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Who are the bad politics posters? Who are the bad politics posters?

09-24-2008 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
so has anyone said "all of them" yet?
grunching this thread = ban imo
09-24-2008 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Answer: All of them

<rim shot!>
09-24-2008 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Nothing wrong with that. We'll take that into consideration when reading your evaluations of other poasters.

FWIW, the guy is new. Not many poasters around here (in any forum) started off with El Diablo-quality stuff.
Look, I don't claim to be a top-anything Politics poster. i'm just saying that by posting twice a week in the GE threads I'm at least not tarding up the forum. Starting threads that look like the comments section from a prisonplanet article does tard up the forum.

Maybe you're right that he should be given time though. Perhaps you should PM him and offer post coaching (if tuq doesn't already have an admin-granted monopoly on that service).
09-24-2008 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
so has anyone said "all of them" yet?
We have an expression about the ponies of various posters and the relative speeds of said ponies.
09-24-2008 , 03:45 PM
IDK, of the two OP's he has on the front page currently, one is pretty decent, the other is sort of kooky but I found it to be more tongue-in-cheek than some apparently did.

My poast coaching is too expensive for anyone except maybe Henry, who doesn't need it IMO.
09-24-2008 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We have an expression about the ponies of various posters and their speeds relative to one another.
dammit, I should get infraction points for missing that gimmie.
09-24-2008 , 03:46 PM
I mean, if it were possible for the king to get infraction points, which it isn't.
09-24-2008 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
[x] interesting
[ ] relevant
OK, if you're referring to Claunchy's posts in that particular forum, then I stand corrected. I had no idea he was posting there. But I don't think given his track record elsewhere that he would immediately start sucking in that forum (although snagglepuss, who is like one of my favorites ever, has also taken a lot of heat, so it's no doubt likely that your forum has a habit of bringing out the worst in people). I don't know if it says something about this particular politics forum or the subject matter itself that good posters elsewhere can't drop by to read and contribute here and there without it constantly being a problem. Almost certainly it's the subject matter, but it seems that lots of times when I see a politard regular posting in another forum it seems like they're perpetuating arguments just for the sake of arguing. I mean like way more than most people.

Originally Posted by pvn
FWIW, the guy is new. Not many poasters around here (in any forum) started off with El Diablo-quality stuff.
Actually, I think new posters are easily intimidated by the size and testosterone-driven in-your-face nature of these forums and are more likely to try harder at first in an effort to be noticed and earn respect, and then can get lazier as time goes on. Not everyone, but I'm guessing this is more often the case than not.
09-24-2008 , 04:35 PM
btw tuq the flattery but I'm nowhere near even a top 20 SE poster.

Also, most stuff I've posted in politics is just a reaction to speeches/press conferences/polls etc. I somewhat half-assedly support Obama, but everything I post isn't 'OMG REPUBS SUCK' as is the case with the chudster.
09-24-2008 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
OK, if you're referring to Claunchy's posts in that particular forum, then I stand corrected. I had no idea he was posting there. But I don't think given his track record elsewhere that he would immediately start sucking in that forum
He isn't sucking in politics. It takes a lot of hard work to truly be a sucky politard poaster, because the bar is SO ****ING HIGH already.

I don't know if it says something about this particular politics forum or the subject matter itself that good posters elsewhere can't drop by to read and contribute here and there without it constantly being a problem.
I think you're reading way too much into this. It's NOT a problem for outsiders to drop in and post casually. Usually, it's the casual outsider who has a problem with the politics forum, not the other way around. More frequently, it's someone who NEVER posts there. Most of the time it's because they have some preconceived notion of what the politics forum should be, and it's not that, so they bitterly poast about "******s" etc everywhere else.
09-24-2008 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Claunchy
btw tuq the flattery but I'm nowhere near even a top 20 SE poster.
Actually you may be right - you didn't crack the top ten in my inaugural power rankings:

09-24-2008 , 04:58 PM
List needs more PokerFink and Pudge imo.
09-24-2008 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
so it's no doubt likely that your forum has a habit of bringing out the worst in people). I don't know if it says something about this particular politics forum or the subject matter itself that good posters elsewhere can't drop by to read and contribute here and there without it constantly being a problem. Almost certainly it's the subject matter, but it seems that lots of times when I see a politard regular posting in another forum it seems like they're perpetuating arguments just for the sake of arguing. I mean like way more than most people.
A lot of this has to do with, in my opinion, that being a good poster in general doesn't make one a good politics poster. Politics often brings out the stupid in people, and so when you have good general posters who post in politics with ideas that have no basis in anything, neither history nor logic (which is the case for 90% of people of voting age imo), they're going to get called out on it, much more so than in other forums.

And I'd also say that the politard regulars may be perpetuating arguments just for the sake of arguing, yes it may be because they are just ******ed, but it also may be because some politards enjoy pointing out the idiocies and fallacies in other's statements. I know I do.
09-24-2008 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
but it also may be because some politards enjoy pointing out the idiocies and fallacies in other's statements. I know I do.
But surely all politards agree that Sarah Palin is a MILF, right?

(or is it just that I'm 40+)
09-24-2008 , 10:33 PM
i can't imagine anyone in the history of the world disagreeing with that, forget about politards.
09-24-2008 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
A lot of this has to do with, in my opinion, that being a good poster in general doesn't make one a good politics poster. Politics often brings out the stupid in people, and so when you have good general posters who post in politics with ideas that have no basis in anything, neither history nor logic (which is the case for 90% of people of voting age imo), they're going to get called out on it, much more so than in other forums.
There's probably a lot of truth to this, and I like this because it challenges people to think and communicate more clearly.

And I'd also say that the politard regulars may be perpetuating arguments just for the sake of arguing, yes it may be because they are just ******ed, but it also may be because some politards enjoy pointing out the idiocies and fallacies in other's statements. I know I do.
This, on the other hand, annoys the **** out of me. I'm much more interested in hearing others share ideas and at least make some attempt to see eye to eye (even if they don't totally agree). But instead you get a ton of "OMG STRAWMAN" and ******ed bickering. A lot of people like being right way too much.

But meh, it's the internet, so whatever. And the discourse here is like 100x better than one generally sees in internet politics discussions elsewhere.
09-25-2008 , 12:02 AM
I didn't mean things like "strawman" but more like "that makes no sense, here's why:" just logically speaking.
09-25-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Actually you may be right - you didn't crack the top ten in my inaugural power rankings:

We need this for politards.
09-25-2008 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
We need this for politards.
You're the king, make it happen.
09-25-2008 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by RR
You're the king, make it happen.
09-25-2008 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by pvn

09-25-2008 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
pvn, you should do this as you are the only one able enough to make the call on who is the best in the forum. After all, you are the king.
09-25-2008 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
You're doing it wrong. Only the King can make such a list.
09-26-2008 , 12:07 AM
damnit, he always pulls that royalty **** on us.

^edit: typed this when I thought it was right after his post. Doesn't work as well now
09-26-2008 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
Actually you may be right - you didn't crack the top ten in my inaugural power rankings:

i've no idea who 1 and 2 are tbh (or 9). must be a golf or basketball thing
