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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

04-08-2017 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
This is the first time since the election I've went 48+ hours without checking The News. I don't do the alert-on-smart-phone thing.

It's an incredible feeling. We could be at war with NK right now for all I know. Or, Paul Ryan could be Prez and doing some sick-ass bicep curls in The Oval right now for all I know.

These are days you'll remember, the days of miracle and wonder.
04-08-2017 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Gruuuunching - I just read what Fareed Zakaria said about Trump becoming presidential and I think I'm going to vomit. "I think Donald Trump became president of the United States last night. For the first time really as president, he talked about international norms, international rules, about America’s role in enforcing justice in the world."

At best, by a long shot, the ****ing manchild president acted out of a very predictable emotional response, rendering a hasty decision completely at odds with what was his current position. That very best scenario is frightening as hell.
These clowns are still tripping over themselves to correctly identify the Trump pivot, and to appear moderate in an era where no matter what they say the hard-right will call them lamestream failing lying liberal media.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
How did they miss the runway? The shear level of incompetence of these people is staggering.
They didn't miss, they just weren't trying to hit it. You don't fire 59 missiles at an airstrip and miss the runway; it's actually impressive and says a lot of their accuracy that they were able to do no damage to it.
04-08-2017 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
How did they miss the runway? The shear level of incompetence of these people is staggering.
Lol. Come on Clovis. If you actually read legit news sites you would know that they deliberately avoided hitting the runway.
04-08-2017 , 03:32 PM
Posted in the Syria thread too:
04-08-2017 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Lol. Come on Clovis. If you actually read legit news sites you would know that they deliberately avoided hitting the runway.
So what's the point of any of this then? Destroy a few planes, then what? Seriously, the only reasonable explanation for doing this would be to destroy the runway for how ever long it would take to rebuild.
04-08-2017 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
who gives a **** what you people call long island?
Well I'm from Bigly Island and my jimmies get rustled when people talk about it incorrectly, so I'll give these Long Islanders a pass.
04-08-2017 , 03:42 PM
****ing fascists.

6 arrested, 1 hospitalized after Jacksonville anti-war protest erupts in violence
A Friday evening protest against the U.S. military action in Syria erupted into violence at Hemming Park downtown and resulted in the arrests of six people, one of whom was hospitalized.

The initially peaceful demonstration escalated about 6 p.m. as protesters clashed with counter-protesters. Then a confrontation between two of them sparked a melee. People in the crowd recorded the incident as it unfolded and uploaded videos to social media, providing glimpses of the mayhem described by police.

Officers monitoring the crowd that was an estimated 100-200 people deep were attacked — punched, kicked, and in one case choked — as they tried to break it up, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. None was seriously hurt.

Under arrest were protest organizer David Marlow Schneider, 27; Connell Aubrey Crooms, 26; Christina Elizabeth Kittle, 27; William Thomas Wilder, 74; Thomas Craig Beckham, 26; and Robert Gordon Sheffield, Jr., 67.

Their charges ranged from battery on a law enforcement officer to inciting a riot to resisting police with violence, according to their arrest reports. One was charged with marijuana possession.

Crooms was taken to UF Health Jacksonville with injuries that police said were not life-threatening. Hospital staff could not disclose his condition late Friday, noting that arrestees are left out of the normal queue.

One video shows Schneider and Crooms perched on a concrete platform taking turns with a bullhorn and leading chants of “Hands off Syria!” and “No justice, no peace, U.S. out of the Middle East” when a counter-protester who goes by Gary Snow, waving a Donald Trump flag and a bullhorn of his own, climbs up alongside them.

The two sides jaw back and forth briefly before a scuffle ensues over the flag. At one point, Snow is seen shoving Crooms, who later lunges at him as Snow reaches over an officer to flash an obscenity. Officers nearby swarm the pair and can be seen placing Crooms in a chokehold and bringing him to the ground.

Crooms, whose police report lists him at 5-foot-7 and 155 pounds, can be seen flailing while face down on the ground as several officers pin him down. An officer, identified as Officer B.D. McEwan, is seen repeatedly punching Crooms in the ribs while he is restrained.

“It should have been resolved way better than it was. There shouldn’t have been no fighting,” one witness, Tavaris Beaver, said. “For the police to beat another guy and slam another woman, I don’t think there’s no peace in that.

Around the same time, Kittle can be seen trying to intervene as Beckham and others are detained, but she is swung to the ground by an officer and then placed in an armbar. Her arrest report indicates an officer was shoved and then punched beforehand.

“The only thing the girl was doing was breaking it up, but she gets slammed on the ground and put in handcuffs,” Beaver added.

Moments later, officers can be seen dragging Crooms to a waiting patrol car. That’s where several videos end, but Beaver said he saw the man later placed into an ambulance.

“They didn’t tell nobody anything. They just told us to back up,” said Beaver. “I feel like there ain’t no justice. Not for my child, not for your child, not for anyone’s children.”
04-08-2017 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
So what's the point of any of this then? Destroy a few planes, then what? Seriously, the only reasonable explanation for doing this would be to destroy the runway for how ever long it would take to rebuild.
The whole point was to send a message. I would have thought that was fairly obvious. I imagine a runway could be rebuilt fairly quickly.
04-08-2017 , 03:49 PM
the whole point was to score political points.
04-08-2017 , 03:51 PM
I swear POTUS is reading this thread and is just about to have CBP send a threatening letter to 2p2 demanding they unmask our names and IPs to add to his enemies list.
04-08-2017 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
the whole point was to score political points.
But in spite of this fuzziness, I think it is possible to outline a list of features that are typical of what I would like to call Ur-Fascism, or Eternal Fascism. These features cannot be organized into a system; many of them contradict each other, and are also typical of other kinds of despotism or fanaticism. But it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it.


3. Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action’s sake. Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation. Therefore culture is suspect insofar as it is identified with critical attitudes. Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of Ur-Fascism, from Goering’s alleged statement (“When I hear talk of culture I reach for my gun”) to the frequent use of such expressions as “degenerate intellectuals,” “eggheads,” “effete snobs,” “universities are a nest of reds.” The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values.


9. For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle. Thus pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. It is bad because life is permanent warfare. This, however, brings about an Armageddon complex. Since enemies have to be defeated, there must be a final battle, after which the movement will have control of the world. But such a “final solution” implies a further era of peace, a Golden Age, which contradicts the principle of permanent war. No fascist leader has ever succeeded in solving this predicament.


12. Since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Ur-Fascist transfers his will to power to sexual matters. This is the origin of machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality). Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons—doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise.
04-08-2017 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
DS disguising his new hypothesis by saying its from his "old school buddy" to deflect potential criticism from others.

I don't think that's necessarily true and it isn't as stupid as your Kushner using his secret Jew handshakes with BiBi to Make Israel Great Again theory.
You have got to be joking. Since when do I try to deflect criticism? Actually I don't agree with him. Because I don't think American Jews need to fear powerless bigots whose IQ deficit is similar to the difference between those attending Penn vs Penn state.
04-08-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
The whole point was to send a message. I would have thought that was fairly obvious. I imagine a runway could be rebuilt fairly quickly.
Pretty terrible message considering they were using that airfield to launch more attacks the very next day.

So what do we bomb now as a follow up message?
04-08-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
Pretty terrible message considering they were using that airfield to launch more attacks the very next day.

So what do we bomb now as a follow up message?
Well, if Assad uses chemical weapons again, I guess he and we will find out.
04-08-2017 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
You have got to be joking. Since when do I try to deflect criticism? Actually I don't agree with him. Because I don't think American Jews need to fear powerless bigots whose IQ deficit is similar to the difference between those attending Penn vs Penn state.
David you exclusively and constantly write this nonsensical alternate universe fan fiction of Trump that you essentially invented from, idk, watching the Apprentice or something, and you have never once ever considered adjusting your priors as more information became available.

Which, by the way, is a skill that every Penn State-caliber intellect has.
04-08-2017 , 04:30 PM
If we were actually going to send a message that we cared about those people, we would open our doors to refugees. But 45* has no intention of doing that, nor do the Republicans (fascists) in charge of the American Congress.
04-08-2017 , 04:35 PM
Yemen is on the verge of famine. So there may be hundreds of thousands of children dying slow miserable deaths if Trump is interested.
04-08-2017 , 04:36 PM
Somebody needs to tweet some really sexy videos of that to him stat.
04-08-2017 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Yemen is on the verge of famine. So there may be hundreds of thousands of children dying slow miserable deaths if Trump is interested.
He's definitely interested, he's tried twice to ban anyone from that country entering the US. Don't want no desperate brown poors coming to Trumpland.
04-08-2017 , 04:38 PM
Gonna have to compete with sexy videos of US planes mid-air refueling Saudi bombers.
04-08-2017 , 04:39 PM
Sklansky- Like when you say powerless bigots you mean Steve Bannon?

Not even getting into how courting racists is itself racist, but like, what ****ing fairy tale are you trying to tell yourself here? And, here's the big one, why is it the very same fairy tale you spin about EVERY right wing extremist story? You have this fanciful idea that you're coming off as an objective contrarian, and everyone who responds to your posts keeps telling you otherwise.
04-08-2017 , 05:18 PM
04-08-2017 , 05:29 PM
"But he wasn't President with access to special intel at the time."
04-08-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
David you exclusively and constantly write this nonsensical alternate universe fan fiction of Trump that you essentially invented from, idk, watching the Apprentice or something, and you have never once ever considered adjusting your priors as more information became available.

Which, by the way, is a skill that every Penn State-caliber intellect has.
Pretty sure the Penn vs Penn State jab was not coincidental as I've made it clear in other places that I am a Penn State alum.
04-08-2017 , 07:56 PM
confirmed DS keeps better grudge notes than DT
