Originally Posted by Wourrr
Let's say i stak a guy for playing at pokerstars.
Is it possible to negociate with them a deal where stars would prevent stakee from cashouting and making player to player transfers during the staking period?
If you have to worry about him cashing out and running on you, you didnt do your homework on the person so you should not have put up your money.
I would say that putting the player through trial period or probationary period to gain trust and develop some sort of personal and professional relationship before giving away the farm. Some quick thoughts on that could be:
1. A daily deposit for tournaments or games to be played by the stakee. (minimize losses by not putting the whole stake amount into his or her account)
2. Weekly meetings to go over results, hand histories and if necessary to do some coaching.
3. A face to face meeting via in person or skype
4. Private tournaments with your stakees and you to assess them first hand on the table. You can make this more of a team thing and even build some ideas for team incentives.
I am sure we can all come up with a lot of other ideas to build trust and rapport between partners. I think it all just comes down to who you are hiring, do the research and pick the best players based on the most important criteria for making money and trusting someone.