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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

08-28-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by waffle

This matches my experience
is doublelift the reason vayne is so popular? she just seems like such a meh ADC when there are sooo many better options
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08-28-2014 , 10:21 PM
Anyone having trouble connecting to USW server? It keeps refreshing my queue at 1 on the wait list for summoners. .
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08-28-2014 , 10:24 PM
vaynes popular because she is fun
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08-28-2014 , 10:35 PM
Hah, just got my first quadra with ww ever. Well, first quadra ever fullstop.
Always thought it's practically impossible to go beyond triple with the doggie.
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08-28-2014 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
Anyone having trouble connecting to USW server? It keeps refreshing my queue at 1 on the wait list for summoners. .
NA has been getting ddos'd all night again

really frustrating
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08-29-2014 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
NA has been getting ddos'd all night again

really frustrating
This **** has been going on so long you think they would've had it fixed by now. Reminds me of back before season 1 when the servers were god awful.
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08-29-2014 , 12:39 AM
First anivia game all season

I wanted to troll and build GA next so I'd be unkillable between seraphs, zhonyas, passive, GA, and barrier. But they surrendered too soon
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08-29-2014 , 01:06 AM
had a guy call ADC, then pick his champion by randomly hovering over ADCs until time ran out. he landed on ashe, was mad that he got ashe, and went 0/7 in the laning phase.
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08-29-2014 , 01:44 AM
Ranked queues now down on NA server for what seems like the 80th time this week.

Riot is pretty terribly run from a software perspective for being as popular as they are.
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08-29-2014 , 02:10 AM
Just had the toughest loss... Went 22-4-13 with ww.

Our nexus towers and mid inhib down. I barely saved nexus 3 mins earlier by landing a last minute ult on gator, killing him when nexus was below 100.

Tell team to wait for inhib to come back up. They see lone Xin bot lane and all rush out.
Me, myself and I staying behind trying to keep enemy at bay. Cavalry arrives in our base obv and finish the game.
Felt there was more in it as we nuked them in team fights after coming back from about 12-20 down.

Sad panda.
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08-29-2014 , 03:41 AM
I feel like Bruiser Nidalee has reached that "Renekton Level" in the top lane where her hard counters are basically the champs that go even with her. Ranged AA + additional poke attack + escape + sustain is damn near impossible to beat.
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08-29-2014 , 06:10 AM
There is a ton of champions that beat her. I honestly don`t understand the "omg ban Nidalee". To give some examples.

Tryndamere is an awful matchup, he can outsustain the poke and once he got Botrk he just engages on you and you can do nothing. You prob have to build something like thornmail super early to stop his dive.

Irelia can outsustain the poke and a lvl 6 allin is pretty deadly.

Wukong outscales, gets a bit shat on early but unless you eat dumb spears you can allin her at lvl 6.

Malphite doesn`t give a **** about Nidalee.

Riven - prob a true skill matchup, you got a hard time surviving a lvl 6 allin when you go triforce

Fiora ****s on Nidalee

Shyvana is an interesting matchup you get denied a lot early but you outscale and with botrk you got a lot of killpotential

There is a ton of other champions, it`s probably just that people only remember games where Nid snowballs but she honestly isn`t that strong. Nid is probably quite easy to play, so if you got two players playing their respective champions for the first time Nid will come out ahead a lot. For example I have won vs Trynd/Riven quite often just because they tried to allin me lvl 2 or 3 when they really shouldn`t but a Trynd main knows to just farm up and crush me later.
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08-29-2014 , 07:21 AM
people must still be playing her AP mid and stuff because her winrate is still not that high. Although i saw a iceborn,spirit visage, zhonya, abysal, void, soc nidalee on a stream once and she was god like too so what do i know? its ok though at least she is less toxic as before
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08-29-2014 , 07:49 AM
I kinda feel Nautilus is the strongest soloQ jungler atm for bronze/silver/gold.
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08-29-2014 , 07:56 AM
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08-29-2014 , 09:56 AM
he isn't totally wrong. he is one of the better junglers prob in bronze and low silver as all teams do is group mid and there is never any counter jungling but there are much better ones. anything one is AOE CC will be decent in general.
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08-29-2014 , 10:12 AM
mumu/wu/ww 3 best low elo junglers in no order

fiddles good too but i would think would be more difficult in bronze where people have no game sense and dont communicate.

Naut is solid but you can't carry a game with him really. Mumu and Wu both wreck teamfights and ww can scale and carry. All 3 mechanically pretty easy as well which is good if you suck (like me).
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08-29-2014 , 11:07 AM
it feels weird but for some reason , i could never really carried as warwick. i feel awesome as warwick like before team fights but in team fights, i always get ****ed but for some reason, with wukong, i i am like 26-11 and basically never lost a team fight and has 4.4 KDA. I do think i do rub off my teammates bad with warwick as i do like to type a lot and gank only with ult. With wu, my team is usually happier. I have also carried a lot of awful yasou with wu and could never do it with warwick. that might also be some reasons

yea fiddle is hard because u do need to channel your ult. I have wrecked so many fiddle at gold and silver with warwick and wukong because they are dead before they could even channel.

would really like to try mumu but i am just so bad at skill shots that anything that involves skill shot scares me. I play soraka,zilean,annie,kayle,warwick,wukong and trist . basically all pretty easy OP champs

Last edited by Omniheart; 08-29-2014 at 11:12 AM.
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08-29-2014 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Omniheart
he isn't totally wrong. he is one of the better junglers prob in bronze and low silver as all teams do is group mid and there is never any counter jungling but there are much better ones. anything one is AOE CC will be decent in general.
It's completely wrong because Naut is a tank jungler and they are a lot harder to hard carry with at lower elos because of the reliance on teamwork.

Additionally gold doesn't scale as well on tank junglers, because your damage scaling with items isn't there ( also because you're building tank ).

Thats why amumu is super strong at low elo because you can build him damage/tanky and solo carry games.
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08-29-2014 , 12:09 PM
WW is great in fights, you just need to know that you dont initiate with your ult most of the time unless its just catching someone out or you are ridiculously fed and give 0 ****s. If you use ult to initiate it usually results in you being in the middle of their team and getting blown up without killing anyone. Much better as a counterinitiate or as followup initiation. Then as the fight goes on, you get your E active, and now no one can escape.

Last edited by Nonfiction; 08-29-2014 at 12:15 PM.
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08-29-2014 , 12:12 PM
I think many different jungles styles work at low ELO, I have a preference for the tanky oriented jungler with great ganks particularly with hard or pseudo engage (Mumu, J4, Vi), I agree with the comments around damage/tanky simply because farming is a very important component at low ELO and having at least one damage jungle item as opposed to Ancient Golem increases this.

That said I think playing tanky oriented junglers (SotAG junglers essentially) is often much simpler so maybe you're just looking for an effectively jungler when you get stuck in jungle then I would actually highly recommend it. In this case Nautilus is a great choice for a ganking oriented style to invest a lot in your laners increasing the chances they can carry you in your off role.

Another very different style you should consider that is excellent for low ELO is safety oriented split pushing.

Safety oriented split pushing is a great, great style if you want to get out of low ELO quickly (the safety being you can escape if you're collapsed on). You get to focus completely on farm efficiency and defending your lanes (very little proactive ganking). Your late game plan is to split push endless and keep the pressure up so any time the enemies coordination or positioning is poor you take an objective or rotate for a favorable fight.

Great jungle split pushers:
#1 Udyr, feral flare or madstone (wriggles->spiritstone to kill Dragon/Baron quickly). Phoenix skillset. Farm your jungle, counter gank and counter jungle as needed. Sneak level 6-7 dragons or 25+ min barons. Use your passive + 2nd skill maxed bear stance to avoid any incoming pressure.
#2 Shaco, again feral flare + ignite. Shaco is a much higher skill way to go about this with the advantage that you have a very strong early game and with the disadvantage that you have absolutely no team fight presence. You will be a terrifying ganker / counter jungler but also great farmer. Contrary to popular opinion Shaco has a great late game split pushing assuming you utilized your pressure (as noted no team fight). Use boxes + invisible flash to keep your split push pressure up. Excellent counter to an opposing FF jungler.
#3 Master Yi. More flexible, can team fight decently well if you position correctly. Great in bronze simply due to the speed at which he takes towers.
#4 Jax. Similar to Yi except more dueling oriented with less safety. Pretty good in low ELO team fighting in exchange.

Last edited by cwar; 08-29-2014 at 12:26 PM.
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08-29-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Omniheart
it feels weird but for some reason , i could never really carried as warwick. i feel awesome as warwick like before team fights but in team fights, i always get ****ed but for some reason, with wukong, i i am like 26-11 and basically never lost a team fight and has 4.4 KDA. I do think i do rub off my teammates bad with warwick as i do like to type a lot and gank only with ult. With wu, my team is usually happier. I have also carried a lot of awful yasou with wu and could never do it with warwick. that might also be some reasons

yea fiddle is hard because u do need to channel your ult. I have wrecked so many fiddle at gold and silver with warwick and wukong because they are dead before they could even channel.

would really like to try mumu but i am just so bad at skill shots that anything that involves skill shot scares me. I play soraka,zilean,annie,kayle,warwick,wukong and trist . basically all pretty easy OP champs
I will never understand the WW jungle hype here, I think he's easily outclassed by other champs in the areas he's strong by the likes of Vi or Udyr but I'll admit I never play him.

I do think Fiddle is potentially a great option (assuming you're familiar with team fighting as a squishy), I just wouldn't pick him unless I had at least one very tanky or multiple tanky teammates as with low coordination it can be very hard to win games without a tank of some sort.

Last edited by cwar; 08-29-2014 at 12:29 PM.
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08-29-2014 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
I will never understand the WW jungle hype here, I think he's easily outclassed by other champs in the areas he's strong by the likes of Vi or Udyr but I'll admit I never play him.
Let's see he gets super tanky, scales as hard as anyone in the game, your ults are guaranteed gank kills if the laner doesn't screw up, in later team fights you can ult their best guy and take him out of the fight, he duels incredibly well at all points of the game, he's great at getting picks no one escapes, he's great at taking objectives with his sustain and atk speed boost to the whole team, he cleans up team fights super well, his 2v2 and counter ganks are sick post Lvl 6.

I can go on I'm sure but he's broken as long as your team doesn't feed pre 6 when you are farming.
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08-29-2014 , 12:36 PM
how is udyr anything like ww? Udyr is an amazingly fast farmer and strong ganker early game with no ult that is garbage in teamfights due to being AA dependent, lacking burst or ult, being easily kited, and providing 0 utility, but is a strong split pusher. WW is a terrible ganker, terrible farmer, terrible split pusher, great team fighter, good utility, impossible to kite, and dependent on ult. The only thing similar is you can also build flare on udyr.

Vi is more similar to WW but I don't think outclasses him at all. WW is slower to gear up but becomes much stronger than Vi and provides more utility to a team. WW grants his team a basically permanent 40% AS bonus once he has some cdr which is a huge boost to hypercarries and amazing for taking objectives. His E also provides utility through vision of low health enemies. His ult is instant, does more damage, and CCs longer than Vi, and he has spammable %health damage whereas Vi needs to AA to do her % damage. Vi's ult does aoe damage to other targets which is nice but I'd rather be able to delete one person and then 5v4. Despite having 2 gapclosers Vi is also easier to kite and as said, is AA dependent, whereas its impossible to kite WW. Vi also does pretty negligable damage as the game goes on unless you build multiple damage items in which case she is easily killed, whereas WW can build tank after wits and FF and still do more damage while being incredibly hard to kill and able to 1v1 any enemy.
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08-29-2014 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
I will never understand the WW jungle hype here, I think he's easily outclassed by other champs in the areas he's strong by the likes of Vi or Udyr but I'll admit I never play him.

I do think Fiddle is potentially a great option (assuming you're familiar with team fighting as a squishy), I just wouldn't pick him unless I had at least one very tanky or multiple tanky teammates as with low coordination it can be very hard to win games without a tank of some sort.
he scales well, for some reason the best solo q junglers scale well. best solo q jungle is rammus, best scaling tank in the game, coincidence I dont' think so.

like perenial tourney picks like lee/elise very weak in solo q because they just have 0 scaling

also hes alot like nunu hes very good at doing baron
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