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09-21-2013 , 03:31 AM
Hi Guys, I am looking for coaching.I am a 6 max micro stakes player & mtt player looking to improve and move up. I am using ptr4 and playing mainly on stars. 40k+ hands a month. skype at xmyxbox or IM. Thanks
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09-21-2013 , 01:38 PM
looking for a coach for live mtts and online mtts. looking to improve anyway i can. As of right now i just travel and play live mtts and also on the merge network. I can put as many hands in as needed and have a pretty much complete open schedule if i am not at a live tournament around the east coast. Preferably someone from long island or close to there but willing to skype or do whatever. inbox me if interested

Also live i play anything up to 1k buyins although i did play the Borgota main that just passed
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09-23-2013 , 06:30 AM

im interested in getting personal pokertraining from somebody. i already worked with somebody for tournament strategie but would like to learn more about cash games and in particular about zoom. im a small winning player in these games but feel i could improve a lot more.

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09-23-2013 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by gjanne

im interested in getting personal pokertraining from somebody. i already worked with somebody for tournament strategie but would like to learn more about cash games and in particular about zoom. im a small winning player in these games but feel i could improve a lot more.

Hello there gjanne,

Thank you for posting in the forums. Unfortunately, your PM privileges have not been activated yet, due to low post count. The number of posts required for that to happen is really small.

So feel free to either contribute by increasing your post count, or leave some contact information in the thread (like your e-mail or skype name) so that you can be contacted directly.

I hope that helps!
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09-27-2013 , 02:32 AM
Hey friends,

Not sure if I'm in the right place, feel free to move/delete.

I'm looking for a coach or just someone I can discuss hands with through chat or Skype, or even e-mail. I will of course pay you for your time.

A little background and what I'm looking for:

I play only live cash games, in Brazil, where I live and work a full time job. I'm not looking to go pro or anything, I would just like to beat the 2/5 game here consistantly and perhaps be a better all round cash player. I have virtually no interest in online play anymore and I play because I like it, not because I need the money. I'm 38 years old and in no way a naturally gifted player, but I work hard to improve my game and I'm very eager to learn.

I have previously taken lessons from Peter "Jaxtraw" Falk, specifically for improving my tournament play (worked out great, highly recommended), and through him I sat in a lesson from Ansky. This however was way to technical for this game.

When I say I play 2/5, it's the only game in town basically. So I cannot alter games and there are basically no game selection to be had. The player pool is pretty small and I know 80% of the players well enough to have a decent read. The games can be extremely loose and high variance occurs on the reg. The quality of the players vary from extremely bad to solid/decent. Having played a lot of tourneys in Vegas/US in general I would say the general level of play is bad, with some decent exceptions. Few thinking players, a lot of impulse.

I'm looking for someone who can help via Skype or other ways of interweb communication. Lately I have taken notes on hands and will continue to do so. A dedicated coach would be my first option, if not I'm happy to pay someone to go over hands with me and discuss and stuff. There are several areas I need to work on, extensive work to be done etc. If I like the setup I'm happy to invest both time and money into it. I just want some results and the way to go about it is to have someone who knows this look into my game.

Unfortunately I cannot join any groups or whatever because this would have to revolve around my schedule b/c of my work.

Hit me up on PM or here if you're interested or know someone who can help. I'm not necessarily looking for the best out there, but you must know how to beat 1/2 - 2/5 and be able to teach in a good fashion. Given the climate in this business these days I will probably do some background checking before committing.

I'm on Brasilia time zone btw.

Thank you and sorry for the TL;DR.
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09-29-2013 , 11:23 AM
looking for a small to mid stakes PLO coach.
pm me please
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10-01-2013 , 10:59 AM
looking for 6max hypers low-mid stakes coach

pm me
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10-01-2013 , 08:05 PM
I'm looking for a coach. One who can break concepts down and adapt to the student's learning style rather than expect the student to adapt to them. Eg: a lot of players really get off on crunching numbers - I do not.

I'm looking for a 10NL tuition but as a tourney/SNG player at heart if there's anyone tearing it up and think they can train even a chimp then let me know.

a) I spent 3 years trying to learn and not be a donk but was break even at best.
b) I paid a well known guru for help yet still failed to be a winning player.
c) My dream is to eventually average £1000 ($1550) a month so not exactly shooting for the stars.

I read magazines & books, preferred tourney/SNGs, adopted a TAG style, got a grasp of poker odds and ICM yet was break even at best. Even with tiotion from a top SNG guru. I changed to cash for a more stable grind but when reading hand analysis threads I’d come to the wrong conclusions. All the good players would be thinking one thing and I’d be thinking another.

As much as I love tourneys I think cash is the way to go with tourneys as weekly treats for entertainment. As poker is tax free in England, an average of £250 ($375) a month would make a big difference to my quality of life and £1000 ($1550) a month would change it completely.

Thanks in advance

Last edited by SundownInRetreat; 10-01-2013 at 08:15 PM.
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10-01-2013 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by SundownInRetreat
I'm looking for a coach. One who can break concepts down and adapt to the student's learning style rather than expect the student to adapt to them. Eg: a lot of players really get off on crunching numbers - I do not.

a) I spent 3 years reading magazines, books & forums trying to learn and not be a donk but was break even at best.
b) I paid a well known guru for help yet still failed to be a winning player.
c) I love tourneys & SNGs but am looking to switch to cash.
e) I have modest goals - my dream is to eventually average £1000 ($1550) a month so not exactly shooting for the stars.

I subscribed to 2 poker magazines, read some books, preferred tourney/SNGs, adopted a primarily ABC tag style, got a basic grasp of poker odds, ICM and the need for a long-game perspective yet a few notable final tables/wins apart, was break even at best.

So I paid for tuition with an SNG goo-roo and even according to magazine quizzes I had a fairly good grasp of the mechanics but still no profit. I changed to cash for a more stable grind but when reading hand analysis threads I’d come to the wrong conclusions. All the good players would be thinking one thing in terms of opponent hand ranges and best play and I’d be thinking another.

This site also posted a quiz to test your mind/personality. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all the good players were coming out as analytical & mathematical whilst I was tagged as artistic & creative (I’m a writer and a musician).

As much as I love tourneys I think cash is the way to go with tourneys as weekly treats for entertainment. As poker is tax free in England, an average of £250 ($375) a month would make a big difference to my quality of life and £1000 ($1550) a month would change it completely.

Thanks in advance
Hello there SundownInRetreat,

and welcome to the 2+2 coaching forums. Also, thank you for your very descriptive post as I am sure it will give all coaches a much better understanding of what you are looking for and hopefully they will be able to help you. I wish all posts were that descriptive!

Unfortunately, your PM privileges have not been activated yet, due to low post count. The number of posts required for that to happen is really small.

So feel free to either contribute by increasing your post count, or leave some contact information in the thread (like your e-mail or skype name) so that you can be contacted directly.

I hope that helps!
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10-02-2013 , 03:41 AM
Thanks for the heads up. My email is
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10-05-2013 , 05:49 PM

I have been playing poker a while, my user name is ladynoob (partypoker).

I play only MMT's, unless i'm drunk then i blow my stack on cash tables, but recently i have been able to control this.

My question is about the late stages of an MTT, average players around 200-500, by in is around 20$

I always seem to go out in the stage between the bubble and the final table, i seem to keep finishing around 15th 11th, 18th, 22nd ect.

Please can you give me some advice on how to play with;

Medium stack
Large stack

I seem to be going out on KK QQ alot, shud i consider folding big hand at these stages to make the final table.

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10-08-2013 , 07:19 PM
Hello Guys and Gals I am a newcomer to the forums however I have played poker for about 7 years now. I am in the process of getting a divorce and would like to supplement my child support($600/month) with some online poker.
I think I can realistically make $1000/month starting out only playing 2 tables and gradually working my way up after I get very comfortable with 2 tabling. I feel with this thread and posting daily it will help keep me from tilting as bad and stick to my plan that I am going to have for myself. I want all of you to help me in anyway possible. I would love some coaching or just basic guidance on best FREE software to track winnings and hands. I am playing on BOVADA and generally like the site mostly BC I cashed out $500 and got it into my bank account by check within 7 days. I'm a US player so this is HUGE!! I have a detailed plan but do need some help making realistic goals and need some common practices to keeping your concentration, cutting your losses for the day, and best tilting practices.
I have played online poker in the past with a large amount a variance. I was the typical donkey who played to many hands and didn't understand position or bankroll management. With my recent $50 to $500 in a week I feel I can be a winning player on BOVADA but need you guys to keep me focused on my goals and also help me out because I am a newb to this bein disciplined stuff.

So here is my plan:

I have $500 on BOVADA right now that if I lose I am done with online poker forever. I just feel if I cant keep my wits about me and go down in limits and learn from a $500 bankroll I probably cant be self disciplined enough in the long run to win at online poker. I do have a full time job that supports me well however I could use the extra money really bad.
1)Play 10-15 hrs a week 5 to 6 days a week
2)Take 1 Day to study my game and hand history
3)Play 25NL
4)2 Tables to start till I feel confident I can handle 3 then so on to 4 tables
5)If I lose more than 4 buy ins I will quit for the day
6)I will take a break every 2 hours to get my focus back. Min 1 hour break!
7)Whatever I make over $500 a month half of it will go to my poker roll and the other half will go to bills that are owed. Obviously the first $500 will go to child support since that is the reason for this in the first place.

My email is if anyone wants to volunteer to help coach/guide me to my goal.

I really appreciate the feedback bc this is serious to me.
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10-09-2013 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Flash2717
Hello Guys and Gals I am a newcomer to the forums however I have played poker for about 7 years now. I am in the process of getting a divorce and would like to supplement my child support($600/month) with some online poker.
I think I can realistically make $1000/month starting out only playing 2 tables and gradually working my way up after I get very comfortable with 2 tabling. I feel with this thread and posting daily it will help keep me from tilting as bad and stick to my plan that I am going to have for myself. I want all of you to help me in anyway possible. I would love some coaching or just basic guidance on best FREE software to track winnings and hands. I am playing on BOVADA and generally like the site mostly BC I cashed out $500 and got it into my bank account by check within 7 days. I'm a US player so this is HUGE!! I have a detailed plan but do need some help making realistic goals and need some common practices to keeping your concentration, cutting your losses for the day, and best tilting practices.
I have played online poker in the past with a large amount a variance. I was the typical donkey who played to many hands and didn't understand position or bankroll management. With my recent $50 to $500 in a week I feel I can be a winning player on BOVADA but need you guys to keep me focused on my goals and also help me out because I am a newb to this bein disciplined stuff.

So here is my plan:

I have $500 on BOVADA right now that if I lose I am done with online poker forever. I just feel if I cant keep my wits about me and go down in limits and learn from a $500 bankroll I probably cant be self disciplined enough in the long run to win at online poker. I do have a full time job that supports me well however I could use the extra money really bad.
1)Play 10-15 hrs a week 5 to 6 days a week
2)Take 1 Day to study my game and hand history
3)Play 25NL
4)2 Tables to start till I feel confident I can handle 3 then so on to 4 tables
5)If I lose more than 4 buy ins I will quit for the day
6)I will take a break every 2 hours to get my focus back. Min 1 hour break!
7)Whatever I make over $500 a month half of it will go to my poker roll and the other half will go to bills that are owed. Obviously the first $500 will go to child support since that is the reason for this in the first place.

My email is if anyone wants to volunteer to help coach/guide me to my goal.

I really appreciate the feedback bc this is serious to me.
  • 500 with no reloads is not enough of a roll for 25 especially if you are not a reg
  • free coaches are probably free cause they dont make $$ playing poker and just want someone to talk about poker so I would be careful with that.... cause your prob just going to learn bad ideas/habbits and confuse yourself
  • check software forum for free software
  • 2 tables = max 200 hands / hr.... * 50 hours a month = 10,000 hands 3bb/100 which is pretty good for a beginner your going to average $75/month at which point you will prob lose your mind and tilt off your roll cause ur not making $1k.... prob should figure stuff like that out and set realistic goals
  • cashing out your roll every month is a terrible idea
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10-09-2013 , 01:26 AM
^ Guys,

I would like to remind you that this is a forum strictly for potential students that seek coaching, not for poker advice.

The correct place for coaching advice is here:

And the correct place for posting your progress is here:

Having said that, your info is very useful Flash, and I would expect that you will be contacted by a lot of coaches shortly.

Also, kash munni's perspective is spot on so I would take his words very seriously.

The bottom line is this:

- Making money in poker is not as easy as many people make it sound
- Appropriate Bankroll Management is Absolutely essential to avoid Risk of Ruin.
- You will get what you pay for. Investing in a good coach is a great idea but I would be skeptical with anyone that charges less than their winrate (if they truly have any).

Last but not least, my advice as a professional is this:

Before hiring anybody, try to feel the coach out. Pick up the phone and arrange a 20 minute skype session with them and ask as many questions as you can to see how they think. You don't have to be an expert to understand if someone is logically sound and if their approach to the game makes sense. If yes, buy a few hours with them and see how it goes, if not then move to the next person.

I hope that helps,
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10-09-2013 , 01:58 AM
Absolutely Amazing feedback guys. I kind of felt like some of the things I was thinking was way off. This is why I am asking for help with all of this.. I have decided to drop down to 10NL to start and do not care how much I make now. I just want to make this life/poker change a legit one. I have spoken to couple of coaches one which I spoke to on SKYPE. its 225 for 5 sessions.
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10-12-2013 , 02:06 PM
Looking for a longer term mental/mindset coach. I have been a winner for years but am still struggling with the mental side of the game. Especially in game. I am very aware of what is wrong and need someone to help me overcome it. I am not paying for someone to read me Jared Tendler's book. I have read it, thought it was great, but didn't do enough work to get the info into my unconscious competence.
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10-15-2013 , 10:47 AM
Hi there. I play 100nl fullring and sometimes when i don't find good tables 6max.I play with 40bb lately but i also have lots of hands with 100bb. I am not a winning player at this stake and that's why i need a good coach that understands both strategyes ans can help me becoming a winning player. I know YourDoom does this but the is way to expensive(300euros/hour) for my poket.
Please let me know a good and affordable coach.
Thank you.
You PM me or answer here as well.
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10-15-2013 , 10:51 AM
i would be interested in something like this too. maybe inbetween
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10-16-2013 , 12:13 PM

I've been playing a lot of speed NL10 on Ipoker lately, but for whatever reason, I cannot seem to beat the games. I am doing ok with rb, but over 150k hands or so, I am losing solid 2bb / 100. I am not new to poker and I really cannot figure out why would this be happening. It could be potentially just variance, but I am starting to get worried.

Anywho, my HEM stats are 23/16.7/5.5, my fold to 3bet is something I have been working on lately, so that's still varying.

The thing is I cannot afford to pay the coach atm, but if there is someone willing to help out there, I'd be extremely grateful and I am willing to make a deal down the road, like, if someone can really improve my game and point out what it is that I am doing wrong, I'd be willing to make some kind of future commitment to them or smthng along those lines.

I am putting in the hours of play and I have no problem with grinding, but it would be nice to finally start winning pre rb.

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10-16-2013 , 08:59 PM
no longer needed
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10-17-2013 , 01:53 AM
Hey, I'm a micro mtt player and mttsng
player. I have played a lot of cash and have
made the transition to tournies over the last
three months filling up the screen with mtt sngs.

I have recently scored a WSOP ME package and
since its a once in a life time opportunity I want to
prepare for the event by playing online and live

I would like to test the waters to begin with, by chatting
over Skype before committing to a long term coaching

I have a lot of areas I need improving and willing to put in
the time. I would like a coach that breaks down the game
in all aspects. I am a small winning playing over the last three
months with room for improvement.

My budget is $500 which I'd like to get 6 1hr+ lessons minimum.
I would also like to use you as a reference for staking
applications post coaching lessons (after we've worked
together for a while of course and I've put in volume

Please add luke.toombs to Skype. Pm me here as well
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10-17-2013 , 06:02 AM
Oh sorry i created this thread

I'm playing the 6m Hypers on stars 1.5$ and 3.5$. But at the 3.5$ I really suck...

who would you recommend ?

Thanks for you help !
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10-20-2013 , 02:20 AM
looking for a 6max hyper coach ($7-$15 games)
pm me
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10-20-2013 , 03:38 PM
I am looking to move from sngs to 6max cash. Looking to do a profit share deal. Ill put in good volume and study hard. Ive been doin ok, but want to take it to a pro level. My sng roi is 9% so I'm not a complete bozo.
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10-21-2013 , 07:40 AM
Hello pll i am had 2 session with a coach that i find him from here,he is awesome etc and i learn ton of stuff talking with him.But now my finances bad and i can pay for session.I need a guy how will coach me very frequently and take some % from my profits.Atm i crushing nl10 at ps and i want this guy beat at least nl100 on pokerstars!

I dedicate 10 hours per day at poker(play + study) and i play 150k-250k hands per month.
This is my thread and my yearly bb graph playing nl2-nl10(most of them 24 tabling)

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