idea that they might not care about being kicked off or that it won't hurt them is laughable to me.

Tweeting wild and crazy things can certainly raise your profile. In Kathy's case she could parlay that sort of thing into additional hosting gigs. And of course both Kathy and Trooper are appealing to their core fanbases. That's ok at first glance but there's still a fine line that must be straddled and once that line is crossed it can be absolutely devastating. Imagine if Trooper was banned from YouTube. Just think about it.

Originally Posted by TheChamp11
What does this have to do with Las Vegas poker vlogs?
Kathy Griffin's ties to the poker world run deep.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 08:24 PM
On the subject of Twitter what are people's thoughts on The Poker Karen who seems to comment on just about every poker related tweet these days?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 08:43 PM
I like the picture of Nick with the Robbi tattoo on his arm. I think that was Karen that did it. Don't know who it is though.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
El Diesel is ****ed in the head. I like the guy, but there's something seriously wrong with him.
Homeless, obese, eating chicken in the parking lot, with a law degree.

Does anyone have a copy of the COMPREHENSIVE TEXTBOOK OF PSYCHIATRY to interpret?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:26 PM
You guys forgot the kitchen sink.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
Homeless, obese, eating chicken in the parking lot, with a law degree.

Does anyone have a copy of the COMPREHENSIVE TEXTBOOK OF PSYCHIATRY to interpret?
Coach El Diesel is "houseless" not "homeless". That's because "home" is where the heart is. When he is in his element (namely the poker environment) he is at home because he clearly loves the grind and the volume, and the overall atmosphere of the poker/gambling environment. He also is at home when he is in any hotel room because it is consistent with his identity of being a poker nomad.

On the other hand, the man living in an 8 million dollar mansion who would rather be elsewhere (because maybe he hates the people in his household; or he actually hates his house because the payments and costs are making him stressed and unhappy; or he may really be a minimalist nomad wanderer deep inside but is now living is his McMansion prison due to parental and societal pressures to be a conformist) is not at home. He may be "at house" but he is not "at home".

Obese? Lizzo, power lifters, shotputters, plus size fasion models, some MMA fighters, and professional sumo wrestlers are obese. Who cares. They are high performers. So long as El Diesel is no longer obese by age 50, he should be fine. He's still 32. If he starts his serious weight loss program by age 42, then getting to perfect weight by 50 would be no sweat.

What's wrong with eating chicken? It is a great source of protein and fat. And KFC's, El Pollo Locos, Chick-fil-a's, Popeyes, and others are technically located on parking lots. In fact, many have outside diners. And what is the purpose of takeout boxes. Isn't it for eating at your vehicle? By eating outside his vehicle, El Diesel is getting some fresh air. Nothing wrong with "tailgaiting".

Having a law degree is a sign that a person is capable of serious study and learning. Chip Reese, Vanessa Selbst, Kelly Minken, Greg Raymer and others have law degrees. Practicing law is optional. Doing something that one loves (and which also enables the person to utilize legal skills) is a OK.

Coach El Diesel's perfect mental health cannot be found in the COMPREHENSIVE TEXTBOOK OF PSYCHIATRY. Unfortunately for the jealous haters who are deeply and truly "homeless", obese in jealousy, stress, and emptiness..

Last edited by Reggie Steer; 11-08-2022 at 12:10 AM.
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