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Was this a really bad call play on my part? Was this a really bad call play on my part?

06-08-2011 , 05:00 PM
Here is the hand.. 1/2 no limit everyone has between 200-300 behind

UTG +2 raises to 10
UTG +3 calls
Button calls

I am in BB with Ac 8c I call 8more.

41 in pot.

Flop comes 8 K 5 rainbow

I check, it checks all around.

Turn is an Ah two hearts on board now.

Checks to me, I bet 18.

UTG 2 fold, and UTG 3 raises to 36. Button folds. I call.

113 in pot.

River is a 5c.

I bet 45. I have about 185 left after bet.

Player starts talking about chopped pot. I don't have AK and after a few moments or two, goes all in for 210.00

I debated for about 4 minutes and called. He had KK.

How bad did I play this hand? Any rec'd's on how I should have played it differently.

I did not put him on KK. obv. didn't think he had set of 8's because I had A8. I was worried about A5 or AK. Again.. I just couldn't understand why he didn't bet flop?
Was this a really bad call play on my part? Quote
06-08-2011 , 05:01 PM
side note, won massive pot shortly after and cashed out 380 winner for night. Happy ending....
Was this a really bad call play on my part? Quote
06-08-2011 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by nick1074

Player starts talking about chopped pot. I don't have AK and after a few moments or two, goes all in for 210.00
Speech in llsnl before doing something counterintuitive = 87.33% a monster
Was this a really bad call play on my part? Quote
06-08-2011 , 05:18 PM
If he mumbles about chop then calls you're probably good.
If he mumbles about chop then shoves you're almost never good lol.

He checks the flop because he has the nuts and is willing to let a straight card come off for free I guess. The turn comes and he goes for the ole mine raise for value line (haha). Once you get to the river it seems like a pretty easy fold.
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06-08-2011 , 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by LolPony
If he mumbles about chop then calls you're probably good.
If he mumbles about chop then shoves you're almost never good lol.

He checks the flop because he has the nuts and is willing to let a straight card come off for free I guess. The turn comes and he goes for the ole mine raise for value line (haha). Once you get to the river it seems like a pretty easy fold.
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06-08-2011 , 05:35 PM
This trash belongs in BBV.

Pretty much 1) bad defend of the BB w/ A8. You ate easily dominated and OOP.
and 2) be weary of the min-raise coming from low stakes fish.
3) don't lead river if you're not sure - check/call
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06-08-2011 , 05:59 PM
Uh, speech followed by raise = nuts = fold

c/c the river, leading is pretty bad IMO, bet the turn for more.
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06-08-2011 , 06:47 PM
fold pre, seriously.

as played, bet the flop.
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06-08-2011 , 06:49 PM
1) You didn't play the hand terribly.

2) When faced with a difficult situation on a latter street (turn or river) I was always taught to work the hand backwards, which I think works in this situation.

a) Ragged rainbow board is checked through. The turn card is an ace which nails each or some of opponent's range given the preflop action.

b) You lead the turn with 2 pair are raised by a player who cold called preflop, checked on the flop. He has a strong hand (2 pair) or pair +draw. You just call.

c) The river comes a blank. Why are you leading out on the river? If you think you're ahead then why not shove the turn? Villain says something about chopping and then shoves. This is called "Hollywood" or acting. It's the whole weak is strong/strong is weak thing which is heavily supported by his RRAI. I would've just checked the river and consider folding or call and cry.

Originally Posted by grindme
fold pre, seriously.

as played, bet the flop.
Are you out of your gourd??

Last edited by Dhani; 06-08-2011 at 06:57 PM. Reason: more
Was this a really bad call play on my part? Quote
06-08-2011 , 07:00 PM
bet turn bigger next time.

also why would he say we need to chop then shove? think about tht one.

nice check on flop and pf is kinda bad but could be an ok move to make on many tables.
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06-08-2011 , 07:45 PM
I realize I fell for the old, "get the speech/shove move" I also know my call on river was bad. I could have check called river. I was just wondering what I could have done better on flop or turn mostly.

I didn't think betting flop with 8 in a 4 way pot in 1st Pos. was a good line to take.
On turn I thought my A8 may be best. Someone had AQ or AJ raised pre and hit and I was ahead.

As for folding Ac 8c pre? Suited Nut Flush draw hand in blinds for 8 more in a multiway
pot. I don't think that's a bad call with 4 way action? Can we all agree on that?
Biggest mistake I made I guess would be just calling reraise on turn, or just check calling or folding on river.

Thanks for the input.
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06-08-2011 , 08:44 PM
you played it fine

i would def play A8s in a multiway pot

on the river i can safely find a fold if he shoves after i check, otherwise im calling a psb
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06-08-2011 , 08:50 PM
Turn mini raise is always a fish with the nuts.
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06-08-2011 , 09:22 PM
fold pre I think. A8s doesn't play as well as you think it does OOP multiway
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06-08-2011 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
This trash belongs in BBV.

Pretty much 1) bad defend of the BB w/ A8. You ate easily dominated and OOP.
and 2) be weary of the min-raise coming from low stakes fish.
3) don't lead river if you're not sure - check/call
At 1/2 I am definitely over-calling a small raise with A8s. The implied odds are huge against players who can't fold a smaller flush. I trust my ability to read the board and get away from spots where I'm dominated.

This is one of them, facing a raise with a K and A on the board. By the river I'd certainly be suspicious of a set because fish almost always check behind and wake up late with sets, and the river is basically a blank.
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06-08-2011 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Ibuprofen
At 1/2 I am definitely over-calling a small raise with A8s. The implied odds are huge against players who can't fold a smaller flush. I trust my ability to read the board and get away from spots where I'm dominated.

This is one of them, facing a raise with a K and A on the board. By the river I'd certainly be suspicious of a set because fish almost always check behind and wake up late with sets, and the river is basically a blank.
So what do you do with A/8 in the following situation:

1. Flopped two to the flush
2. A-high board
3. Some sort of straight draw like 5/6/9
4. Top/bottom like A/K/8

I always struggle with these spots and most of the time end up taking a passive line, but it sounds like you're very confident with playing A/8 OOP, so I am curious what you would do in these common spots.
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06-08-2011 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by poke4fun
So what do you do with A/8 in the following situation:

1. Flopped two to the flush
2. A-high board
3. Some sort of straight draw like 5/6/9
4. Top/bottom like A/K/8

I always struggle with these spots and most of the time end up taking a passive line, but it sounds like you're very confident with playing A/8 OOP, so I am curious what you would do in these common spots.

1: c/c or c/r or b/c
2: b/f or c/c then c/f
3: fold
4: b/f, b/f, c/c or c/f
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06-08-2011 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Sennz
1: c/c or c/r or b/c
2: b/f or c/c then c/f
3: fold
4: b/f, b/f, c/c or c/f
I'll pretend it's that simple, but what do you do on the turn/river?

Noticed that all your lines included c/c.

Ibuprofen said that he doesn't like playing hands passively, so I thought he has better ideas playing these hands more aggressively.
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06-08-2011 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by nick1074
Here is the hand.. 1/2 no limit everyone has between 200-300 behind

UTG +2 raises to 10
UTG +3 calls
Button calls

I am in BB with Ac 8c I call 8more.

41 in pot.

Flop comes 8 K 5 rainbow

I check, it checks all around.

Turn is an Ah two hearts on board now.

Checks to me, I bet 18.

UTG 2 fold, and UTG 3 raises to 36. Button folds. I call.

113 in pot.

River is a 5c.

I bet 45. I have about 185 left after bet.

Player starts talking about chopped pot. I don't have AK and after a few moments or two, goes all in for 210.00

I debated for about 4 minutes and called. He had KK.

How bad did I play this hand? Any rec'd's on how I should have played it differently.

I did not put him on KK. obv. didn't think he had set of 8's because I had A8. I was worried about A5 or AK. Again.. I just couldn't understand why he didn't bet flop?
Well, this is about how I think and play every day for very long time. Anything less then top-two-pair (T2P) is a small hand that I don't get pot committed. I would have not called the turn raise but more precisely I would have not even bet the turn myself without a hand I want to commit. This may look sick to most dudes but that's the way I manage to make a steady income playing every day after day and over again, lol, lol. For myself the committing hand starts with T2P+ anything less including any overpair like AA or KK represents a small hand that I will not commit and I will not pay off anybody even if I may fold the best hand sometimes on the flop. I find out by experience that playing like that I can create a steady income for myself. Well, it is what it is.


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06-08-2011 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by poke4fun
I'll pretend it's that simple, but what do you do on the turn/river?

Noticed that all your lines included c/c.

Ibuprofen said that he doesn't like playing hands passively, so I thought he has better ideas playing these hands more aggressively.
well its not that simple but you didnt give any villain descriptions so the response has to be simple

in a nut flush hand best line is usually an aggressive 1 because not only will you get action from worse flush draws since theyll put you on a made hand but if there are other FDs or straight draws itll make marginal made hands fold so youll actually be betting with the best hand/draw and we all know that live players have a tough time laying down draws.

on a ace high flop oop i think b/f flop, b/f turn and c/c or c/f river is ok but there are more optimal lines based on villains.

on a straight draw i hate my hand because im paying off higher straights a lot so id rather just fold unless its a straight + flush draw

with flopped top/bottom pair im gonna be more passive because i dont want to fold out top pair or middle pair because if the flop is AK8 you can bet, get called by KQ, turn a Q and youll get their money cuz they will feel really good about their hand especially if you take a more passive line that will disguise your not stacking off though and my bets will be on the smaller side, or ill be calling bets.

hope that helps or clears things up some
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06-09-2011 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by poke4fun
So what do you do with A/8 in the following situation:

1. Flopped two to the flush
2. A-high board
3. Some sort of straight draw like 5/6/9
4. Top/bottom like A/K/8

I always struggle with these spots and most of the time end up taking a passive line, but it sounds like you're very confident with playing A/8 OOP, so I am curious what you would do in these common spots.
It depends. What are the stack sizes and current table dynamics? How often does the raiser cbet and on what boards? Does he have a polarized cbet range? Does he increase his cbet size on wet boards? Does he respond passively or aggressively to check raises on low boards? High ones? Will he shut down if the 3rd to a straight/flush comes on the turn? Can he let go of TPTK?

Then we have the pf caller. Is he aggressive IP or does he take a lot of free cards? Does he call pf raises with suited connectors? Does he reach a lot of showdowns with PPs or set mine? How does he respond to being squeezed?

It's rare to have answers to every question so you have to take advantage of the ones you know. In a typical low stakes game the most important ones IMO relate to check raises, cbet sizes on wet boards, and if they shutdown when a 3rd straight/flush card shows up. I can usually navigate a hand OOP if I have answers to any of those topics. While I am confident with A8s OOP, it only applies against passive opponents, or good opponents with a fish in the hand.
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06-09-2011 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Ibuprofen
It depends. What are the stack sizes and current table dynamics? How often does the raiser cbet and on what boards? Does he have a polarized cbet range? Does he increase his cbet size on wet boards? Does he respond passively or aggressively to check raises on low boards? High ones? Will he shut down if the 3rd to a straight/flush comes on the turn? Can he let go of TPTK?

Then we have the pf caller. Is he aggressive IP or does he take a lot of free cards? Does he call pf raises with suited connectors? Does he reach a lot of showdowns with PPs or set mine? How does he respond to being squeezed?

It's rare to have answers to every question so you have to take advantage of the ones you know. In a typical low stakes game the most important ones IMO relate to check raises, cbet sizes on wet boards, and if they shutdown when a 3rd straight/flush card shows up. I can usually navigate a hand OOP if I have answers to any of those topics. While I am confident with A8s OOP, it only applies against passive opponents, or good opponents with a fish in the hand.
Since we're talking about OP's hand, I'll avoid hijacking his thread.

I'll re-post this as a new thread, and if OP doesn't mind, I'll use his reads and information as the basis of my question.
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06-09-2011 , 04:13 PM
yes this is a bad call only because the river bet n he shoved over, this has to be a super agro player to call this shove to be profitable where he has an A n think can get u to fold a bare A also

But when u bet the river n he shoves this is almost never a bluff in 1-2 so ur always beat in my opinion
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06-09-2011 , 04:26 PM
I would consider folding to turn min raise and usually c/f or c/c river. Minraises at low stakes are usually people with monsters scared you won't call more.
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06-09-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by nick1074
Checks to me, I bet 18.
I don't get it. Who checked to you? Was SB still in? You didn't mention him.
Is this a really poor attempt at a level?
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