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I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS.

03-09-2011 , 07:12 PM
I've lurked H&F for a long time, and after a couple of previous false starts at SS, I figured I'd make a log and finally knuckle down and do this for real. Hopefully you guys can help me.


I am 27 years old and have always been super skinny. I have no real history of weight training. I'm 5'9'', and I've weighed virtually the same weight -- 135 pounds -- since high school. My metabolism is like a furnace, and until recently I was a pretty dedicated long-distance runner. A few months ago, I stopped running -- in part because of a knee injury, and in part because of my desire to gain weight. Which brings me to....


Get (a lot) stronger! Gain (a lot of) weight! Basically stop being a twig.


I am doing the Starting Strength "Practical Programming Novice Program," mainly because I don't know how to do power cleans and this program doesn't require any cleans. I've done three workouts so far, and here they are:

Starting weight: 136.0

Workout #1
squat: 3x5x115
bench: 3x5x75
chin-ups: 5/4/3

Workout #2
squat: 3x5x125
press: 3x5x65 [but failed on the last rep of the last set]
deadlift: 1x5x145

Workout #3
squat: 3x5x135
bench: 3x5x85
pull-ups: 5/2/3

As you can see from those numbers, I have a long way to go! But I am already starting to feel slightly less twig-like.


I have read the SS wiki and watched all the videos, but I'm still iffy on some form issues. I will try to post some form-check videos soon. In addition, one of my challenges is eating the massive amount of food that I'm supposed to be consuming. Before I started SS, I would often eat one enormous meal in the late afternoon or evening, and then have a big helping of seconds a few hours later, but I wouldn't eat very much at all during the rest of the day. So I've been struggling to adapt to a routine of eating lots of calories consistently throughout the day. It is a surprising amount of work to do all that cooking/eating! I'm going to try to start posting my meal plans here in order to see if I'm eating enough and hold myself accountable.

A couple of other specific things from my first few workouts:

My lower back was pretty sore after deadlifting. Is this normal? I tried my absolute best not to round my back, and I think I succeeded, but since I can't see myself I can't be sure. I'll try to record myself soon and get some videos up. The soreness went away after one day but then returned during my next workout after squatting.

Also, when I bench I feel it intensely in my arms but not very much at all in my chest. I expected to feel it a lot more in my chest. Thoughts?
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-09-2011 , 07:27 PM
Check out Carl Sagan's SS log. He has done a good job of eating+gaining a lot on his lifts.

You're pretty much gonna get out of this what you put into, you're in a good spot to see some pretty great gains if you stick with the program.

Get some vids up of you form for some feedback and GL/
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-09-2011 , 07:29 PM
Some lower back soreness might be expected after DL, especially for a novice. But it should disappear within a day or two. If not, you might have tweaked something.

Things I had to keep in mind when I started Deadlifting:
1. Keep your chest out as you start the lift. Focusing on this gets you in better position than focusing on "sitting back."
2. Drive/push off the heels, starting the lift with your legs. The initial movement should not come from your back.
3. Imagine that your hips are a hinge as the lift progresses, moving from a "closed" to an "open" position. Focus on pushing the hips forward, not on bringing/pulling your shoulders back, which can pinch the lower back.

As for benching, you won't always necessarily feel it in your chest. Your grip can also affect this. Easiest way to tell is looking at a vid. But just because it doesn't "burn" doesn't mean you aren't doing it right or using your chest.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 12:04 AM
wow we have very similar body types/lift strength. (5'9" 130) I just started SS too. GL bro.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 12:09 AM
i like the name of your log
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 12:40 AM
Go go go op ghlhf.

And in addition to JF's suggestion to look up Carl Sagan's log, try and find that BrentMusherberger guy's log. He was disgustingly skinny and got some muscles.

Edit: Here you go
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
i like the name of your log
Lolllll, not sure how I missed that.

I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Damon Rutherford
I have read the SS wiki and watched all the videos, but I'm still iffy on some form issues
I'm assuming you mean vids linked on the wiki + youtube? You really need to get the book and preferably the DVD as well. The wiki and youtube vids are not enough. Posting form vids will help of course, but not getting the book/DVD is your biggest hindrance to good form.

Originally Posted by Damon Rutherford
In addition, one of my challenges is eating the massive amount of food that I'm supposed to be consuming. Before I started SS, I would often eat one enormous meal in the late afternoon or evening, and then have a big helping of seconds a few hours later, but I wouldn't eat very much at all during the rest of the day. So I've been struggling to adapt to a routine of eating lots of calories consistently throughout the day. It is a surprising amount of work to do all that cooking/eating! I'm going to try to start posting my meal plans here in order to see if I'm eating enough and hold myself accountable
You really sound like the ideal candidate for GOMAD (for once).

Awesome log name, good luck going forwards.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 04:34 PM
Wow, thanks for all the encouragement and support. It definitely helps me stay dedicated.

Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
Check out Carl Sagan's SS log. He has done a good job of eating+gaining a lot on his lifts.
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
And in addition to JF's suggestion to look up Carl Sagan's log, try and find that BrentMusherberger guy's log. He was disgustingly skinny and got some muscles.
Yeah, I am very familiar with both Carl Sagan's log and Brent Musberger's log. Both helped inspire me to buckle down and do this. Thanks Carl and Brent!

Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
Things I had to keep in mind when I started Deadlifting:
1. Keep your chest out as you start the lift. Focusing on this gets you in better position than focusing on "sitting back."
2. Drive/push off the heels, starting the lift with your legs. The initial movement should not come from your back.
3. Imagine that your hips are a hinge as the lift progresses, moving from a "closed" to an "open" position. Focus on pushing the hips forward, not on bringing/pulling your shoulders back, which can pinch the lower back.
This is very helpful. Thanks.

Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
wow we have very similar body types/lift strength. (5'9" 130) I just started SS too. GL bro.
Thanks man; right back at ya. I just found your log and subscribed. Let's both keep this up.

Originally Posted by kkcountry
i like the name of your log
Ha, thanks. I nearly posted pictures of various forms of timber in the OP, but figured that'd be overkill.

Originally Posted by Soulman
I'm assuming you mean vids linked on the wiki + youtube? You really need to get the book and preferably the DVD as well. The wiki and youtube vids are not enough. Posting form vids will help of course, but not getting the book/DVD is your biggest hindrance to good form.

You really sound like the ideal candidate for GOMAD (for once).
Yes, good point, I know I need to get the book and DVD. I'll order them ASAP.

And I'm glad you brought up GOMAD. I've been trying to drink more whole milk, but here's the thing. I find it very difficult to drink that much milk. I never really drank milk in the past, and I guess I don't like the stuff all that much. I'm up to about 3 or 4 glasses a day right now, but the thought of drinking an entire gallon a day seems pretty gross to me. However: I am gradually consuming more, so maybe I just need to build up slowly.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 04:51 PM
Yeah, building up tolerance for the GOMAD will work. It's not essential to use milk, but it's cheap, has solid macros (and micros) and liquid calories are more easily ingested. Once you get used to it that is
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 06:47 PM
I did 1/2 GOMAD throughout SS and ate 3 decently big meals along with some snacks and whatnot. Probably hit anywhere from 3000kcals on non workout days to 3500 on workout days. Just keep up the 3 or 4 glasses of milk a day and eat good, you'll be set. GL to ya.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-10-2011 , 07:35 PM
hit up loads of protein shakes!
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-12-2011 , 03:16 AM
Workout #4 -- 3/11/11

squat: 3x5x135
press: 3x5x65
chin-ups: 5/4/3

Well this was sort of a phony workout because I'm in Atlantic City for the weekend and had to use the gym at the Borgata, which I'd heard was nice, but it turned out that it lacked proper free weights. It didn't have a squat rack or power rack, just a dumb smith machine. So I did my squats on that for the hell of it, even though I've been lurking here long enough to know that smith-machine squats are essentially worthless. The gym did have a free barbell, so I was able to do the press by "cleaning" (I use the word liberally) the bar up to my chest. On the bright side, I did pig out on casino food all day.

Looking forward to getting back in my regular gym on Sunday.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-13-2011 , 07:38 PM
I like that OP is one of those people that has actually lurked on H&F rather than one of those people who just say they have.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-15-2011 , 12:50 AM
Workout #5 -- 3/14/11

squat: 3x5x145 (+10)
bench: 3x5x90 (+5)
deadlift: 3x5x155 (+10)

Squat and bench were both quite tough, but nonetheless felt really good. My deadlift feels awkward and all over the place; I have no confidence in my form. I was going to try to shoot some videos today, but the gym was an absolute zoo and it wasn't feasible. I'll definitely get some videos next time I'm there at an off-peak hour.

Current weight: 141.6
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-17-2011 , 04:13 AM
Workout #6 -- 3/16/11

squat: 3x5x145 (+0)
press: 3x5x70 (+5)
pull-ups: 5/4/4

I think I may have started out too heavy on the squat, because I fear I may already be stalling. Both last workout and this workout I did 145, and both times it was quite tough and I could feel my form wavering. Can't really imagine adding more weight at this point.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-17-2011 , 04:21 AM
Eaaaaat mooooooooooooore
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-17-2011 , 05:06 AM
I know, I know!!! I'm probably not eating enough. Some days I absolutely pig out, but other days I get busy or lazy or whatever and I slack.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-17-2011 , 05:13 AM
I'd probably just do 5 lbs increases on the squat if I were you. Progress will still be very rapid.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-17-2011 , 10:45 AM
Agreed, quite often I would go into the gym thinking I was going to fail but added weight anyway and the lift ended up being easier.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-17-2011 , 01:26 PM
Whats your goal caloric intake each day? Its best to count calories for like 2 weeks to give you a better picture of how much you need to eat. Food will play a huge roll on your progression, so if you're gonna work out hard at the need to make sure you work hard in the kitchen as well.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-17-2011 , 02:23 PM
Gl man, stick with it and you'll definitely see results
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-23-2011 , 05:05 PM
OK I missed one workout and then forgot to update this after my next workout, but I am back in business now. Getting caught up...

Workout #7 -- 3/20/11

squat: 3x5x150
bench: 3x5x95
chin-ups: 5/5/4

Workout #8 -- 3/23/11

squat: 3x5x150
press: 3x5x75
deadlift: 1x5x165

I didn't add any weight to the squat today because last time it felt really shaky. It felt much better today, though.

Today at the gym, some huge guy actually complimented me on my squat form. But I am still skeptical and would like to let the experts here be the judge. Luckily enough, I finally shot some videos today, so have at it! (I'm also going to post these in the main form-check thread.)

I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-23-2011 , 05:16 PM
deads look fine.

squats are pretty good, just try and eliminate that bit of butt-wink. Maybe think about forcing your ass back more on the way down. More work on your hamstrings, less knees coming forward (which they aren't doing heaps, just a little).

Watch the barpath on your press, see how it makes a back-to-front "C"? Try and get it straightened out. Get your head back and chest up.
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
03-23-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I'd probably just do 5 lbs increases on the squat if I were you. Progress will still be very rapid.
Yeah, this sounds good; I will probably do this from here on out.

Originally Posted by Carl Sagan
Whats your goal caloric intake each day? Its best to count calories for like 2 weeks to give you a better picture of how much you need to eat. Food will play a huge roll on your progression, so if you're gonna work out hard at the need to make sure you work hard in the kitchen as well.
Honestly, I don't have a goal caloric intake and have very little sense of how many calories I'm actually getting. I generally just try to eat as much as I can whenever I can, although I admit I sometimes get lazy and don't eat when I should be.

Here, for example, is what I'm eating today (a lifting day):

meal #1:
bowl of oatmeal with fruit
six strips of bacon
glass of milk

meal #2:
can of sardines with crackers
glass of milk

meal #3 (post-workout):
fruit smoothie with yogurt, milk and whey protein

meal #4:
chicken & veggie stir-fry with peanut sauce over rice
glass of milk

"meal" #5:
heaping bowl of ice cream

How does that look? Should I be eating more than this? (I may try to add in a snack or small meal between meal #4 and the ice cream.) Anyone have advice on what my goal should be for daily calories? I've never really counted calories because it seems like a big pain.

Originally Posted by Paul McSwizzle
Gl man, stick with it and you'll definitely see results
I am a twig. This is a log. Help me stick with SS. Quote
