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05-29-2008 , 02:08 PM

Hope u and your family are safe bro!

Earthquake in Iceland

Last edited by 4_2_it; 05-29-2008 at 02:13 PM.
05-29-2008 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Snipe
Befriend hippy and use him as a pivot. Its much easier to befriend some random guy at the gym than cold sarge a random dude. Ask him if you saw him at an alternative energy symposium and the ask if he wants to share your granola n talk about The Dead.
this could back fire and lead to -EV group sex propositions. Just saying any girl whose friends with a hippy has to have a nasty side to her.....and as for the guy, well he's a hippy so you know he's down to share.

I'm not against the tag team on principle but not with no hippy.....they're bad people
05-29-2008 , 02:39 PM
It's like 80% she's with the hippy goof.

Plus, even if she isn't, he's going to be a bitch of a cockblock

give uppppppp

or write her a letter.
05-29-2008 , 02:43 PM

Plan B: Have one of your buddies hit the hippy in the head with an "errant" pass (preferably knocking him unconscious). Then while everyone is attending to the hippy, you can chat up the chick.
05-29-2008 , 02:47 PM
Try hitting her.
05-29-2008 , 03:12 PM
Ra_z, you never responded to my last post in here. i want to bet on apprentice, you game?
05-29-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Try hitting her.

cells survived the night! snap. unfortunately i took a shot at 1/2 last night and lost about 6 bi's in 500 hands.

flopped 4 sets and LOST ALL 4 the most frustrating of which was a 346 flop (hero: 44), turn 2, river 5 (villain ****ing K7 called raise oop pf and check called pot-sized bets on flop and turn)

flopped trips on a 644 board, run into 66, std

severe blow to my roll but the game seems very beatable as long as you dont run like dog****
05-29-2008 , 06:13 PM
I just want to say that without a doubt i have one of the most unusual/ ****ed up girl situations in the world. if only there was some way to dispose of her and no one knew what happened to her... my life would be 1000% easier
05-29-2008 , 06:24 PM
Don't be a tease, now. Come, tell us...
05-29-2008 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by stonescar
Don't be a tease, now. Come, tell us...
Only because I wanted to listen to one more song before I went to study....

After 3 awesome years we broke up due to long distance after college. Neither of us really got over it. We each did the things you're supposed to do- other relationships, drunk hook-ups, etc. and nothing really worked. For the last 4 months or so (we've been broken up for 9 or something) we've talked about every 2 weeks or so, rarely longer than that or more frequently, and it's just a **** show. a few weeks ago we figured we should meet in person and either realize we ought to just get back together, or hate each other so we can stop thinking about this garbage and move on a little easier. so we bought some plane tickets and i'll be there in a week. this morning she calls and asks, after we had an awesome conversation last night, if i had a girlfriend. i say, no. she says she thought i did, and i say i used to, but not for a month or so. i ask why, and obv she tells me that she has a boyfriend, and she thought it'd be ok to spend a weekend with me if we were both being shady behind someone's back. so now i'm like wtf, the last thing i want to do is get involved in this **** so I told her I wasn't coming to visit her anymore. So maybe this will be like the **** it takes for it to 'finally' be over. (crosses fingers). thing that's so annoying, is since i'm a poker pro (lame, i know) i have so much time, $, and flexibility where I live, so it's really hard to get caught up in work/real life. since i don't have a real life. so i'm enrolled in law school for the fall. but i don't want to go, it's like a thing i'd do to get out of the mindset that we can get back together, because if i was tied down somewhere for school then i could ignore her calls, get on with my life and focus my energy on something else. It's just unfortunate that i don't know if law school is what I want to do, or just something I'd do to close this stupid chapter of my life once and for all. it'd be so much easier if someone i knew told me she wasn't hot anymore, that her boobs are saggy and she's pregnant and has aids. Then i'd be like, ok, adios. but that doesn't seem too likely.
05-29-2008 , 06:58 PM
Is this the chick that lives in Marin or SF or wherever over here?
05-29-2008 , 07:33 PM
i think i may almost be motivated to start grinding again, I guess I'll wait to June 1st. Think I'll buy HEM and set that up and get it going. I've been on a bender since I took a break and I think I'm ready to get off of it lol. I agree with manupod that dealing with girl **** is ridiculous especially if you are just playing pro and have endless amount of time. I found myself drunk the other night texting the girl I hooked up with pretty much as a mind exercise and I felt ridiculous lol. In a few more days my ex's "husband" flies back overseas to the homeland and I'm anticipating a call this will also be a good mind exercise and wouldn't mind some physical too bahaha. Heading to the bar and then to a few softball games can't beat it.
05-29-2008 , 07:58 PM
I can recall you telling about her, and I can relate to some of it.

Being involved in something, whatever really, just to meet new people is good. So what if law school isn't your thing - just quit. It's better to have tried it. Still, I think the most important part is making up your mind, for real. Willpower is an awesome thing, if you can just make the decision. Obv, I can't tell you what's right, but you sound like you have an idea, by the wording of your post. You definately made the right decision about avoiding her shady game.

Don't know if you can relate to it, but what I found to be most important - after seeing other girls but not really making it work - was that there's no rush to find a replacement. I needed to focus on myself, enjoying and appreciating who I am. Good (male) friends became more important, and I started to accept that I can't control when I meet another girl - and I even realized that's part of what makes love so special, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

All in all, I've come to appreciate life more for what it is. Having a positive mindset, and really making the best of every situation equals a world of difference. Do what you want to do, life is so full of opportunities, and the biggest hindrance is our own preconceptions. Whatever you choose to do about the girl situation, try to live life by your own rules, and don't let her hold you back.
05-29-2008 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Is this the chick that lives in Marin or SF or wherever over here?

ya, i'll be out there in a week, either to see her or to make use of my ticket and mess around in the bay. hmm....
05-29-2008 , 08:04 PM

i agree w/ regards to everything. but when i wake up when i want, do what i want, live where i want, etc it's tough to get over someone/something because there isn't some rigid schedule/boss/work/school something going on. it's all up to me.
05-29-2008 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Berky
Seriously how do people around here get motivated to study for exams. I have 0 motivation it's so bad.
postpone everything until last moment, realise a boatload of cafeine and an allnighter will ship you a nice grade, gogogogogogooggogogoogo
05-29-2008 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by manupod
and obv she tells me that she has a boyfriend, and she thought it'd be ok to spend a weekend with me if we were both being shady behind someone's back
it's kinda cool but kinda messed up that she gets off on quasi-cheating. Actually it's probably pretty standard.
05-29-2008 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by manupod
Only because I wanted to listen to one more song before I went to study....

After 3 awesome years we broke up due to long distance after college. Neither of us really got over it. We each did the things you're supposed to do- other relationships, drunk hook-ups, etc. and nothing really worked. For the last 4 months or so (we've been broken up for 9 or something) we've talked about every 2 weeks or so, rarely longer than that or more frequently, and it's just a **** show. a few weeks ago we figured we should meet in person and either realize we ought to just get back together, or hate each other so we can stop thinking about this garbage and move on a little easier. so we bought some plane tickets and i'll be there in a week. this morning she calls and asks, after we had an awesome conversation last night, if i had a girlfriend. i say, no. she says she thought i did, and i say i used to, but not for a month or so. i ask why, and obv she tells me that she has a boyfriend, and she thought it'd be ok to spend a weekend with me if we were both being shady behind someone's back. so now i'm like wtf, the last thing i want to do is get involved in this **** so I told her I wasn't coming to visit her anymore. So maybe this will be like the **** it takes for it to 'finally' be over. (crosses fingers). thing that's so annoying, is since i'm a poker pro (lame, i know) i have so much time, $, and flexibility where I live, so it's really hard to get caught up in work/real life. since i don't have a real life. so i'm enrolled in law school for the fall. but i don't want to go, it's like a thing i'd do to get out of the mindset that we can get back together, because if i was tied down somewhere for school then i could ignore her calls, get on with my life and focus my energy on something else. It's just unfortunate that i don't know if law school is what I want to do, or just something I'd do to close this stupid chapter of my life once and for all. it'd be so much easier if someone i knew told me she wasn't hot anymore, that her boobs are saggy and she's pregnant and has aids. Then i'd be like, ok, adios. but that doesn't seem too likely.
the sex must have really been amazing to warrant keeping a foot in this insanity
05-29-2008 , 10:29 PM
stuck at DIA right now, hour or so tilll i have to go so might as well start my euro trip report now. will do them in segments. maybe i should type them in the main cheese but f them lifers rock. will start segment 1 now.
05-29-2008 , 10:30 PM
cheese thread > life thread >> main threads

although life thread is pretty damn good itself
05-29-2008 , 10:50 PM
Okay so me and roomie's sister were meeting roomie over in Barcelona. He had been studying in Spain for the last 3 months abroad and ended school a few weeks earlier. Our 17ish day trip was planned on Barcelona, Paris, then Italy. We used eurail passes to get around and stayed in hostels. I'll write some stuff I learned on my travels (Dos/Donts) for those Americans who want to travel to Europe in the future.

So we left on May 10th or 11th or something like that. The flight was long as I could not really sleep very much on the plane (Roomie's sister (RS) got to sleep no problem). We first started in Barcelona and stayed in Hostel Paris, a ghetto ****ing place with little ventilation. It was stuffy and lame, though it was on a great location (Ramblas street) and close to alot of big stuff.

So we didn't do a whole lot the first night. We got in, got settled, walked around town and went to bed early. But met briefly with one of Roomie's friends who he met while abroad in Malaga, Spain. Hung out for a bit then slept. To be honest, we didn't really go out very much whilst in Europe. Pretty lame I know, but we were always so worn out from getting up early and touring every place. The conversion rates were killing my friends too, as they are relatively busto. So no real crazy bar stories.

The second day we met up with Roomies (R) friends. we toured around and went to various churches and other sites.

Here is one more :

its so horrible though because I don't remember the names of alot of these cathedrals and such. This one was very cool though.

here is one more of all of us. R's friend's boyfriend, R's friend, me, roomie, RS.

we also did guell park (sp?) which was a large park with cool structures.

along Ramblas St. there were alot of cool costume people. Pretty much make their living from tips and such. There was this great Michael Jackson impersonator who did all the dances/moves to Billie Jean which was really cool, but I didn't have my camera at the time.

I got my picture with my Asian bretheran though:

Anyways, not a whole lot in Barcelona. The last day we went to the beach. We spent a few days in Barcelona, not too long. Ate Paella (the national dish) which was rice, seafood and other stuff. Didn't really like it much and was pretty sure I wasn't going to due to its contents but had to try it anyways.

This internet is really inconsistent and ghetto so I'll post this now. This is just Barcelona, will start on the rest in a bit.
05-29-2008 , 10:51 PM
Paris next
05-29-2008 , 10:53 PM
ugh life thread is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cheese thread imo

zomg tptk do i bet gets old pretty quick, facebooking sisters does not...

**** I have an 18 yo sister, I also have a shotgun
05-29-2008 , 10:54 PM
cheese thread has a lot more bull****ting going on, which i find hilarious. it also has fgators occassionally, which adds a lot of hilarity
05-29-2008 , 10:55 PM
We went on the eurail, which is a nice cheap way to travel europe when bought in packages. it can be a bitch sometimes to reserve tickets and such but overall i think its useful and smart to use eurail when traveling europe.

had to sit next to a creepy 'rab.

anyways, paris is probably the prettiest city i saw while in europe. the monuments and buildings are so cool.

and **** me, im boarding now so i will have to finish this after. see you guys in a few hours.
