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Going pro & moving to Vegas Going pro & moving to Vegas

03-03-2018 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bikeking19
Writing: In addition to possibly creating content for solve 4 why as mentioned above, pokernews contacted me saying they're interested in more articles, the next one, a review on 2017 and a brief recap on 2018 so far, should be out Monday or Tuesday likely is what I'm told.
Not sure how interested you would be, or if there's even a spot available on the team, but you could see if there is a position for you covering the WSOP for PokerNews.

It would mean poker would take a back seat for a few months, but at least there would be a paycheck while still remaining in the poker world doing something different but enjoyable.

Unfortunately, any cool vlog ideas related to WSOP events wouldn't be possible as I had those ideas shut down immediately by the higher ups. But still, money is money.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-03-2018 , 03:46 PM
BikeKing is super likeable. The last update was pretty good.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-03-2018 , 04:28 PM
Great update BikeKing. Not trying to get down on you with the weight gain stuff but I'm super skinny like you and recently gained 27 lbs and the hardest part of it was eating. I had to be stuffing my face full of food virtually during all my waking hours and it's just very time and energy consuming to have basically a 2nd job of putting things in your mouth and planning on putting things in your mouth and etc. etc. Anyway, good luck with the grind (poker and lifting), I love the written update as well.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-03-2018 , 06:05 PM
Watched the bike king vlog and somewhat felt sorry for doug polk. The moment at the american poker awards when he was mentioned for biggest influencer... has to hurt...

Also, loled when joe ingram jabbed at dnegs...
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-03-2018 , 06:41 PM
Props for the update, Your Bicycle Highness.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-03-2018 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bikeking19
Gym: Going strong (pun intended) Starting to visibly see some results now, in some exercises adding 10 or 20 lbs. The workout plan is a 9 week one off of, focuses on what a lot of people were talking about. Low reps, heavy weight, compound movements, large muscle groups like the legs and back. Added about 10 lb. so far. You just feel so much better about yourself when you're consistently working out and starting your day like that.
Going to the gym is important to stay in shape, yes, but I don't think you should be too obsessed with gaining weight. And especially don't pay any attention to the comments about your weight. So what! you're smaller than average. Is it a major health risk that you need to go ballistic and work out every day trying to bulk up? And when you eat like crazy trying to bulk up, that's what is unhealthy.

I get it, everyone wants to look big. But people are who they are. Just enjoy life and be happy as you. Yes, stay fit and in shape by going to the gym, but don't worry too much about "getting bigger and bulking up". Enjoy life as Andrew for who you are

Last edited by Playbig2000; 03-03-2018 at 08:35 PM.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-04-2018 , 12:21 AM
I forgot about the accident and that makes perfect sense. I was just curious because I’m in the building the roll process myself. Thank you for responding and for the transparency in the vlogs it makes a huge difference. I’m sure that’s a hard thing to do and always admired that about the trooper, I’m a private person and the thought of letting so many people into my personal life and let them in to the extent you guys do would scare me to death.

Loving the new directions the vlogs are going, I’ll be rooting for your success.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-04-2018 , 02:29 AM
I'm enjoying the new frequency of the vlogs. Keep it up!
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-04-2018 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by livegamelive1
Haven’t read much of this thread but I really don’t understand why you wouldn’t take a full time aviation job and play poker on the side.
Sounds like he actually didn't even complete his training, so that 'six-figure aviation job' he keeps talking about is not an option.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-04-2018 , 01:39 PM
BK, I just rewatched the 'Flop heard 'round the world' from the Vloggers game last year. Good memories.

Boski looks like he has aged 5-10 years since then. Maybe it's the haircut.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-05-2018 , 11:05 PM
BK - Thank you for taking the time to respond to as many things as you did in your last post, and for maintaining a sense of understanding and objectivity. It is very nice to you to take the time to engage in the interaction on this site. You are a good "kid" and I hope that you continue to live and enjoy the life that you have chosen.

PS - Your blogs are a lot of fun.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-05-2018 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Bikeking19
Hey all, well as the title says, I'm moving to Vegas this week. This has been after much thought and prayer, and I'll try not to drag this post out too much Basic rundown of myself and how I came to this decision point:
-I've been playing poker for 6 years. (Youngish, 25, started at 19)
-I started online early this year, (chico, WPN, Ignition)
-I'm winning 10-50nl cash games at a rate of 60bb/100.
-I really enjoy the math/theory side of it, studying is part of the game if you're serious imo.
-I do have a "day job", I'm an avionics technician which I do enjoy, and will always have that as a backup should I fail as a poker pro.
-I recently came into 20k through a family inheritance.
-I now have the talked about "6 months of living expenses in addition to poker bankroll."

So my plan is to grind a mix of live and online, always keeping strict BR managment now since this will be my life. When I lived in Cali I took many regular trips to Vegas so I'm not too concerned about the overwhelming effect it can have. I'd really like to meet up with some local grinders and hear your stories and advice, talk hands, etc. as this is a really big step for me. So that's it in short, again after much research and talking to fellow peers etc. this is the choice I'm going with.
So please respond with advice, pointers, if you'd like to meetup, etc. I'd really greatly appreciate it. See ya on the felt!
Been watching this guys videos and read most of this thread, pretty entertaining story and I want to root for him but some things that bother me.

I notice that here it says he got 20k from a family inheritance but I remember him saying somewhere else that he binked the 20k in a online tournament.

Why the conflicting story on this?

Is it just a guy that tells alot of small lies and accidentally slipped up?

Also the story of him losing 40k doesn't add up, sounds like a guy that lost it all either degening in poker or something else and is too embarrassed to admit it and is just running with the lie until he dies, Why post some partial fake looking receipts of his bank statement and then afterwards just completely stop? He could easily post a screenshot of his bank with things blanked out and shut everyone up. If he can edit a vlog then he can easily edit a screenshot.

One other annoying thing is that he always mentions his 6 figure potential aviation job but didn't he say he got pushed out/fired from his first job? If he doesn't have a job and he has a slim chance of getting a related one, why does he acted like he walked away when he actually was pushed out?

He also said he got kicked out of his house by his long time friend...Also through no fault of his own.

All these incidents and there is only 1 constant here...there must be something about him, maybe not such a nice guy after all.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-06-2018 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm
Sounds like he actually didn't even complete his training, so that 'six-figure aviation job' he keeps talking about is not an option.
He explained his his vlog that he only applied to that job and was supposed to hear back at the end of the year but hasn't chased or inquired about it for 2 months so the opportunity is probably dead.

Since he didn't apply anywhere else, didn't chase the interview process, and didn't seem to bummed out by being most likely rejected, I would guess that he wasn't really rooting or putting much energy into it. He might not have really wanted to do it, to be honest.

I think he's stubbornly committed to this poker thing and might be all in/going down with the ship if it comes to that. Well, $2K roll. It might have already come to that.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-07-2018 , 08:09 PM
Latest Pokernews article:

Again it seems I should be writing, I realized a typo for them to correct, they did and informed it's over 11k views, not even up for 48 hours.

Sent from my LG-LS777 using Tapatalk
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-07-2018 , 10:04 PM
Thanks for posting the link. Excellent article . . . very well written.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-08-2018 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bikeking19
Latest Pokernews article:

Again it seems I should be writing, I realized a typo for them to correct, they did and informed it's over 11k views, not even up for 48 hours.

Sent from my LG-LS777 using Tapatalk
Great article!

Continue to make as many vlogs as you can. They are light years better than they were in the beginning.

The more vlogs you make, the more fans you will have - and you will see more donations, contacts, etc..
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-10-2018 , 10:35 AM
The parts in the article in Poker News where you had the side notes - "Things I Did Right", "Things I Did Wrong" were very insightful.

And the video about the battery issues and the games at the Commerce were very well done. I have never played in Los Angeles and so, for me, it was interesting to just get a peek into what it looked like. Thanks for sharing.

Long-term planning tip: At some point cars wear out and/or become maintenance intensive. Once you get the bankroll back where it needs to be, you might want to consider setting aside money for the purchase of a new car. It looks like the car replacement is years down the road, but planning for it now will help prevent it from being an emergency situation later.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-11-2018 , 01:41 PM
Nice results in LA BikeKing! I enjoyed that vlog.

It was bad things happening with the car but it made the vlog interesting. I really like when there is good content (even if it is negative stuff) happening in a vlog. It gives the vlog a storyline with a conflict and a resolution.

I think some of the vloggers (not you BikeKing) are missing the point that a good vlog is like a mini movie. It needs a set up, a conflict, and a resolution. It's should be a basic 3 act play. If it only has 1 act or only 2 acts or the acts don't connect in a set up, conflict, resolution format, then there really isn't a solid storyline to the vlog.

Anyway, looking forward to your next vlog out of Vegas. Keep getting that bankroll up!
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
03-11-2018 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks

I think some of the vloggers (not you BikeKing) are missing the point that a good vlog is like a mini movie. It needs a set up, a conflict, and a resolution. It's should be a basic 3 act play. If it only has 1 act or only 2 acts or the acts don't connect in a set up, conflict, resolution format, then there really isn't a solid storyline to the vlog.
Excellent point. Vlogging is really about story telling. Vloggers can google "hero's journey" and then generally follow the steps.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
05-21-2018 , 03:15 PM
I agree, theres a lot about bikeking that really doesn't add up. I would love him to prove me wrong but i feel there is a lot of dishonesty occurring. And i hope he meant 6bb/100 because that's impossible unless its a tiny sample.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
05-21-2018 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by vJow
I agree, theres a lot about bikeking that really doesn't add up. I would love him to prove me wrong but i feel there is a lot of dishonesty occurring. And i hope he meant 6bb/100 because that's impossible unless its a tiny sample.
No clue what you are referring to here. What is impossible?
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
05-21-2018 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
No clue what you are referring to here. What is impossible?
Maybe he meant it's impossible to win so little..
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
05-21-2018 , 08:28 PM
Loved Bikeking's Shake Shack vs. In-n-Out video. I really enjoyed it!
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
05-21-2018 , 08:51 PM
The kid is continuing to make a run at it. I hope that he can do it.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
05-22-2018 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by GaminDeBuci
The kid is continuing to make a run at it. I hope that he can do it.
Since he's Christian I'm surprised he doesn't think that if God wanted him to play poker for a living then he wouldn't be struggling this much. Unless Bikeking believes in suffering like Job.
Going pro & moving to Vegas Quote
