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Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn

01-03-2012 , 05:35 PM
The game is $1/3NL and we are playing 9 handed. Everything is going okay and then this hand comes up. UTG makes it $10 to go and it is called around by 5 players including me to the BB who raises to $50. It is folded around (including me) and comes back to the button who is the last player left to act on the raise to $50. The button has only $75-$80 left on top of the original $10 bet he put in. He goes into the tank and about 30 to 40 seconds pass until the BB (who looked like a local and others at the table confirmed that he was a local) offers to just chop the pot right now and kill the hand. The button (who was a tourist) agrees.

The BB pulls back his extra $40 and the two of them chop the $50 in the pot. The dealer lets them do this. I was in a conversation during the hand and ask what just happened because I thought I missed something. It is explained to me and I say that I disagree and they can't do this.

The dealer then tells me that they let them do this at the higher limits so he thought it would be okay to do it at the $1/3NL game too. They are now dealing the next hand and the dealers switch after that hand.

I'm not sure how much rake was taken from the pot but this seems completely unfair to me since I was pushed out of the pot and then my money was chopped. I have yet to see this allowed anywhere else in low stakes NL hold'em on the strip.

I guess I should have called the floor but she was rude to me earlier that day on 2 separate occasions and I didn't want to deal with her again.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 05:39 PM
If everything is on the up and up, too bad for you. Once you fold you relinquish all rights to the pot--the remaining players can do what they want. Even if the casino didn't let them chop they could just check it down with one person winning. Then that person could just ship half the pot across the table. It sucks that you got squeezed out but I see nothing wrong.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 05:41 PM
no way in hell this should be allowed
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 05:43 PM
as long as everyone in the hand agrees, you can do pretty much anything at a cash table. I've seen some pretty weird stuff. I've seen this exact situation happen ON THE RIVER! And it was a 5 way pot to start out with and ended up heads up on the turn. Also some card rooms are just weird and have odd rules. If stuff like this bothers you you really should make it a point to know all the rules especially the ones that differ from most other card rooms.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 05:47 PM
in poorly run rooms this is true
ive seen some really shady **** at the commerce for example
at the venitian ive seen 2 guys get all in pre- debate how many times they were going to run it, then try to play for less at which point the floor was called over
the floor told the dealer to run it once, push the pot and kicked both players out
it was awesome
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 05:48 PM
Agreed... shouldn't happen. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. Calling the floor and confirming, may result in them having to play it out. Enforcing that the winner isn't allowed to ship chips will be more difficult, but not impossible.

Finding another table/casino is likely your next move.

If it was a one time thing, I wouldn't go crazy over it. If one player regularly offers it up, you can assume they aren't raising with just the very top of their range and adjust accordingly. Even make weak calls and have the chop offered to you, if that's determined to be acceptable at that table/casino.

As far as I'm concerned, it's soft playing and not cool. Yes, I understand the high stakes guys do it. No, I don't think it's the same as running it twice.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 06:14 PM
it generally gets done at high stakes when 2 people have the same hand ie aa vs aa
while i dont like it at least thats not really collusion or screwing anyone over so i wont say anything if they show the same hand, for anything else im calling the floor
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 07:43 PM
its why a lot of people avoid the Wynn. Crap like this. Its why I play at V and Mirage
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by beachtrader
If everything is on the up and up, too bad for you. Once you fold you relinquish all rights to the pot--the remaining players can do what they want. Even if the casino didn't let them chop they could just check it down with one person winning. Then that person could just ship half the pot across the table. It sucks that you got squeezed out but I see nothing wrong.
This is so wrong that I'm convinced it's a troll, but whatever.

The OP and each player before him was squeezed out because they thought (reasonably) that every other player after him would have to act on the $50 raise. That didn't happen.

But I am not concerned about myself or for the two players who decide it's okay to chop in this situation. I am concerned about everyone else at the table who now has reason to believe that the game is not legitimate, that there is explicit collusion happening at their expense, and that the room endorses it fully.

That sucks so bad.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
This is so wrong that I'm convinced it's a troll, but whatever.
Not a troll. Reading comprehension. My first sentence states that if everything is on the up and up . . . If that's true then it it is too bad for the OP. If two people who don't know each other decide to chop the pot then they can. It's only a problem if they know each other because that leads to other issues. Here you have a local and a tourist. They don't know each other. If you don't like it call the damn bet.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 09:25 PM
After reading your expansion, I'm certain that I comprehended your post just fine. If it's not a troll, then we disagree at a fundamental level.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 09:59 PM
You should never allow this. If players at your table try it, you should tell the dealer to stop the action and get a floorperson over to the table.

I won't even allow two oppoenents to chop up my $1 small blind.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
After reading your expansion, I'm certain that I comprehended your post just fine. If it's not a troll, then we disagree at a fundamental level.
I respect that.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-03-2012 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by P0nzi
in poorly run rooms this is true
ive seen some really shady **** at the commerce for example
at the venitian ive seen 2 guys get all in pre- debate how many times they were going to run it, then try to play for less at which point the floor was called over
the floor told the dealer to run it once, push the pot and kicked both players out
it was awesome
awesome, that floor deserves a medal of honor.

i loathe people who try and angleshoot chops in multiway pots even limped or "check it down" and stupid garbage that life nit live regs try to do.

id be clapping.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by beachtrader
If everything is on the up and up, too bad for you. Once you fold you relinquish all rights to the pot--the remaining players can do what they want. Even if the casino didn't let them chop they could just check it down with one person winning. Then that person could just ship half the pot across the table. It sucks that you got squeezed out but I see nothing wrong.
Well run rooms do not allow players to bet others out of a pot and then chop that pot. Where I work, no chop is allowed except the blinds can chop if it is folded to them.

Two players had played the hand to showdown. One suggested a chop and the dealer told them there was no chop. Both players threw their cards into the muck at the same time and told the dealer to chop the pot. The dealer called the floor who told the dealer to start the next hand and leave the pot in the middle.

Players may not pass chips across the table either, not where I work.

I suggest that the rooms you are playing in are not run with the best interest of the game in mind if they allow chopping and passing chips across the table.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by Dealer-Guy

Players may not pass chips across the table either, not where I work.

I suggest that the rooms you are playing in are not run with the best interest of the game in mind if they allow chopping and passing chips across the table.
I've seen chips pass back and forth at Winstar plenty of times. It may be against the rules, but not enforced.

The reason why I say it's not a big deal is because semantically it's no different from the button calling and then checking down the pot and then chopping the pot afterward.

Let's say the button was thinking of calling and the raiser said let's check it down. They do. Then the raiser wins the pot. He then tosses chips back to the button. This has the exact same effect.

Okay, let's take the issue that Winstar has the floor next to the table and says no chops, no passing chips. You can't force the players to bet so they check it down. Then the button's girl friend comes by and the raiser gives her half the pot to buy dinner. Same result but no rules violated. (and I've seen money come off the table to buy food at Winstar so we don't have a rule violation there.)

What if you can't pay for the girl friend. Raiser then pulls out bills from his pocket and gives to button. No rules violated for chips moving. Same result.

My point is this--if the players want to do this there is no way to stop them with any rules. It's a waste of time to complain or worry about this if these guys aren't doing this to squeeze others out. Once you fold in the hand it's not your money anymore. I see more people still think that the money they put in the pot is theirs. It's not once you are out of the hand. This isn't a case of two guys colluding to screw everyone else at the table (my assumptions based upon OP's post). What the two guys left in the hand do only concerns them because they are the only ones with interest in the hand.

It sucks that OP could have called and then gotten his money back but it didn't happen. It feels wrong because this is what cheaters do.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBroke
awesome, that floor deserves a medal of honor.

i loathe people who try and angleshoot chops in multiway pots even limped or "check it down" and stupid garbage that life nit live regs try to do.

id be clapping.
agree completely

that was the most amazing floor decision i have ever seen

meanwhile ive played less than 20 hours lifetime at the commerce and seen all kinds of shady ****

within a half hour of me bein there ,there was a four way flop and 2 people in 5 10 got all in for about 4k each
then they agreed to just run the board out for 500 bucks
im like wtf and called the floor
the players looked at me like i was nuts and the floor basically told me to gfms
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by beachtrader
Here you have a local and a tourist. They don't know each other.
So it's ok for two players to cheat as long as the don't know each other?

In a chop everyone gets their money back. If anyone has put money in the pot and subsequently folded to a raise there should never be a chop allowed.

And you shouldn't be allowed to pass chips across the table either.

I seriously doubt that the scenario in the OP happens in bigger games like the dealer suggested. I think the dealer mis-understood the scenario. I think the floor should have been called and I'd hope that the floor would rule that the chop not be allowed.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by beachtrader
My point is this--if the players want to do this there is no way to stop them with any rules.
You are completely wrong. It is true that there is no way to stop you from cheating this way once. I can't stop you from leaving the table and giving the other guy cash ...... But if I am the floor and I find out you are doing this I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO PLAY IN THE ROOM.

So yes if you have a secret agreement to do this with someone you know and you don't talk about it and don;t tell anyone else you will be able to get away with it. But if you talk about it or do it openly it is easy to stop.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by beachtrader
If everything is on the up and up, too bad for you. Once you fold you relinquish all rights to the pot--the remaining players can do what they want. Even if the casino didn't let them chop they could just check it down with one person winning. Then that person could just ship half the pot across the table. It sucks that you got squeezed out but I see nothing wrong.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 11:58 AM
it is called whip sawing and is a form of collusion...

when I deal if a player tries to give another player a "rebate" I tell him he can not do it with chips on the table, if he wants to do it he has to do it with cash off the table... Somehow cash never changes hands...

and for the example with the 4k all in play for 500... at least in my state (NJ), this wouldnt be permitted either, the dealer has to push the entire pot to 1 player, and the chips would have to stay with that player.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by TS2
it is called whip sawing and is a form of collusion...

when I deal if a player tries to give another player a "rebate" I tell him he can not do it with chips on the table, if he wants to do it he has to do it with cash off the table... Somehow cash never changes hands...

and for the example with the 4k all in play for 500... at least in my state (NJ), this wouldnt be permitted either, the dealer has to push the entire pot to 1 player, and the chips would have to stay with that player.
i know it wouldnt be allowed in nj
i was shocked when i saw it and even more shocked that the players dealer and floor thought it was normal

i do occasionally see people agree to check it down in ac, and very few dealers or floor have a problem with this
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:10 PM
Squeezing you out of the pot, then splitting the profit.....isn't that textbook collusion? How the *** didn't you call the floor???
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 04:46 PM
I tried the Wynn recently and decided to not play there again due to the excessive soft playing I saw going on. If you don't like it either, there are plenty of other poker rooms in Vegas.

Last edited by Piers; 01-04-2012 at 04:56 PM.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
01-04-2012 , 06:46 PM
cash game... just about anything can be legal.
Chopping Pots Preflop in 1/3NL at the Wynn Quote
