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Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars?

01-06-2009 , 08:11 AM
Hi guys. Sorry if this post isn't in the right place.

Anyway, I am 24-tabling (the max) on Pokerstars and am a regular full ring grinder at 100NL. I "stack" all the 24 windows, but when a very important hand comes up at a specific table, I want to be able to efficiently move that window aside so I can see it while still playing the other tables. I have seen "Belok" do this in his Cardrunners video but am not sure how he is doing it or what Auto hot key script he is using.

If anybody knows which script this is, please let me know. Thanks a lot.
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
01-06-2009 , 09:54 AM
There are many, many scripts to do this. Go through overcards wiki to see some of them.

Here's one that was posted recently in STTF:

;================================================= ============================
;Moving a table to the preset coordinates
;================================================= ============================
IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
WinMove,,, 0, 0


IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
WinMove,,, 0, 500


IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
WinMove,,, 650, 0


IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
WinMove,,, 650, 500
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
01-06-2009 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Hood
There are many, many scripts to do this. Go through overcards wiki to see some of them.

Here's one that was posted recently in STTF:
Could you, or anybody else explain how it works to: "fiddle around with the co-ordinates to match your monitor size (mine has co-ordinates for a 19” monitor)."

I need the co-ordinates for my 22" monitor. That would be great, thx a lot.
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
01-06-2009 , 01:53 PM
just change the values in these lines:

WinMove,,, 650, 0

to what you want. The first is the X co-ordinate. The second is Y. So you can see that the first hotkey moves it to 0, 0 (the top-left of yourscreen) for example.

just try firing up a few tables, changing around the values, reload the script and see where tables move to when you hit the hotkeys
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
01-06-2009 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
just change the values in these lines:

WinMove,,, 650, 0

to what you want. The first is the X co-ordinate. The second is Y. So you can see that the first hotkey moves it to 0, 0 (the top-left of yourscreen) for example.

just try firing up a few tables, changing around the values, reload the script and see where tables move to when you hit the hotkeys
Here's something that might be easier. Instead of using constants for your coordinates and having to "fiddle around" with them until you get it where you want it, use the window size and screen size to figure out where you want to put them.

Code snippet:

SysGet, WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea

win:=WinExist("a")    			; // get handle of active window
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h         		; // get position (use Last Found Window from now on)
xStart%win%:=x, yStart%win%:=y  	; // save position
WinMove,,, WorkAreaRight-w, WorkAreaTop

WinMove,,, xStart%win%, yStart%win%   	; // move back to original position
This code will find the size of your screen and whatever window is active (presumably, the table you're wanting to watch), then it will move that window to the upper right hand corner of your screen when you press PGUP. It will also remember where it was, so that when you press HOME, it will move back to where it came from.

If you think you might have, say, 2 windows at once that you want to watch, here's another snippet:

win:=WinExist("a")    			; // get handle of active window
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h         		; // get position (use Last Found Window from now on)
xStart%win%:=x, yStart%win%:=y  	; // save position
WinMove,,, WorkAreaRight-w, WorkAreaBottom-h
This will move the active window to the right hand bottom of the screen, making sure to present itself above the task bar (if you have one at the bottom). You can copy and paste this into the above code, save it all to an AHK file, and try it out.

This code should work on any monitor at any resolution with no fiddling required. If you're ambitious, you might even want to enlarge the window when it moves to a corner and restore it to its former size when it moves back.

It's not hard to do this kind of thing, but you have to spend some time in the AHK documentation. I splashed around in it for nearly a whole day last week when I decided to learn AHK. It's a pretty impressive piece of work, but the math operations are excruciatingly slow. Most of what you'd want to do in AHK doesn't involve much math, though, so that's not a big deal.
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
01-07-2009 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Weevil99
Here's something that might be easier. Instead of using constants for your coordinates and having to "fiddle around" with them until you get it where you want it, use the window size and screen size to figure out where you want to put them.

Code snippet:

SysGet, WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea

win:=WinExist("a")    			; // get handle of active window
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h         		; // get position (use Last Found Window from now on)
xStart%win%:=x, yStart%win%:=y  	; // save position
WinMove,,, WorkAreaRight-w, WorkAreaTop

WinMove,,, xStart%win%, yStart%win%   	; // move back to original position
This code will find the size of your screen and whatever window is active (presumably, the table you're wanting to watch), then it will move that window to the upper right hand corner of your screen when you press PGUP. It will also remember where it was, so that when you press HOME, it will move back to where it came from.

If you think you might have, say, 2 windows at once that you want to watch, here's another snippet:

win:=WinExist("a")    			; // get handle of active window
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h         		; // get position (use Last Found Window from now on)
xStart%win%:=x, yStart%win%:=y  	; // save position
WinMove,,, WorkAreaRight-w, WorkAreaBottom-h
This will move the active window to the right hand bottom of the screen, making sure to present itself above the task bar (if you have one at the bottom). You can copy and paste this into the above code, save it all to an AHK file, and try it out.

This code should work on any monitor at any resolution with no fiddling required. If you're ambitious, you might even want to enlarge the window when it moves to a corner and restore it to its former size when it moves back.

It's not hard to do this kind of thing, but you have to spend some time in the AHK documentation. I splashed around in it for nearly a whole day last week when I decided to learn AHK. It's a pretty impressive piece of work, but the math operations are excruciatingly slow. Most of what you'd want to do in AHK doesn't involve much math, though, so that's not a big deal.
Thx for your advice, but I put some minutes to "fiddle around" and it works great now...even so a good tip from you.
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
01-07-2009 , 08:04 PM
i cant seem to get the script to work. im new to this stuff but ive read enough to know that im suppose to copy and paste the script onto a notepad and name it .ahk at the end then run it w/ ahk. the script tray shows up but when i try to use it nothing happens. Belok says ur suppose to hold shift and Q,S,D to move them to different quads but it doesnt seem to work for PS. it oddly works on my IE windows and such tho. can anyone help?>
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
01-08-2009 , 07:15 AM
Try Placemint by TheIrishThug... I use it for everything now.
Can someone tell me how to move windows with Autohotkey on pokerstars? Quote
