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MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!!

01-24-2012 , 12:34 PM
Good morning/day/evening, ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to the reveal of the latest MSPaint game! It has been a long time since we started this. Some of you might have forgotten you were in this. But finally, here we are, the down chain is finished, and ready to be revealed!
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:34 PM
These are the ladies and gentlemen that have participated in this chain:

Aaronk56's Son
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:35 PM
This is what I sent to Shrug:

MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:37 PM
Shrug sets the scene with a press statement, and reveals the identity of the yellow figure in the background:

Originally Posted by Shrug
By Newsom Grande
Associated Press
Funabashi, Japan

Lauded scientist, Takahiro Murakami, was found dead today in his apartment amid a macabre scene that could best be described as perhaps an experiment gone wrong.

Very little information has been released, but a policeman who spoke to us on condition of anonymity said he had never seen anything like this in his life. "Murakami was found hanging from the ceiling by a long, yellow object that resembled the tail of the mythical Furry Banana Boy. Close by, hovering a few inches off the floor was a school girl who was connected to an unknown contraption via a plastic tube to her sweet, perfectly-shaped navel."

The school girl, who has not yet been identified was rushed to the hospital and her condition has not been released. It is not yet known what was causing her to hover or what the purpose of the machine was.

Although the loss of Murakami has rocked the scientific community, the bigger question is - Does this give credence to the legend of the Furry Banana Boy? Having always taken his place beside Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster--perhaps FBB has finally chosen to to show himself to the world.
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:38 PM
Saeco reminds us that we shouldn't be too excited about FBB's existence:

Originally Posted by saeco
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:42 PM
AaronK56's Son shows us that FBB is, despite his fancy appearance, just like the average leg-amputating backyard murderer:

Originally Posted by AaronK56's Son
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:45 PM
kokiri changes our perspective:

Originally Posted by kokiri

You work the night shift, you get used to seeing some crazy stuff. Cases that make no sense, victims and villains you can't hardly tell apart. You learn to yearn for the long lonely nights when the sun rises on a shift spent reading yesterday's news in someone else's discarded paper. When the phone rings, your heart drops a little.

I dropped the receiver back in its cradle, yawned & stretched. I grabbed my coat, took one last swig of cold coffee and was ready to head out. Some uniformed schmo had run across a guy in an alley. Only thing was, guy had cut his own legs off with an axe. And stuffed them in a dumpster 50 feet from where he died. Just another friday night.
And apparently FBB is really good at hiding his traces and leaving behind scenes of suicide!
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:51 PM
WinEvryRacex paints a dark picture of the scene our new hero comes to:

Originally Posted by WinEvryRacex

You arrive at the scene of the crime. Upon examination you find the report to be true, the wounds to the body were self-inflicted. The corpse has no identification, his blood soaked jeans contain only a note with some sort of riddle you cannot decipher.
What drives a man to hack off his owns legs and stuff them in a dumpster, you wonder to yourself as you jot down the details in your notebook. Though you doubt anything useful will come of it, you prepare to question the driver that ran the poor man over.
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:53 PM
officedog reveals our investigator's identity:

Originally Posted by officedog
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 12:56 PM
hibiscus gives us a detailed report by Ian Michael Knott-Wright about the amputee driver. The plot thickens, as it gets more and more confusing

Originally Posted by hibiscus
hibiscus also was kind enough to send me another version for those of us that can't watch videos with copyrighted music on youtube:

MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:04 PM
Biggerboat goes into detail regarding the crime scene investigation...

Originally Posted by biggerboat
As the first officers on the scene began to unroll the crime scene tape to cordon off the ever growing crowd of onlookers, Detective Rock Hardly arrived, sirens blazing. Hardly, a 30 year veteran, had seen it all…………………….or so he thought.

Hardy commanded a crime scene like no other. He was slow and deliberate in everything he did. He punctuated his movements with an occasionally “uh-huh” as if he could actually see how the entire night had unfolded. The other officers were mesmerized by the legend at work. Even the crowd sensed that they were in the presence of greatness.

As he leaned over the charred, tattooed remains, he suddenly felt a tug from behind. It was a dog – a collie, pulling on his shirt ever so gently. The dog obviously wanted the attention of the detective. The dog released Hardy’s shirt and began barking.

“What is it girl?” one of the officers said.

The dog began barking, but it was much more. She seemed to actually be trying to talk to Hardy.

“She’s trying to tell us something” the second officer said.

The dog let out a series of barks. She then repeated the barks.

“Timmy?” “Timmy is in the well?” exclaimed a woman from the crowd. “Yes, she’s saying that Timmy is in the well!”

The dog barked a bark of disgust. She then repeated the original series of barks.

“I’m sure it is Timmy is in the well”, the lady said once again.

The first officer quickly chimed in “the whole town went on city water 5 years ago. I don’t think there’s any more wells. Besides, I don’t recall there being any Timmys around here, do you Jack?”

Jack, the second officer replied “Well, there’s old Tim Jackson down the road but I’d think he was smart enough not to go jumping in a well. Plus, he’s pretty old – I doubt he goes out of the house much at all any more.”

The dog began barking again.

A rather large man further back in the crowd confirmed that it did indeed sound like “Timmy is in the well”. However, he wasn’t quite sure it was exactly “Timmy is in the well”.

“Maybe it’s one of those ticklish gibberish questions.” Another man said.

“Song title maybe – Gimme Shelter?” a voice from the crowd uttered.

“Farmer in the Dell!”

The dog, frustrated beyond belief, began howling. The crowd quieted and once again the dog repeated the original bark sequence.

Jack looked at the first officer. “I can never get those ticklish gibberish questions”. “Yeah, me neither”, the second officer said as the dog began getting more and more frantic.

Rock, who seemingly had been ignoring not only the crowd and the other two officers, but the loudly barking dog, while continuing to examine the body, slowly stood up, pulled out his service revolver and aimed carefully, firing a single bullet into Lassie’s head.

“Somebody call animal control”, Rock mumbled as he went back to the task at hand.
...before showing us who is behind that luminous paint all over the prostheses wearing victim.

Originally Posted by biggerboat

MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:07 PM
McAvoy does a picture description:

Originally Posted by McAvoy
I lack in eloquancy but I want to try and see if I can use words to be as effective at crime scene work as what was given to me. So I'm limiting myself to mere words. Here is the best way I can describe biggerboat's picture.

First imagine a factory / assembly line setting.

in the center of the picture, there are two steel tables that you would see in a factory. I assume that is where they fabricate or assemble stuff.

biggerboats factory seems to be a mannequin factory.

On the first table to the left, there are 3 arms bent at the elbows at 90 degrees

On the second table, there are two prosthetic legs from the knee down.

I've decided that its maybe a prosthetic limb / mannequin factory, not sure which.

There is also a head on the second (right) table, a mannequin head I guess, looking directly at us. It is male, has blue eyes and if it was a person, he looks like he would be a metro sexual.

kind of in front of the tables, semi blocking the view of the legs are 3 torso's. They look to be more manly than female because there don't appear to be breasts but the male is pretty build chest wise. The torso has no hips but it has a part where your lower abdominal area would be with no sexual parts.

Above the table, there appear to be 3 ant assembly workers. The ants have paint brushes in their hands, the one on the very left is holding a yellow paint brush. The one in the middle but still on the left table, is holding a red paint brush but he's painting on the right table even though his body is above the left table.

The third ant is facing left, facing the other two ants, and he's holding a blue paint brush with blue paint on it.

All of the ants have long whisker type things at the top of their heads, the ants are also sort of standing up and not all their limbs.

On the top part of the page is like a chain from what I can only describe similar to a dry cleaner but this has the parts hanging down (prosthetic limbs in this case).

So imagine, a chain of parts.

So on the left half of the page, there are 2 prosthetic arms bent at 90 decrees hanging from the assembly line thingy. Then there is a chat bubble from the very left ant, I forgot to mention that the ant's are all speaking and have chat bubbles. biggerboat's typing is too small. so you can adlib the chat.

Then there is one more prosthetic arm.

Then there are two manequin heads, both looking male with no hair. Also in their foreheads, the first one has a pink circle dot and the second one has a yellow circle dot.

Which brings me to mention something new, all of the hanging limbs from the assembly line are attached with a hook probably (except the heads, you can't see the hooks) and on this side, they are color coded for some reason, each is a different color).

There is a chat box from the second ant partially covering up the second mannequin head. Then there are 3 prosthetic legs from the knee down with feet, I forgot to mention that the legs on the tables also have feet.
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:11 PM
switch0723 changes the scenery to a foreign planet, where huge pump wearing women keep alien and misformed robot pets, and the prosthesis painting ants dream of taking over planet earth instead of spending their life at the assembly line:

Originally Posted by switch0723
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:12 PM
In pocketas227's picture we see the inevitable happen: an alien ant stows away on a space ship cruise to the earth:

Originally Posted by pocketas227
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:17 PM
According to enty the ants have become giant Mickey Mouses with huge tentacles and laser vision, that enslave the human race!

Originally Posted by enty
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:19 PM
aaronk56 spots a difference between the MM monsters:

Originally Posted by aaronk56

Identical Mickey Mouse monsters towered over the chained sad black stick people. Suddenly red rays shot from the Mickey Monsters eyes. The monster weren’t the same after all, one was much, much worse.
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:22 PM
lonely_but_rich paints the last step, in which (by accident?) a MMM ray destroys the chain of one enslaved human:

Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich be continued?
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:22 PM
lol this chain
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:23 PM
And that was it! It seems that the human race had the chance to see the alien-tentacle-mickey-invasion coming, but they were too freaked out about self-amputating people and furry banana boys to see the big picture!

Thank you, everybody, for playing! And for your patience
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 01:45 PM
anti climax !
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:47 PM
Finally! Thanks toedder! What would these games be without body parts and aliens?

Can anyone figure out the message in mine? It's not that hard imo.
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-25-2012 , 06:49 PM
I am so jealous of those that make youtube-worthy submissions

I think we just lost some steam with the huge delays...but good fun as always!
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:38 AM
it took so long and pushed back so fast
feel like most of the people who played havent even seen this yet.
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:15 PM

I freaking love CSI sunglasses guy.

And omg exciting end.
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 11:17 PM
For enty
MSPaint WHN - Fall 2011 - WINTER 2012 REVEALL!!!!!! Quote
