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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Today , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by TuscaloosaJohnny
Started watching Ryan Depaulo this Series. Guy is hilarious.

Sad to see no Neeme vlogs, but I guess he’s busy with his Texas operations.
Neeme is back in Detroit, dealing with a family emergency. He tweeted recently about his father being in hospital (or maybe it was on Instagram).
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by BigWhale
Neeme is back in Detroit, dealing with a family emergency. He tweeted recently about his father being in hospital (or maybe it was on Instagram).
To quote myself, here is the Tweet I mentioned:

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 12:25 PM
Took less than 2 weeks for Rice to declare himself the best Omaha tournament dealer in the room before then saying he struggles reading low hands in Omaha.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by topg2024
And hopefully the Ivy League people will be passed over for top jobs as well based on their support of terrorists and many business should refuse the Ivy League graduates that support terror which will help to open jobs up for people who graduated from state schools.
Although my Harvard education hasn't opened as many door as I had hoped, I've never gotten turned down for a job for not being sufficiently pro-genocide. Don't believe everything you hear on cable news folks.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:16 PM
You are actually supposed to stack the pot, not necessarily split the pot evenly in the center, on all 8/b games.....regardless if there is a low or not. "It is not up to the dealer to 'interpret' the board via chips"

I dealt 8/b for a long time years ago, and play a bunch of O8
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:21 PM
Only day 13 of 50 and people are questioning his authority, he can laugh this off now but when it happens 6, 7, 8 ..... times he might blow up. lol

If he is going to start stacking the pot when it looks like a low might come or is already there, he has to get the action started first.

Reading the low is easy, just know what the nut low and 2nd nut low is before showdown then look for those.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
Diesel explaining how split pot games work as far when you don't have to worry about stacking chips in preparation for a split is another example of Diesel talking to his audience like they're 8 years old.

Diesel - "You need at least three low cards for a low to be possible. If the flop has three high cards, no low is possible. If there's only one low card on the turn, no low is possible. If on the river, there was two high cards and two low cards on the turn and the river is another high card or pairs the board, you don't have to worry about splitting the pot."

It's another example of Diesel overexplaining a simple concept three different ways.

I wonder what he thinks the average IQ is of his vlog watchers are.

Koshka, I think you wrongly assume his vlogs are solely geared toward poker players, and regular poker players at that. Much of his audience watches for content on casino and player promotions, etc and not just poker theory or hand analysis. Assuming every viewer understands split pot games, or even just hold'em, is incorrect. It might be elementary for you, but you're not the only viewer.

I would love nothing more than a reasonable reply that you get this, and not some snarky comment, but I don't hold my breath.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by RidePolaris
Koshka, I think you wrongly assume his vlogs are solely geared toward poker players, and regular poker players at that. Much of his audience watches for content on casino and player promotions, etc and not just poker theory or hand analysis. Assuming every viewer understands split pot games, or even just hold'em, is incorrect. It might be elementary for you, but you're not the only viewer.

I would love nothing more than a reasonable reply that you get this, and not some snarky comment, but I don't hold my breath.
for a moment i thought his "childhood friend" was back in the thread
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:36 PM
I'm glad Rice is sticking with dealing and putting in lots of hours but he needs to be able to admit when he's wrong or did something wrong.

He said "I didn't see him check " and hangs on to the fact that technically he's right bc he didn't see 2 players check.

But he didn't see 2 players check bc he wasn't paying attention to the action like he should have been.

When players tell him he's wrong ,they mean he's wrong bc the players did in fact check.

At any new job you're going to make mistakes and not know every single procedure at that work place. As long as you don't repeat mistakes and learn from them it's not a big deal.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 02:05 PM
I don't think Rice has got his first paycheck yet, cause there's no way in hell they're gonna get that right, and then, let the fireworks begin.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by RidePolaris
Koshka, I think you wrongly assume his vlogs are solely geared toward poker players, and regular poker players at that. Much of his audience watches for content on casino and player promotions, etc and not just poker theory or hand analysis. Assuming every viewer understands split pot games, or even just hold'em, is incorrect. It might be elementary for you, but you're not the only viewer.

I would love nothing more than a reasonable reply that you get this, and not some snarky comment, but I don't hold my breath.

So if I say to someone that doesn’t understand split pot games that in order for a low to be possible, there needs to be three unique low cards on board, that’s not clear enough?

I’ll need to give scenarios out as well?

That’s like me explaining that in a best of five series, if team A is up 3-0 3-1 or 3-2, team B cannot win the series.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
