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Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again.

11-11-2009 , 09:20 PM
1/2 no limit 225 effective stacks, I cover. Three way action. UTG+1 limp, MP raise 15, Hi-jack call 15, I call Button Q10 clubs, SB raise to 40, MP call, I call. (140)
Flop 10 8 2

SB check, MP 65, I call.

SB raises allin for 81 total 16 more.

MP says "I'm all In" for about 125.

I say that doesn't matter, Sb didn't reopen the betting, dealer overrules me
says he can go all in because someone else went all in.

I call the floor over and she agrees with the dealer, and says this is the Bellagio's rule, I argue but am forced to either call 125ish more or fold, I fold.

KK vs JJ. Turn is a Q and I would scoop.

I talk to another floor person and she can't believe the ruling as I was correct. I confront her about it to tell her she was wrong and I wont be coming back and after checking with her supervisor she says "well poker isn't perfect."

I wont be going back there any time soon.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:28 PM
The ruling sucks, but would you be as upset if the board finished as unders and you would've gotten stacked?

I never would have accepted that ruling, tho'. I'd have held up the game until another floor or supervisor came over.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
The ruling sucks, but would you be as upset if the board finished as unders and you would've gotten stacked?

I never would have accepted that ruling, tho'. I'd have held up the game until another floor or supervisor came over.
Second that. And the rude remark at the end about poker not being perfect would keep me from ever returning. Making a mistake is one thing, but not fessing up to it and then treating a customer like s/he's an idiot is another.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-11-2009 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
The ruling sucks, but would you be as upset if the board finished as unders and you would've gotten stacked?

I never would have accepted that ruling, tho'. I'd have held up the game until another floor or supervisor came over.
Ok, now this is not a sarcastic question or a "level" but why can't he reraise?
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-11-2009 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
The ruling sucks, but would you be as upset if the board finished as unders and you would've gotten stacked?

I never would have accepted that ruling, tho'. I'd have held up the game until another floor or supervisor came over.
Another floor is never coming over. Maybe you'd get the poker room manager if they weren't busy.

However OP, think about it for a moment. The pot is about $350 and you're arguing about another $44. If he really has you beat, you have 2 outs. If the Q didn't show up, would you have folded for another $44 in a $400+ pot? Probably not. In the long run, the dealer saved you money. Let it go.

Originally Posted by torontotablecpt
Ok, now this is not a sarcastic question or a "level" but why can't he reraise?
To be able to reraise, the raiser needs to be able to make a raise of at least the size of the original bet. There's no real "logic" behind it, just that's how most rooms handle it.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-11-2009 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by torontotablecpt
Ok, now this is not a sarcastic question or a "level" but why can't he reraise?

Because an all-in "raise" of $16 isn't really a raise, because it's less than the $65 bet. The bettor may not reraise in NL unless there's a raise behind him for the full amount of the bet or more.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-11-2009 , 11:10 PM
Thanks Venice
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-11-2009 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Another floor is never coming over. Maybe you'd get the poker room manager if they weren't busy.
if you refused to release your hand until you get a ruling from the shift manager they will eventually have to come over. regardless of how silly others may think this is, it's your money...

Originally Posted by venice10
However OP, think about it for a moment. The pot is about $350 and you're arguing about another $44. If he really has you beat, you have 2 outs. If the Q didn't show up, would you have folded for another $44 in a $400+ pot? Probably not. In the long run, the dealer saved you money. Let it go.
5 outs getting ten to 1. seems like a call unless villain has a set and then he needs help from moses to win the hand so pot odds are irrelevant.

Originally Posted by venice10
To be able to reraise, the raiser needs to be able to make a raise of at least the size of the original bet. There's no real "logic" behind it, just that's how most rooms handle it.
i swear i wasn't answering that. was sure it was a level but apparently not.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by torontotablecpt
Ok, now this is not a sarcastic question or a "level" but why can't he reraise?
In OP, MP bets 65. SB's allin is not a true raise to 81, but a call of 65 plus an "action" of 16 more. Follow? The 16 more is not a raise, just an action.

So when it gets back to MP, he bumps it to 125, effectively raising his own bet.

Does it make sense to be able to raise your own bet, or a bet you've already called (in the case of OP trying to raise)? Op is absolutely right on this point, MP should not be able to raise in this spot.

Lol if he thinks the same ignorant ruling (or one just as ignorant) won't happen somewhere else. Maybe he doesn't read B&M much.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:25 AM
Idiot floor.

Should ask the question, what if he only had 66, can the other guy re-raise that +1 raise? If not, why can he raise now?
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:25 AM
Horrible ruling you got the shaft.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by torontotablecpt
you always avoided the B when you go there? strange
Apparently "Vegas" is sort of the universal antecedent in this forum. If I post a thread, "I'm thinking of flying there this weekend!", obviously I mean LV.

Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Lol if he thinks the same ignorant ruling (or one just as ignorant) won't happen somewhere else. Maybe he doesn't read B&M much.
That. Terrible ruling != terribly surprising ruling
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:23 AM
1/2 no limit [b]225 effective stacks, I cover. Three way action. UTG+1 limp, MP raise 15, Hi-jack call 15, I call Button Q10 clubs, SB raise to 40, MP call, I call. (140)

Still a terrible ruling though. Floor should be fired for not understanding the rules at all.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
Why the heck is someone like that even on the Floor at the B??? I have always avoided the B when I go there, to many Trendy wana be poker players with their track jackets, big head phones, and fake watches.

aren't these exactly the type of people you'd wanna play against? I mean, the very definition of "wanna(spelling corrected)be poker player" being what it is?..
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:47 AM
make a bigger scene and ask for a supervisor when you are 100% sure to be right. if they refuse, demand to see the gaming commission and hold your ground, as well as your cards, until they either make the proper ruling, or give enough of your chips back to satisfy you.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Travis Beard
1/2 no limit 225 effective stacks, I cover. Three way action. UTG+1 limp, MP raise 15, Hi-jack call 15, I call Button Q10 clubs, SB raise to 40, MP call, I call. (140)
Flop 10 8 2

SB check, MP 65, I call.

SB raises allin for 81 total 16 more.

MP says "I'm all In" for about 125.

I say that doesn't matter, Sb didn't reopen the betting, dealer overrules me
says he can go all in because someone else went all in.

I call the floor over and she agrees with the dealer, and says this is the Bellagio's rule, I argue but am forced to either call 125ish more or fold, I fold.

KK vs JJ. Turn is a Q and I would scoop.

I talk to another floor person and she can't believe the ruling as I was correct. I confront her about it to tell her she was wrong and I wont be coming back and after checking with her supervisor she says "well poker isn't perfect."

I wont be going back there any time soon.
LOL, so you essentially pot-committed yourself with nothing, then you folded once you had something. Good think you learned the important lesson - that a random floor person may not know the rules!
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 04:21 AM
I'm really surprised that the floor messed it up.

Similar thing happened to me at the B about a year ago. Dealer ruled the reraise was allowed. I appealed dealer's ruling to the floor, and floor overruled dealer, and did not allow the reraise.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 04:39 AM
B just sucks in every way imaginable. If you aren't playing high stakes (and thus are pretty much forced to play there) then don't play at the B. It's terrrrrrible
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 11:40 AM
Yeah, I haven't played there in almost 2 years.

This thread is confusing with someone deleting so many posts.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10
Because an all-in "raise" of $16 isn't really a raise, because it's less than the $65 bet. The bettor may not reraise in NL unless there's a raise behind him for the full amount of the bet or more.
Actually, it's 50% or more of the original bet: meaning the all-in re-raise would have to be at least $98 to open the betting again.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by XXfrygatorXX
Actually, it's 50% or more of the original bet: meaning the all-in re-raise would have to be at least $98 to open the betting again.
Generally: In spread limit games, you are correct it's only half the raise amount. But in NL, it's double the raise I believe.

Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by XXfrygatorXX
Actually, it's 50% or more of the original bet: meaning the all-in re-raise would have to be at least $98 to open the betting again.
The 50% thing is for LHE. In NLHE, a raise is double the previous raise ($65, up to $130-to-go in OP).
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by slik
make a bigger scene and ask for a supervisor when you are 100% sure to be right. if they refuse, demand to see the gaming commission and hold your ground, as well as your cards, until they either make the proper ruling, or give enough of your chips back to satisfy you.
A big problem with poker in Las Vegas is that the gaming commission has not yet forced casino's to produce rule books for players in the event of a dispute, there are no rules available for the average player yet we are all expected to adjust to the house rules even though they change from card room to card room. Poker rules are not standardized and frankly they never will be due to the public domain aspect of the game as well as legislation in individual districts/management decisions (its even worse for NL because the game is relatively new and some card rooms still apply limit-specific rules that are not relevant to games where there are no betting limits); players should start to demand printed rule books be made available to all players upon request ala California.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:39 PM
Floor will def come over if you hold onto your hand. I was playing 30-60 omaha there once and there was an argument about whether a guy slept a kill on the button. One player got so pissed on UTG on the next hand he refused to act until they pulled tape to make sure the guy owed a kill. We sat for 10 minutes waiting, then finally the player agreed to let play continue and if a kill was owed, he could make it up on a later hand. He had a number of floor people over discussing it.

I do know the floor treats the 1-2NL game though with much less respect than the right side of the room and the upper part.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
11-12-2009 , 03:07 PM
Isn't this the only pertinent point:

Originally Posted by Travis Beard
I call the floor over and she ... says this is the Bellagio's rule
Sure, it's unfortunate that such a prominant room has a house rule that departs so greatly from the standard, and as TT said, that there is no formalized rulebook for the players to reference, but a house rule is a house rule. You can say you don't like the rule, but you can't really say they got the ruling "wrong" if this is, in fact, a house rule.
Bellagio 1/2 Floor ruling.  I'll never play there again. Quote
