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(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge (10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge

02-02-2012 , 07:15 PM
Hey guys, I'm about to go on a personal challenge on one of my weaker areas this month:

-Avg 350 sngs a day starting feb 2nd. until Feb 29th.
-Write a report once every 4 days (works out to 7 reports, I'll do a final summarize on March 1st)
-Profit pre-rakeback

This challenge is primarily a volume challenge, I'm setting the bar very high personally at 350 sng's a day avg. That works out to 10000 hypers! (9800 was too close to 10k had to round up bcz 10k sounds so much cooler )

I'm starting on the 2nd here after taking the majority of the day off yesterday motivating/planning/paying rent/running errands etc... I feel like my highest hourly per hour is achieved by two things for me right now, sngs or scheduled mtts, but unfortunately my br is too low to play scheduled mtts on my own. The variance in the massive fields would be too volatile and the risk of ruin is not worthwhile. I also think I don't have enough rep in the community/friends to get a high enough deal to consider looking into worthwhile backing options. So my game of choice is simple, hyper 6max 7$ SNGS.

This thread has mainly been inspired by hard working 2p2 members, who have gave me the strength to take a good hard personal look at my life and think about where I am at, and where I could be at: In order of discovery,
Xereles's 2012 PG+C Thread
Jdawg's 2012 PG+C Thread
Chillin_dude's 2012 PG+C Thread

All of these guys give me strength for different reasons, they all have amazing qualities and I see myself in a lot of their traits. (especially Jdawgs, I'm still quite immature ) I hope to not embarrass myself and will be checking the forum to reply to mostly everyone's questions so feel free to ask away!

To give you guys an idea of the volume I usually put in, here is a pic of my last months 7$ hyper volume.

I did play 17 TCOOP events, but Jan 3rd-17th I was on my normal grind

Music: (sorry guys don't know how to embed youtube vids)

Last edited by Pokernubz; 02-02-2012 at 07:26 PM.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-02-2012 , 07:34 PM
What a day to start something like this, Lobby isn't even working will be handicapped 1 day
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-02-2012 , 07:41 PM
glgl man! <3 that first girl btw
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-02-2012 , 08:38 PM
10k sounds easy

Jk, Gogogo bro!!
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-02-2012 , 08:48 PM
asian lover, i'm in
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-03-2012 , 03:18 AM
you will not enjoy song #1 unless you listen to at least up to 1:45 of it from the start.

sickest drop i've heard in 2011, and if you disagree feel free to post a another! (I love new music and would love to hear some 2011 competition!
61 MILLION others agree with me!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Pokernubz; 02-03-2012 at 03:28 AM.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-03-2012 , 04:35 PM
wow don't even remember 2 am post there,
that was drunk ramble forsure

Head is pounding
1 day behind challenge
house is freezing

time for Tylenol + soup and sweater
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-03-2012 , 05:14 PM
good luck - I set myself a similar challenge last month - to play 10k of these in a month and profit. I managed to play 10.4k but ran 180 buy in below ev and lost $175. I hope you run better
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-03-2012 , 07:13 PM
How many hours u planning on plan a day?
How many tables you playing at a time?
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-03-2012 , 07:23 PM
great start lol
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-04-2012 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by ValuetownJL
How many hours u planning on plan a day?
How many tables you playing at a time?
Dont plan hours, just goin to grind till my balls fall off

12 tables

btw ur avatar is hypnotisng
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-04-2012 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Uczenrybka
good luck - I set myself a similar challenge last month - to play 10k of these in a month and profit. I managed to play 10.4k but ran 180 buy in below ev and lost $175. I hope you run better
U must of still made $ due to rakeback ?
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-04-2012 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pokernubz
U must of still made $ due to rakeback ?
I still made around 1k. My rb line includes a bop $195 and bop $80 so higher than it normally would be.

(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:02 PM
Well let's just get this report over with, I scheduled it for Sunday but at the end of Sunday night i was too depressed to deal with it. Let me just put it this way, I'm obviously choosing the right area of my game that needs the most work!

The day I started the challenge stars lobby was frozen so right off the bat I had some bad luck, I handled it like a pro though and did the only natural responsible thing; I got ****faced. I was so hungover on the 3rd I put in one session and my brain was still pounding, I was making mistakes all over the place and timing out left and right. I figured I'd just chill and prepare for Saturday.

Saturday went well, I not only ran well but was running high in adj EV too, so i was feeling like a boss. Unfortunately, I started getting bored and my anxiety levels got too high, I went out to the pub with some friends and drank once again. It was a pretty awesome night, although I was too high on life at last call I ordered a pitcher that no one seemed to want, I was hoping to buy a couple of friends a few beers but I couldn't finish it myself, I was already pretty hammered. It was a sore sight, massive alcohol abuse, I was guilty. Personally it's so hard for me to stay in both Friday and Saturday night, there's just a buzz during those nights. It's brutal because usually the games are softest but the social environments those nights are the best too, so it's like you can either choose to soulcrush yourself by locking urself inside and play the role of scrouge when all your friends are calling u, trying to pull you out OR u can go out and waste some money, waste one of the best nights of the week for grinding and usually (for me at least) 50% of the next day recovering. The benefits are there though, fun, blow off some steam, maintain sanity ect ect. It's an on going battle I've been facing for years now. I kept hearing that motivational speech echo in my head over and over though, if you haven't heard I recommend you check it out. The football one here, it's slow but powerful.

# of sngs this month so far = 464
Avg Sng/day = 93
Avg Sng/day needed at start of challenge = 345
Avg Sng/day needed now = 397

If this were grade 8, my report card would say F, 27% LOL

This is about the only positive thing I can report on here,
running well.

Last edited by Pokernubz; 02-06-2012 at 10:08 PM.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:11 PM
do you play on stars or merge?
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:15 PM
The day I started the challenge stars lobby was frozen
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:43 PM
You look like youre being as lazy as i am this month

Still early. gl the rest of the way.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-07-2012 , 09:29 AM
Kinda on a bunk schedule, it seems to shift too much.
Partially because,
A. I don't like going to bed
B. I don't like waking up

Anyone got any suggestions? I did manage to grind a bunch today, and for first time I should be meeting my volume requirement, unfortunately I'm running like ass, but do believe I'm playing ok still.

Going to stretch/relax then get back on it. I'm going to try for 3 more sessions, before i lay my head down. My sessions are roughly 60mins, I que TN for 47 mins.

will post mini report in a bit
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-07-2012 , 10:19 AM
Do you table select at these? I attempt to when starting a session but after that I let TN take over. Can be kinda annoying to be sat at a table with 3/4/5 other regs when there are so many softer tables of these running.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:13 PM
OP, just force yourself to wake up early one day and then dont let yourself take any naps. Also dont drink caffeine or sugar or anything that could keep you up for like 6+ hours before you need to go to bed.

Itll be really hard keeping the schedule but after a few days or a week of doing it your body will adjust and you might even start waking up on your own and before your alarm.

Im playing the 9m so never game select, but when i was playing 6m on Merge i would a bit. I dont think midsession game selection is worth it but doing it when you start could be and then just quitting a session early if theyre too regged up is prob +ev. Depends on what kind of edges youre dealing with i guess.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-08-2012 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
OP, just force yourself to wake up early one day and then dont let yourself take any naps. Also dont drink caffeine or sugar or anything that could keep you up for like 6+ hours before you need to go to bed.

Itll be really hard keeping the schedule but after a few days or a week of doing it your body will adjust and you might even start waking up on your own and before your alarm.
Great advice I believe half the time i stay up late because I'm too stimulated, either from sc2 or sugar+caffeine. I'm tryin to stop my sc2 or at least cut it down, and I am doing better... to be honest I doubt I'll ever be able to stop gaming and I'm fine with that. I would like to control it more though, many of times in my life it has taken over my life, and I know its not heroine or anything but for me personally it can be struggle. I must be addicted to instant gratification or something.

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Im playing the 9m so never game select, but when i was playing 6m on Merge i would a bit. I dont think midsession game selection is worth it but doing it when you start could be and then just quitting a session early if theyre too regged up is prob +ev. Depends on what kind of edges youre dealing with i guess.

Honestly I think in the 7's, blindly regging with even 2 or 3 regs is +ev, in fact half the people in the top 5 in sharkscope for the year I think are terrible, they just happen to be beasts at volume ( And I'm ****ing jealous). It's part of the reason I'm doing this challenge, I don't think game selection is really important until you hit the 30's. In my opinion your either going to be +EV or you should be slightly -EV but the experience you gain from playing in "tough games" will neglect the short term thus still being still +EV long term! I quote tough games, because it's all relative, tough games in a 7$ are likely soft or normal in a 30.

Just my opinion though, I don't have much xp in the 30s. In time...
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-08-2012 , 07:16 AM
Ok so I'm updating fairly early, but w/e I wanted to update. Lately I've been struggling, I'm looking forward to the weekend because the games are so juicy.... unfortunately the weekend is a few days away. I haven't exactly been reaching my volume goals, but god I hate that word... "BUT" I will. Here's the latest, Today I managed to muck KK, AA, and AKo preflop, all by miss clicking. I feel like I can handle 12 tables without errors, 95% of the time, but if I'm in 2-4 games HU and 2-4 games 3 handed, it becomes tough. I guess I just need more experience, it's annoying when that happens because it's so hard to keep up but it's also a nice feeling because I know I'm crushing.

Here is since my last update.

Here is the month total.

I'll give a more thorough report hopefully on Thursday.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-10-2012 , 05:19 AM
Well, I've been fighting. Increasing my volume is much harder then I'd imagine. It seems like every-time I get to about 200-250 sng's my brain starts to feel like mush. I think I just gotta plug away at it, I've taken some advice from Ruse on how to maintain a schedule and I've given up drinking pops after 6pm. (which has been HARD) So I've actually maintained a normalish schedule for the last two days, I'd like to wake up even earlier though. I think waking up at like 6am PST would be optimal game wise, right now I'm getting up at about 11ish. I believe I'm on the right track but have to kick it into high gear to have any chance at my personally insane goal.

# of sngs this month so far = 1334
Avg Sng/day = 148
Avg Sng/day needed at start of challenge = 345
Avg Sng/day needed now = 456

Here is my months graph,

Here is my daily activity
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:00 PM
Currently 43 of 298 in Sunday million 2

Hoping for a deep run, was near top 20 when we entered the money at 810, but pretty happy with my play so far.
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:42 PM
(10k Hypers!) February 2012 Discipline Challenge Quote
