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Blog Blog

08-08-2013 , 11:48 AM
I caved into the peer pressure and decided to make a blog here. But as I have previously stated I think this is a really really super duper not a good place for a blog. In the past posters on here tend to ignore your serious thoughts and life struggles and focus on the inane. Usually if I write something that would generally be construed as making "perfectly good sense" then it is ignored. Then if I write about something I really care about its ignored its only when you make something that the twoplustwo masses deem ridicule worthy that your post is "replied" to in mock condescension and stuff. So Im def not going to write about the good parts or anything but instead write about things based on what I think you think I think I should post.

Some times when I'm talking to people like for example my family I know they know that everything I say is automatically dismissed due to source the source being me since they think Im crazy but Im not the crazy one.
