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Profile a Trump supporter you know IRL Profile a Trump supporter you know IRL

06-27-2016 , 09:49 PM
Loretta Lynch, in private law practice for many years
Julian Castro, same

just off the top of my head
06-27-2016 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's my understanding that Timothy Geithner is a member of the Obama cabinet.
You would be wrong.

Obama has held at least one private sector job, but he is arguably not a part of the Cabinet.
06-27-2016 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Ah, wat?
When america is GREAT AGAIN all those colored people, gays and women won't need to complain, obviously.
06-27-2016 , 11:43 PM
They all have some private industry experience, but here are the highlights.

Jack Lew - Citigroup

Ash Carter - Consultant Goldman Sachs (also univ prof at a private school)

Loretta Lynch - private law firms and a Director of the Federal Reserve Board (semi-private?)

Sally Jewell - Mobil Oil, several banks, was CEO of REI

Penny Pritzker - multiple banks, including ownership - a billionaire

Sylvia Burwell - McKinsey, Director MetLife

Robert MacDonald - CEO Proctor & Gamble
06-28-2016 , 04:22 PM
Copied from Facebook post on another friend's post about the Benghazi investigation. Guy is apparently a former "UNITED STATES MARINE SNIPER FROM 2ND FORCE RECON."

Why do people talk about Trump so badly. So Hilary is a better person for president. I am confused , she has lied about her emails , being in sniper fire and so so much more. Constantly telling lies. Obama does not where the American flag pin, his wife does not cross her heart with the pledge of allegiance and she is the First Lady of the USA. I can go on and on about Hilary and Obama. Everyone has there issues but I do have to Hilary is the best for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, I want someone that is not against American and Hilary is an underly disgrace to America just look at the lies and disgrace she has bright to America. America should 1st not the terrorist.
06-28-2016 , 04:30 PM
"underly" is a p good word
06-28-2016 , 04:30 PM
That guy has serious issues with literacy
06-28-2016 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
You don't reduce political correctness by policy , it reduces when people realize they don't need to act that way anymore.
So - just to be clear - you intend to vote for a xenophobic, misogynist bully whose palingenetic ramblings have incensed both centrists and leftists, with bleedover into the moderate right wing.

The intended outcome of your doing this is that leftists conclude that there is no longer a need for them to agitate for action on certain issues that concern them.

Are you entirely certain that this reasoning makes sense? Because it seems somewhat akin to lynching a black guy in hopes the SPLC will conclude that racism no longer exists.
06-28-2016 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by ILoveVegas
-respectful to women
-very,very rich
-his daughter has a full ride scholarship to Stanford
Stanford football team respects women similarly
06-28-2016 , 07:41 PM
Kind of fun that someone whose screen name refers to a scam is supporting Trump though, right?
06-28-2016 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Crozbee
Copied from Facebook post on another friend's post about the Benghazi investigation. Guy is apparently a former "UNITED STATES MARINE SNIPER FROM 2ND FORCE RECON."

Why do people talk about Trump so badly. So Hilary is a better person for president. I am confused , she has lied about her emails , being in sniper fire and so so much more. Constantly telling lies. Obama does not where the American flag pin, his wife does not cross her heart with the pledge of allegiance and she is the First Lady of the USA. I can go on and on about Hilary and Obama. Everyone has there issues but I do have to Hilary is the best for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, I want someone that is not against American and Hilary is an underly disgrace to America just look at the lies and disgrace she has bright to America. America should 1st not the terrorist.
Originally Posted by sweep single
That guy has serious issues with literacy
i could makea "dumb marine" joke but its too easy.
06-28-2016 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by ILoveVegas
-respectful to women
-very,very rich
-his daughter has a full ride scholarship to Stanford
Are you talking about the Trump supporter you know irl?
06-29-2016 , 03:30 AM
All these Trump hating trolls are really establishment paid trolls. Put here on the internet, to keep spamming anti Trump rhetoric.
06-29-2016 , 04:01 AM
i wish my hatred of Trump was monetizable!
06-29-2016 , 12:13 PM
Sam Harris eviscerates Trump in the first 40 mins of this recent podcast. Makes Elizabeth Warren look kind.
06-29-2016 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
i wish my hatred of Trump was monetizable!
lol +1
06-29-2016 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Poignant thoughts from Facebook.

Makes Sarah Palin look halfway coherent
06-29-2016 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Are you talking about the Trump supporter you know irl?
Not sure if this is sarcastic.. Based on the info he chose to highlight and previous posts my read was he's trying to brag in the politics forum
06-29-2016 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Sam Harris eviscerates Trump in the first 40 mins of this recent podcast. Makes Elizabeth Warren look kind.
Harris is always fine right up until he's not, and once he's not, he's really ****ing bad. Like when he says (paraphrasing) "Liberals are wrong to suggest that xenophobia/racism and economic anxiety are mutually exclusive" that's absolute bull****. The causal link between the latter and the former is a perennial leftist talking point - I mean it's classic Marxist reading of proletarian racism ffs. His position is like claiming that an oncologist who favours chemotherapy over quitting smoking is suggesting that there's no link between smoking and cancer. No, we know there's a link, Sam, it's just that quitting smoking/addressing economic concerns is not going to cure the cancer/stop those individual people from being racist *******s.

I listened a little further on and he starts talking about the need to 'name the problem', which sounds so bizarrely like a certain phrase I could mention, and unironically argues that the failure of various public figures to use certain phrases is like, the biggest problem besetting Western policy as regards terrorism.
06-29-2016 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Harris is always fine right up until he's not, and once he's not, he's really ****ing bad. Like when he says (paraphrasing) "Liberals are wrong to suggest that xenophobia/racism and economic anxiety are mutually exclusive" that's absolute bull****. The causal link between the latter and the former is a perennial leftist talking point - I mean it's classic Marxist reading of proletarian racism ffs. His position is like claiming that an oncologist who favours chemotherapy over quitting smoking is suggesting that there's no link between smoking and cancer. No, we know there's a link, Sam, it's just that quitting smoking/addressing economic concerns is not going to cure the cancer/stop those individual people from being racist *******s.

I listened a little further on and he starts talking about the need to 'name the problem', which sounds so bizarrely like a certain phrase I could mention, and unironically argues that the failure of various public figures to use certain phrases is like, the biggest problem besetting Western policy as regards terrorism.
You don't think there's a difference in this regard between "liberal" and "leftist"?

There are a lot of liberals who are wonderfully against racism, but also pretty indifferent to or in denial of class conflict.
06-29-2016 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You don't think there's a difference in this regard between "liberal" and "leftist"?

There are a lot of liberals who are wonderfully against racism, but also pretty indifferent to or in denial of class conflict.
There obviously is, but I don't think that fact is relevant - I don't think there's any controversy about the claim that there's overlap between the Marxist position I referred to and bog-standard liberal thinking.

Originally Posted by The Guardian
Obama was caught in an uncharacteristic moment of loose language. Referring to working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses, the presidential hopeful said: "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Is Obama a Marxist?
06-30-2016 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Skank
All these Trump hating trolls are really establishment paid trolls. Put here on the internet, to keep spamming anti Trump rhetoric.
This is an especially fantastic argument in light of the polls that show historically high unfavorbles for Trump.

Somebody is spending sooooooo much money to get everybody to pretend to dislike him.
06-30-2016 , 12:09 PM
this topic of describing a trump supporter you know is pretty keen. i do not know how to start a thread nemore so lets try it this way. describe someone who would vote for FDR. i will go first. 35 year old white male. works in a factory. is in a union. wants all japanese interred. does not want to let any jews in the country. has a wife whose looks have stopped timepieces. ok you guys next.
06-30-2016 , 12:23 PM
Lol can someone tell me what the f she's talking about?
06-30-2016 , 12:25 PM
Trump has really done well with voters who think it's crucial for the POTUS to have a hot wife.
