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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Yesterday , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
She flys Spirit and advertises it.
yeah but her Spirit flight report was multiple delays for no good reasons
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Lol, Rice/El Diesel is in Jenny D's YouTube comments.
well, who is RoadTripzz14
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 06:44 PM
Another great point she alludes to is that bankroll management can be less stringent based on other factors. One of those factors is if you have other steady sources of income. That's really a huge factor because it allows you to replenish your bankroll if it takes a hit, but also guaranteed cash flow for covering day to day living expenses.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by angle_shooter
Another great point she alludes to is that bankroll management can be less stringent based on other factors. One of those factors is if you have other steady sources of income. That's really a huge factor because it allows you to replenish your bankroll if it takes a hit, but also guaranteed cash flow for covering day to day living expenses.
yeah, she's a a rec player with a comfortable liferoll who has climbed up in stakes and run up a nice poker bankroll too. she can take a -$9200 week and not still eat nice food and not be too devastated.
(but get a little crushed emotionally, so she is not an unrelatable robot)
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Langdon
yeah but her Spirit flight report was multiple delays for no good reasons
Spirit flight, by definition, means a good reason for delays.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 07:22 PM
I am selling candy I make at home. Should I get liability insurance?

Yes, getting liability insurance if you're selling homemade candy is a good idea. This type of insurance can protect you from potential claims if someone gets sick or injured from consuming your products. Specifically, product liability insurance would cover you in case of issues like foodborne illness or allergic reactions.

Here are a few reasons why you might consider getting liability insurance:

Customer Protection: If a customer claims they got sick from your candy, product liability insurance can help cover legal and medical costs.

Business Growth: If you plan to expand your business to sell in stores or at events, many retailers and markets may require proof of liability insurance.

Peace of Mind: Knowing you're protected from unexpected costs related to customer claims allows you to focus on growing your business.

It’s wise to consult with an insurance agent to get a policy tailored to your specific needs.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
This has been an exciting year for the stock market.

Big gains and Rice has not been bragging.

It is a bitch when you are collecting a 5% dividend, and the market is up 20%.
I'd bet most of his stock is paying under 5%. He's prob getting more than that though because he bought it years ago. Still, inflation has eaten part of that yield increase if not all of it.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 07:43 PM
The wynn games are amazing, i think ive played with her before, if i did she was cool.

Wynn games are different, you cant straddle now so theres a gap from 5-10 and 10-20 since its no longer 5-10-20 and 10-20-40.

She has audio only playing on my left headphone not on my right headphone when she speaks over hands which is annoying.

She has a good studying routine and im sure is winning, but could be using gtowiz in a better way. I think that alot of the wynn regs will not be applying the same pressure as gto wiz, and will not be balanced like gto wiz, so alot of the outputs have to be viewed in a lens of "what would a nitty broke euro reg or whale or american nitty reg do here" instead of what gto wiz would do, because it will change the outputs drastically if they never have suited connectors as 4b bluffs for instance or they never have some fringe hands. Also just the frequencies in hands, like say a hand is 54% bet on the flop, and 46% checked, how do you think the euro reg with 4k to his name is deciding which frequency to use? Hes probably not at all, and thats likely the best, most balanced player, so hes totally unbalanced especially on later streets, imagine what the american live reg or whale have their ranges looking like.

In the games im playing, which are far more aggressive with alot better players, those are things i think about when studying, now imagine a player that is playing 5-10 or 10-20 at the wynn, they are not even comparable, so imagine the tendencies and leaks of the far better players are just that much more pronounced in the weaker players who are playing live where its much harder to fire bluffs, or do anything really which may make you look stupid if you are wrong, its much harder to be a savage sitting there at the wynn than from behind a computer screen. Think about how they decide to use frequencies at all when playing. The outputs especially on later streets are just so bastardized to where a hand that is a call 100% on gto wizard in reality is a fold 100% of the time. IDK if any of that makes sense the way i said it

Shes on a great path though, using gto wiz to go over sessions and if she played a bit online which i thought she said she did in the first vlog is really a supercharged way to go and will only lead to success. Shes on a completely different level than the normal people we follow and enjoy who are trying to figure out whether to call with jacks preflop or 3bet them vs a raise, and you really can tell shes a high achiever compared to el diesel and trooper types. I think she is legitimately 20-30 iq points higher than el diesel, which iq is a stupid thing to use and is only used by idiots in my opinion, and doesnt indicated actual intelligence blah blah blah but i think in this case it makes sense. Shes clearly much more intelligent than el diesel is all im trying to say, the way she explains things, the way that she thinks about things. In comparison to El diesel not being able to figure out how overtime is calculated, or thinking hes an F1 caliber driver for changing lanes, or having a mental breakdown for losing a medium sized pot. Its comedy they are almost not the same species.

Check raising that AKs hand is alot sicker than betting there in my opinion, think it generates more ev, puts them in a spot, which is always the goal. nice to have bluffs
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
I am selling candy I make at home. Should I get liability insurance?
Hell no !!
Liability insurance is for people who have money.
Trooper doesn't have a pot to piss in, he don't need no liability insurance.
And by the time Trooper gets done with Lady Trooper, she won't have any money either.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 08:07 PM
It's only like $60/month to have protection of equipment and against being sued. I don't know what the limits and deductibles are with that, just saw it on a website.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
Jenny D.
Is the Jenny D. story going to turn out to be another 'helloitslynne' Lynne Ji story?
You know, rich Asian chick blowing thru her parents money.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Is the Jenny D. story going to turn out to be another 'helloitslynne' Lynne Ji story?
You know, rich Asian chick blowing thru her parents money.
God I hope not...
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 10:11 PM
what would a nitty broke euro reg or whale or american nitty reg do here" instead of what gto wiz would do, because it will change the outputs drastically if they never have suited connectors as 4b bluffs for instance or they never have some fringe hands. Also just the frequencies in hands, like say a hand is 54% bet on the flop, and 46% checked, how do you think the euro reg with 4k to his name is deciding which frequency to use?

I love the trashing of euro poker trash!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Is the Jenny D. story going to turn out to be another 'helloitslynne' Lynne Ji story?
You know, rich Asian chick blowing thru her parents money.
Jenny D doesn't film her videos in a bikini and talks about the kelly criterion so I would say no they are not the same.

Although they're both gonna have thirsty dudes after them, it's amazing how many average looking woman have become famous in the poker world because 90% of the player pool are like Diesel or Bikeking.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by angle_shooter
Another great point she alludes to is that bankroll management can be less stringent based on other factors. One of those factors is if you have other steady sources of income. That's really a huge factor because it allows you to replenish your bankroll if it takes a hit, but also guaranteed cash flow for covering day to day living expenses.
I don't agree with that.

I think having a bankroll is just as important playing part time, you still go through the same downswings and bad luck.

It's a tough pill to swallow losing your entire paycheque in one session if you don't have a bankroll.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Yesterday , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by prev
I don't agree with that.

I think having a bankroll is just as important playing part time, you still go through the same downswings and bad luck.

It's a tough pill to swallow losing your entire paycheque in one session if you don't have a bankroll.
She's 100 percent right. There's a big difference bw busting or being close to just with no other money coming in and busting a poker roll with good money coming in.

One you can't pay bills and might be homeless soon. The other one sucks no doubt but it's not nearly as bad.

Lots of people realize this when they go "pro". All the sudden dealing with swings gets way harder.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 12:13 AM
Going to Vegas in November and want to recreate one of El D's challenges (not counting any of the starvation ones) - which one should I pick? Not keen on making a vlog for it but certainly would do an elaborate write-up here?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by prev
I don't agree with that.

I think having a bankroll is just as important playing part time, you still go through the same downswings and bad luck.

It's a tough pill to swallow losing your entire paycheque in one session if you don't have a bankroll.
Lol that's ok... I don't think you know what your talking about anyway
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
want to recreate one of El D's challenges
Homeless weekend ??
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by angle_shooter
Lol that's ok... I don't think you know what your talking about anyway
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Going to Vegas in November and want to recreate one of El D's challenges (not counting any of the starvation ones) - which one should I pick? Not keen on making a vlog for it but certainly would do an elaborate write-up here?
Ahh too bad baseball will be over or flying to San Fran having no room for 2 days to watch 5 innings of a baseball game while you snack on pocket bread would have been great.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Going to Vegas in November and want to recreate one of El D's challenges (not counting any of the starvation ones) - which one should I pick? Not keen on making a vlog for it but certainly would do an elaborate write-up here?
fly to another city to watch half a baseball game and fly back
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
Today , 01:41 AM
The Stratosphere Nomad publishes a tutorial video on how to be homeless in Las Vegas.

He first states that Nomads need either a job or government EBT already in place since Nomads do not have a mailing address and cannot apply for new jobs.

He states that he lost his license due to child support but if you have a license it is easier to sleep in your can than a tent but to avoid homeless shelters and encampments since homeless people bring eachother down and steal from eachother.

He recommends a storage unit for $44 per month that stays open untl 10 pm to store clothes and supplies. Also to have a gym membership is required.

He states there is a place on Maryland Parkway which will comp $600 for new Nevada nomads.

Strat Nomad indicates he carries plastic poncho, a bottle of bourbon, and marijuana pipe since it is legal in Nevada.

Statosphere Nomad states he carries a combat knife and firearm and guaze and tourniquet at all times due to fear of robbery. (This is bad advice and should be condemned since casinos prohibit weapons).

He recommends a solar power bank for phone charging as well as states that RTC bus provides free wifi and one can sleep on the bus using a daily unlimited pass.

Stratosphere Nomad forgets to teach about tier such as 150 hours at MGM for Gold and the Wyndham business credit card for CET Diamond for $95.

Also he failes to mention that booking rooms with Best Western points and Hilton Honors points will waive resort fees at the Stratosphere and Resorts World respectively.

Last edited by topg2024; Today at 01:58 AM.
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