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08-18-2012 , 01:08 PM
Am I blind or doesn't Cardrunners have a trial option? I can't find anything about it on their site.
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08-22-2012 , 12:21 AM
I would like to see training sites offer pricing dependent on limits, games or format rather than just a flat rate for everything. For instance, a lower price with access only to micro stakes. Or somewhat lower price for only PLO stuff, etc.

I bugged a few folks on twitter until Billy Murphy (BlueFire CEO) said he liked the idea. He then said he would make it happen if 100 others agreed that they would be willing to pay for this model too. Links to tweets:

Anyone else interested?

p.s. I got no explanation as to why this thread was deleted in NVG. I hope only because it was misplaced. I'm not trying to skirt rules.
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08-22-2012 , 12:43 PM
What is currently the best site for low stakes MTT? Is Dragthebar any good?
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08-22-2012 , 06:56 PM
Guys, looking for the training site that provides the best 6 max PLO+NLHE cash game training videos. I also need to be able to download the vids.

any help would be appreciated, cheers.
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08-22-2012 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by SansRemorse
I would like to see training sites offer pricing dependent on limits, games or format rather than just a flat rate for everything. For instance, a lower price with access only to micro stakes. Or somewhat lower price for only PLO stuff, etc.

I bugged a few folks on twitter until Billy Murphy (BlueFire CEO) said he liked the idea. He then said he would make it happen if 100 others agreed that they would be willing to pay for this model too. Links to tweets:

Anyone else interested?

p.s. I got no explanation as to why this thread was deleted in NVG. I hope only because it was misplaced. I'm not trying to skirt rules.
NVG thread probably deleted because it wasn't in the right place.

This isn't a bad idea, and some sites already do it in the form of selling video packs aimed at specific groups of users.

Other sites are just incredibly affordable already and wouldn't really be able to do this (like say DC, I doubt they'd make a $10 tier when they sell it all for $30, assuming that's still the price).

One reason against your idea is that super low stakes players and new players seem to drop way more money than they should on coaching at times, both private and training. People fall in love with the idea of printing money and nobody can talk them out of spending their money even. Those scam sites you see selling systems for $50, they often actually make money (I once failed at talking a friend of a friend out of using those sites, he'd bounce around from one "system" to another and I kept telling him about the reputable sites, but he didn't care to listen).

But overall I like the idea, and I actually did it about 2 years ago when I split my own libraries (I don't own a general training site though, so no actual interest to you member wise). I had a disconnect between affordability for new players and charging the right price for mid to high stakes players and aspiring full time pros. Two tiers, $25 and $120 solved that (for awhile anyways, leaving that format soon for a new one).
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08-23-2012 , 03:59 AM
So what's the state of poker training sites in 2012. Are they all dead now year after Black Friday?
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08-23-2012 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
NVG thread probably deleted because it wasn't in the right place.

This isn't a bad idea, and some sites already do it in the form of selling video packs aimed at specific groups of users.

Other sites are just incredibly affordable already and wouldn't really be able to do this (like say DC, I doubt they'd make a $10 tier when they sell it all for $30, assuming that's still the price).

One reason against your idea is that super low stakes players and new players seem to drop way more money than they should on coaching at times, both private and training. People fall in love with the idea of printing money and nobody can talk them out of spending their money even. Those scam sites you see selling systems for $50, they often actually make money (I once failed at talking a friend of a friend out of using those sites, he'd bounce around from one "system" to another and I kept telling him about the reputable sites, but he didn't care to listen).

But overall I like the idea, and I actually did it about 2 years ago when I split my own libraries (I don't own a general training site though, so no actual interest to you member wise). I had a disconnect between affordability for new players and charging the right price for mid to high stakes players and aspiring full time pros. Two tiers, $25 and $120 solved that (for awhile anyways, leaving that format soon for a new one).
Obviously I'm pretty new to posting here but, having read the "before you post.." thread for NVG, I thought it was the perfect place to gets folks' view on the idea. Whoever was manning the 2+2 twitter account told me it was borderline spam though I don't see how.

I see what you mean about new people throwing money at it. I have seen a few folks I know do that too. Generally they want to buy hats & hoodies and such, to look the part rather than study/learn.

That $30 established price point does make it difficult to break into too many sections. I'm sure they have bean counters with lots of info telling them that's the way to go. I'd have thought uNL would the biggest section for beginners. But, then again, I'm not even sure the average beginner knows training sites exist.

Can you link those sites with the specific packs or is that considered spamming too?

Edit: I also wanted to point out that this idea came from the fact that both Hold'em Manager and PokerTracker offer similar tiered pricing.

Last edited by SansRemorse; 08-23-2012 at 08:13 AM. Reason: HM2/PT4
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08-24-2012 , 12:26 AM
Good training sites for 6max cash games ?
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08-25-2012 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by gargar11
So what's the state of poker training sites in 2012. Are they all dead now year after Black Friday?
I think most sites have cut back a bit. I don't think anything is really dead. Maybe one or two mergers/complete bare bones layouts since black friday, but I think most have just adjusted their formats a bit and something you likely don't see unless you're involved on the industry side, the pay to video makers (on average).

Exceptions apply, for example, I would guess pokerstrategy has grown since black friday. I don't really have hard #s, just observations of video output from these sites, feedback from people in the industry and in some cases, sites actually have announced cutbacks.

Originally Posted by SansRemorse
Obviously I'm pretty new to posting here but, having read the "before you post.." thread for NVG, I thought it was the perfect place to gets folks' view on the idea. Whoever was manning the 2+2 twitter account told me it was borderline spam though I don't see how.

I see what you mean about new people throwing money at it. I have seen a few folks I know do that too. Generally they want to buy hats & hoodies and such, to look the part rather than study/learn.

That $30 established price point does make it difficult to break into too many sections. I'm sure they have bean counters with lots of info telling them that's the way to go. I'd have thought uNL would the biggest section for beginners. But, then again, I'm not even sure the average beginner knows training sites exist.

Can you link those sites with the specific packs or is that considered spamming too?

Edit: I also wanted to point out that this idea came from the fact that both Hold'em Manager and PokerTracker offer similar tiered pricing.
- NVG is more for news and overall poker industry viewpoints (poker room specific stuff goes in Internet Poker often and coaching or training site stuff in the specific relevant strategy forum or I suppose in this forum). It's not really cut and dry though and lots of overlap occurs. I didn't see your NVG thread, so I can't really comment on if it looked spammy, but at least you found a place for it here. Keep in mind, NVG sometimes has more strict thread requirements, because people use it to spam a lot and people love to just throw their thread in NVG bc the traffic is just massive, even if it's more relevant somewhere else (people even start threads to complain when it is moved, heh).

- I think many people know of PokerStrategy, DC and Cardrunners. I know stuff like alexa isn't entirely accurate, but last I saw, DC had similar traffic according to that metric as CR and it was quite solid looking traffic #s. So I'd say beginners are aware of training sites, but probably to a lower % than winning regulars.

- Video packs, things like what some coaches offer in the coach listings here, Daily Variance, BestPokerCoaching, there are likely 5+ other non scam ones, then there's literally dozens of those scammy "buy this system" sites out there that are filled with complete fluff/stolen content and prey on buyers looking for a magic pill/shortcuts.

- If you're interested in a specific game, it's probably best to just google and ask around on 2p2 for the best content available in that specific game. If you have to become a member of a site to access the top content, it doesn't really end up mattering to you if your goal is to have access to the best vids. From that perspective, vid packs vs wide memberships shouldn't matter (reality is that to the avg end user it might end up mattering, but it shouldn't to the most informed, the best stuff will be worth the value in either membership or pack format in this market).
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08-25-2012 , 05:34 PM
I know there's a thread about all the different training sites, but i wanted to ask specifically about grinderschool. I've seen them here and there throughout the micro scene, and i've been following them on twitter(not sure why lol) but it seems they release a lot of videos almost all the time. It looks like the price they offer cant be beat by other training sites, but I was curious to know from people who have signed up and used the site, if it was really a good deal?

I don't have a lot of side money for poker/poker training, but with the small amount i have every month, I want to drastically change my game to get better, yet dont want to throw money into training sites if they're not all that good.

If anyone has been a member and like or dislike it, I would love to know. Thanks
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08-25-2012 , 06:28 PM
Sorry to move your thread here, but we get a lot of stand alone threads that we have to merge in here due to historical "spam" "shill" type replies. The stand alone threads seem to be a magnet for that kind of stuff unfortunately.
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08-25-2012 , 07:39 PM
Its all good
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08-25-2012 , 10:03 PM
any recommended site for nl25 6max cash?
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08-26-2012 , 05:12 PM
Cardrunners or Leggo for micro/small stakes 6 max cash game? Leggo's a bit cheaper can anyone recommend something? Thanks
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09-02-2012 , 08:39 AM
I was really disappointed with Bluefire Poker. I signed up before I knew Phil Galfond left. After watching his videos during my trial the other videos were not as good. Sticking with DC and CR for my training.
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09-03-2012 , 12:35 AM
Are Phil's videos still up though?
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09-04-2012 , 10:40 PM
Right now im playing nl10 deepstack games . Which is the best training site for deepstack cash games ?
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09-05-2012 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by travel21
Are Phil's videos still up though?
Yes. All of them are... ~150
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09-05-2012 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by travel21
I know there's a thread about all the different training sites, but i wanted to ask specifically about grinderschool. I've seen them here and there throughout the micro scene, and i've been following them on twitter(not sure why lol) but it seems they release a lot of videos almost all the time. It looks like the price they offer cant be beat by other training sites, but I was curious to know from people who have signed up and used the site, if it was really a good deal?

I don't have a lot of side money for poker/poker training, but with the small amount i have every month, I want to drastically change my game to get better, yet dont want to throw money into training sites if they're not all that good.

If anyone has been a member and like or dislike it, I would love to know. Thanks
I've been a Grinderschool member for a little over six months, and I've had a really great experience there. The videos are solid, and my graph has definitely reversed course (for the better) since joining.

I don't want to sound like a shill, but I've definitely found it really helpful, and well worth the money. And the forums are very friendly and helpful, especially to new/micro-stakes players. It's pretty cheap, so you could just give it a try for a month and see if you like it.
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09-05-2012 , 03:37 PM
Anyone know anything about new WPT bootcamp Beta program?
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09-05-2012 , 03:38 PM
Best Coaching Site for Limit Holdem SH / Fullring ?
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09-06-2012 , 12:16 AM
Ive been members of DC and cardrunners, any other recommendations for a HUNL player?
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09-06-2012 , 05:03 AM
How are the MTT videos on PokerVT?
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09-06-2012 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by purrretrog
Ive been members of DC and cardrunners, any other recommendations for a HUNL player?
Pokerstrategy is pretty good nowadays, I really like the Insyder19 videos.
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09-13-2012 , 01:09 PM
On many pokersites you have a lot of choice to which trainingsite you'd like to go . But , do any of you know much trainingsites linked with pokerstars ? I know only one : Was wondering if there are more out there ? Thanks in advance .
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