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04-02-2015 , 02:30 AM
Hi Danshiel350,

most probably you have used PokerRanger on another system with another setup of monitors.

The popup will probably be on a now invisible screen. After opening the unviewable popup try pressing alt+space, then press M for move (it might differ depending on your language; alternatively, pressing two times the down button and hitting enter should work as well). Now, use some arrow key on your keyboard once and after that you should be able to move the window with your mouse.

There is also the possibility to change the position in your registry, if this does not work.

If you need any additional help, just write us in skype (PokerRangerSupport) and we will assist you with that issue.

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
04-02-2015 , 05:36 AM
THanks, I had done something similar las t night after playing around and it seems to work!

All good.
PokerRanger Quote
04-26-2015 , 02:04 PM
Hi Eisflamme,
Is there any way to view ranges "shrink" from pf until river? for example if villain calls CO minraise from BTN with 20% of his range and going to calldown with the top 5% of his range when we triple barrel or even just betting flop and turn and give up river, can I enter in each street which part of his range wont call and disappears until the river?
I hope I was clear, sorry for my poor english, Thanks.
PokerRanger Quote
04-26-2015 , 03:46 PM
Hi DeuceOTR,

the currently usual way to achieve this is to form groups and each next group is a subgroup of the former one.

For example:
Group 1
-> Group 2 (w/parent group = Group 1)
--> Group 3 (w/parent group = Group 2)
---> Group 4 (w/parent group = Group 3)

Now, Group1 could be some preflop range, Group 2 could be the flop range and Group 3/4 could be the turn/river ranges.

In the EV/FE tab you can easily select those ranges with the dropdown at the right part of the text line.

Also, I think your English is just fine.

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
07-14-2015 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Eisflamme
Hi Frozen_Starlight,

the next update will be huge with a whole new user experience and new features. We have no time schedule for that but we work hard to achieve something that will be even more intuitive than what we currently offer.

This is the reason why we have not provided updates recently. Work is being done, maybe even more intensive than before.
Without intending to be pushy - do you have any more insight into this?
PokerRanger Quote
07-15-2015 , 04:15 AM
Hi HAMsmoke,

there is still no exact time schedule on this but the process still includes many hours of work during the week. One certain feature that I can promise is that the range matrix will be resizable, so that the software will also work on high DPI displays. Some icons will be displayed and it will also be more intuitive to work with groups than before.

More technically, some central parts of the backend will be rewritten that improves the performance of the software and the software architecture is also largely improved, so that future improvements after the next release should come faster and accompanied with a higher stability than for the previous PokerRanger versions.

If you have more detailed questions or some specific features that you would like to see in the next release, please feel free to contact us anytime here or via mail. User feedback is still the main source for ideas and used to design our to-do list.

I hope that you are pleased with this little outlook.

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
08-07-2015 , 01:23 AM
Hi, looking at your website seem like this software ys very cool, as for now there is a big interest on GTO solvers, I'm currently using one called Pio Solver

and I think your software would be awesome to analyse the ranges on the different nodes of the GTO solutions, so is there a way you can make PokerRanger to accept Pio ranges? actually I understand Pio is made in a way exernal tools can interact with it, for example I see every day people asking for feature requests to Pio developers for range analysis and stuff (most of the features Poker Ranger has) and so I'm sure many Pio users will be willing to pay for your software (including me and all my friends for sure) if you could make it very easy to use side by side with Pio, GTO solvers are in a boom right now and so I think there might be a business oportunity for you if you are interested

Sorry if this is very messy, in short what I think would be awesome is if while using Pio Solver I could just click a button to get PokerRanger to import the current ranges from Pio Solver on any particular node and analyse them.

Also in Poker Ranger I saw Players are named Player1 and Player2 I think the ability to name them or use another convention will make things easier while using the software like IP player and OOP player.

Thank you very much! and again awesome tool! cheers!

Last edited by M_Acevedo; 08-07-2015 at 01:31 AM.
PokerRanger Quote
08-07-2015 , 02:34 AM
Hi M_Acevedo,

this sounds like a great idea. We also recognize that GTO grows in importance, so your suggestion sounds very sound.

The idea to give players other names is also worthwhile and put on the to do list.

One question about copying from GTO solvers, since you seem to have a good portion of experience with those: Why exactly is it not possible to extract ranges from specific nodes? Like is there no "text export" button or something? We cannot change the PIO solvers, of course, so a safe way to deal with exports from them should depend on the output format that these pieces of software offer. Whether or not these pieces of software have a fine support for exporting ranges might be a success factor for integrating it into PokerRanger.

Thank you very much for your great feedback and your interest so far!

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
08-07-2015 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Eisflamme
One question about copying from GTO solvers, since you seem to have a good portion of experience with those: Why exactly is it not possible to extract ranges from specific nodes? Like is there no "text export" button or something? We cannot change the PIO solvers, of course, so a safe way to deal with exports from them should depend on the output format that these pieces of software offer. Whether or not these pieces of software have a fine support for exporting ranges might be a success factor for integrating it into PokerRanger.
Hi, the problem is that the text output from the GTO solvers has multiple weights on it since a single combo can be checked a % of the time, bet another %, or bet to another sizing a different %, for example in a particular spot I have Ks8h bet for a 55% pot size bet 22.2% of the time, 33% pot size bet 22.3% of the time and checked 55.5% of the time, so the txt output lists every single combo and weights it, and Poker Ranger doesnot accept that kind of format I don't think.

here is an example of the way the a range text output might look like after making a 55% potsize Cbet:

And thank you very much for the quick response and the interest

AsAc: 0.969213605,
AsAd: 0.969157398,
AdAc: 0.969156981,
5d5c: 0.935131013,
5s5d: 0.935111225,
5s5c: 0.930724442,
5h5d: 0.919424474,
5h5c: 0.901135266,
5s5h: 0.900105715,
AhAc: 0.890396833,
AsAh: 0.890334964,
8d8c: 0.879720271,
8s8d: 0.879445076,
Kd4d: 0.869308054,
7h7d: 0.843571723,
Kh7h: 0.825314641,
8s8c: 0.821831703,
AhQh: 0.816978455,
7s7d: 0.801713347,
7d7c: 0.801550031,
Kc4c: 0.801087141,
Ks4s: 0.801065922,
AdKc: 0.785854876,
AdKs: 0.785853386,
JhJd: 0.78382796,
Ah4d: 0.780988753,
Ah4s: 0.773802817,
Ah4c: 0.773667157,
AhAd: 0.772624195,
6h6d: 0.741192043,
AhKh: 0.739562154,
Ad4d: 0.738295734,
6h6c: 0.737648547,
6s6h: 0.737521231,
9s9c: 0.73450017,
6d6c: 0.730190933,
6s6d: 0.730131388,
AsKd: 0.724379003,
AcKd: 0.724377871,
9h9c: 0.72174263,
9s9h: 0.720710039,
8h8d: 0.717163682,
8s8h: 0.716286719,
8h8c: 0.716018677,
Ah9h: 0.699742377,
Ac4s: 0.694819689,
Kh9s: 0.694774628,
Kh9c: 0.694770873,
As4c: 0.694759011,
Ac4c: 0.693262041,
As4s: 0.693104565,
Kh8h: 0.692188382,
Ad4c: 0.686998785,
Ad4s: 0.686961472,
AcKs: 0.681989789,
AsKc: 0.681986928,
AsKs: 0.680024922,
AcKc: 0.679993391,
As4d: 0.676980913,
Ac4d: 0.676970422,
Kh8c: 0.665644825,
Kh8s: 0.665639937,
Kh9d: 0.665322125,
ThTd: 0.662240267,
ThTc: 0.655509651,
TsTh: 0.654926419,
Qh7h: 0.651026487,
6s6c: 0.646576405,
9h9d: 0.644313097,
Kh9h: 0.64002651,
Kh8d: 0.638251901,
Qh9s: 0.623585641,
Qh9c: 0.62357223,
Ah7h: 0.62229979,
7s7c: 0.620433331,
AcTh: 0.614438117,
AsTh: 0.614417791,
Kh6h: 0.607993007,
AhKs: 0.606671154,
AhKc: 0.606663585,
AdKd: 0.605695248,
AhJh: 0.604581952,
Qh6h: 0.598310709,
TsTc: 0.591053724,
AhTh: 0.586226821,
Qh9h: 0.585399389,
Qh9d: 0.581565201,
AdQh: 0.579341292,
JhJc: 0.573259711,
JsJh: 0.572848201,
KhTh: 0.571816981,
7s7h: 0.570393264,
7h7c: 0.57035321,
AhKd: 0.563950062,
AdJs: 0.554372072,
AdJc: 0.554370582,
AcKh: 0.549204826,
AsKh: 0.549184203,
QhJh: 0.548120856,
JdTh: 0.547350705,
Qh8h: 0.545503557,
9s8h: 0.541669428,
9c8h: 0.541666269,
9s9d: 0.532818019,
9d9c: 0.532768548,
Jh9s: 0.531983018,
Jh9c: 0.531967282,
QhQc: 0.526670337,
QsQh: 0.526654661,
QhTh: 0.525123775,
JsTh: 0.525102496,
JcTh: 0.525098562,
Jh9d: 0.523749173,
AcQh: 0.519082785,
AsQh: 0.519071698,
Ac9h: 0.516756952,
As9h: 0.516736329,
JhTd: 0.515473068,
Kh5h: 0.50850898,
AdQd: 0.507858157,
9d7d: 0.507643938,
Ah3c: 0.504410148,
Ah3s: 0.504364848,
Ah3d: 0.502788901,
AsJd: 0.500035763,
AcJd: 0.500021815,
Jd9h: 0.497041404,
AhQs: 0.494590789,
AhQc: 0.494578511,
9d8h: 0.485143751,
AdTh: 0.483065426,
AcJh: 0.483059406,
AsJh: 0.483044177,
TsTd: 0.482699156,
TdTc: 0.482407451,
QhTd: 0.480479181,
Td9h: 0.480061442,
KhJh: 0.478346646,
QhTs: 0.477706075,
QhTc: 0.477691501,
AdJh: 0.476696432,
QhQd: 0.474551648,
AdTs: 0.470273495,
AdTc: 0.470253974,
Ts9h: 0.469782919,
Tc9h: 0.469774038,
Js9h: 0.468752056,
Jc9h: 0.468748212,
Td7d: 0.466240317,
Qd9d: 0.458194882,
AdQs: 0.456002802,
AdQc: 0.455999196,
Td8d: 0.451102048,
9h8c: 0.450163931,
9h8s: 0.450128198,
Ah8h: 0.43911764,
Th9s: 0.438757926,
Th9c: 0.438745826,
Ad3d: 0.435954422,
JhTs: 0.434643328,
JhTc: 0.434626907,
AdKh: 0.430553466,
Qd9h: 0.412386149,
Th9d: 0.411719948,
Th7h: 0.408159494,
Ac3c: 0.404512644,
As3s: 0.404495031,
2s2c: 0.404157043,
AsJs: 0.403357774,
AcJc: 0.403346121,
AsJc: 0.403272301,
AcJs: 0.403264225,
Ac3s: 0.402285516,
As3c: 0.402256519,
Kd8c: 0.402205348,
Kd8s: 0.402141064,
AsQd: 0.399991781,
AcQd: 0.399977833,
Qd9s: 0.398893714,
Qd9c: 0.398887396,
Jd7d: 0.398744792,
9d8d: 0.39729771,
6s5s: 0.396437287,
6c5c: 0.396332443,
QdTh: 0.390996844,
Jh7h: 0.384100765,
Ts7s: 0.382891923,
Tc7c: 0.382801145,
Kd6d: 0.38053599,
Ad9h: 0.3805345,
Qh5h: 0.380504042,
Qs9s: 0.377470583,
Qc9c: 0.377459705,
3d3c: 0.377393812,
3s3d: 0.377363741,
Qs9c: 0.377261251,
Qc9s: 0.377252042,
Tc8c: 0.376881748,
Ts8s: 0.376842588,
Ah2s: 0.371761322,
Ah2c: 0.3717224,
Qc8c: 0.371338159,
Qs8s: 0.371282756,
9s7s: 0.371202052,
9c7c: 0.37113294,
9h8d: 0.367116123,
AhQd: 0.36668247,
JsTd: 0.364635825,
JcTd: 0.364631355,
KhKd: 0.359861881,
JdJc: 0.358234823,
JsJd: 0.358176887,
Jc8c: 0.355249345,
Js8s: 0.355198592,
KhTs: 0.354884028,
KhTc: 0.354870081,
Ac5d: 0.354327142,
As5d: 0.354320943,
JdTs: 0.352838129,
JdTc: 0.352820963,
Qs9h: 0.352637827,
Qc9h: 0.352629811,
Qs9d: 0.350357115,
Qc9d: 0.350346446,
AsTd: 0.350166202,
AcTd: 0.350147426,
AcQs: 0.349918336,
AsQc: 0.349910855,
AsQs: 0.349847227,
AcQc: 0.349835247,
6d5d: 0.348974884,
Jh8h: 0.348466367,
3s3c: 0.348175287,
JcTs: 0.347409248,
JsTc: 0.347389728,
QsTh: 0.347079843,
QcTh: 0.347072035,
9h7h: 0.342720479,
Js7s: 0.342069387,
Jc7c: 0.341980934,
Kd8h: 0.338406235,
Qd8d: 0.33776626,
Jd8d: 0.337305218,
Ah2h: 0.337141037,
KhKc: 0.334314257,
KsKh: 0.334313363,
QsJd: 0.331954837,
QcJd: 0.331944972,
KdJs: 0.330563992,
QdTs: 0.330563575,
KdJc: 0.330562085,
QdTc: 0.330540806,
Jd9s: 0.329612434,
Jd9c: 0.329609334,
QsJc: 0.325245798,
QcJs: 0.325241208,
Ad5h: 0.325236827,
KcJs: 0.324698329,
KsJc: 0.324697316,
2s2h: 0.324249059,
2h2c: 0.324242771,
QsTd: 0.320390433,
QcTd: 0.320380151,
KsJd: 0.320258647,
KcJd: 0.320257127,
Qs7s: 0.319949239,
Qc7c: 0.319805562,
Td9s: 0.317077786,
Td9c: 0.317075759,
Ad9s: 0.316736013,
Ad9c: 0.31672731,
JsTs: 0.315014541,
JcTc: 0.314988524,
Jh9h: 0.314642459,
Th8h: 0.31131953,
QhJd: 0.311120778,
Kd9c: 0.310225964,
Kd9s: 0.310225397,
QhJs: 0.301713526,
QhJc: 0.301709443,
AcTs: 0.301552296,
AsTc: 0.301539093,
Ac2h: 0.30041635,
As2h: 0.300346255,
QdJs: 0.300125092,
QdJc: 0.300120801,
QsTs: 0.297948241,
QcTc: 0.297911763,
QcTs: 0.29787758,
QsTc: 0.297857076,
QsJh: 0.29778564,
QcJh: 0.29777503,
AsTs: 0.297605217,
AcTc: 0.297573715,
Td9d: 0.297532856,
As5h: 0.296080351,
Ac5h: 0.296034068,
KhTd: 0.294932067,
Ts9c: 0.290975422,
Tc9s: 0.290946186,
Js9c: 0.288884252,
Jc9s: 0.288882762,
Js9s: 0.286705345,
Jc9c: 0.286696523,
9s8c: 0.286611199,
9c8s: 0.286556631,
Ks7s: 0.285293639,
Kc7c: 0.285152644,
QdJh: 0.282267064,
9h8h: 0.281902224,
Kd9h: 0.279294044,
Ks6s: 0.268940568,
Kc6c: 0.268924385,
As6d: 0.266165465,
Ac6d: 0.266156733,
8d7d: 0.264224857,
Ks8d: 0.261790216,
Kc8d: 0.261787355,
Ks9d: 0.260965616,
Kc9d: 0.260965377,
KdKc: 0.259034514,
KsKd: 0.259028465,
Ad2h: 0.2574251,
JhTh: 0.25693503,
Ad5s: 0.256014675,
Ad5c: 0.255995512,
Ts9s: 0.255613029,
Tc9c: 0.255587608,
AhJd: 0.255577654,
Ts9d: 0.254612654,
Tc9d: 0.254592806,
Ks8c: 0.253868341,
Kc8s: 0.2537857,
8h7h: 0.253142208,
Ad6c: 0.253080636,
Ad6s: 0.253029585,
AdJd: 0.251063734,
Kc8c: 0.250327468,
Ks8s: 0.250251591,
9c8c: 0.250089228,
9s8s: 0.250029236,
JdTd: 0.24438192,
Js9d: 0.243474394,
Jc9d: 0.243470982,
Jd9d: 0.236388505,
9d8c: 0.235987678,
9d8s: 0.235948518,
Qs6s: 0.229355991,
Ah5d: 0.229336232,
Qc6c: 0.229326725,
Qd6d: 0.226396754,
Qd7d: 0.226158097,
Ad3s: 0.22587736,
Ad3c: 0.225873679,
Ad2c: 0.22474815,
Ad2s: 0.224729031,
Ac3d: 0.223249733,
KdTs: 0.223240018,
Th9h: 0.223217219,
KdTc: 0.223211899,
As3d: 0.223187849,
Ks8h: 0.221802175,
Kc8h: 0.221797496,
6h5h: 0.221266896,
As5s: 0.216545388,
Ac5c: 0.216495976,
9c8d: 0.212079361,
9s8d: 0.212070405,
Ac5s: 0.210913345,
As5c: 0.210891291,
As9d: 0.208915368,
Ac9d: 0.208890438,
Kc2c: 0.203386486,
Ks2s: 0.203369364,
KsKc: 0.203230083,
KsTd: 0.198544279,
KcTd: 0.198543698,
8s7s: 0.194849387,
8c7c: 0.194782928,
Ac8h: 0.194065526,
As8h: 0.194021493,
As6c: 0.188395396,
Ac6s: 0.188343063,
Ac6c: 0.188161463,
As6s: 0.188128844,
JsJc: 0.187154904,
QsJs: 0.173832789,
QcJc: 0.173830017,
AhTd: 0.167287737,
Ah5s: 0.166777343,
Ah5c: 0.166732341,
AdTd: 0.164688155,
Kd7d: 0.159036547,
Kd8d: 0.15865311,
Ks9c: 0.156810507,
Kc9s: 0.156788528,
Ad7h: 0.156074837,
Ks3s: 0.155519128,
Kc3c: 0.155510336,
AhJc: 0.153700262,
AhJs: 0.153698817,
Ad8h: 0.151070014,
KsJs: 0.149876326,
KcJc: 0.149871126,
KhJs: 0.145948634,
KhJc: 0.145948142,
Ac2c: 0.14511776,
As2s: 0.145061702,
KcTs: 0.144058406,
KsTc: 0.144050315,
QsQc: 0.140378296,
As9c: 0.136572748,
Ac9s: 0.136570454,
KhJd: 0.135429904,
AhTs: 0.135274187,
AhTc: 0.135272801,
QsQd: 0.133392468,
QdQc: 0.133388579,
As9s: 0.131667167,
Ac9c: 0.131659254,
KcQs: 0.130785331,
KsQc: 0.130771697,
Ks9h: 0.128617078,
Kc9h: 0.128612697,
QdTd: 0.121817455,
Ac2s: 0.121642485,
As2c: 0.121614888,
Ad9d: 0.121144816,
Ad8d: 0.114310406,
7s6s: 0.109886691,
7c6c: 0.109840773,
KdQs: 0.108944245,
KdQc: 0.108925909,
Kd3d: 0.107968651,
Ks9s: 0.106163383,
Kc9c: 0.106161825,
KsQd: 0.104472496,
KcQd: 0.104471147,
KcTc: 0.10386008,
KsTs: 0.103859663,
Ah8d: 0.103817746,
Ad8c: 0.100251555,
Ad8s: 0.100147091,
Ac7h: 0.090436518,
As7h: 0.09039361,
Ah6h: 0.088180594,
KsQs: 0.084159061,
KcQc: 0.084157787,
Ah9c: 0.082642183,
Ah9s: 0.082637958,
Ad7s: 0.081453882,
Ad7c: 0.081273995,
KdTh: 0.080076255,
Ah9d: 0.079674952,
Kh2h: 0.074546143,
KsTh: 0.07399369,
KcTh: 0.073992476,
QdJd: 0.072532423,
As8c: 0.072109126,
Ac8s: 0.072107114,
Ac8c: 0.071974069,
As8s: 0.07197205,
As7d: 0.0664111,
As8d: 0.066404708,
Ac8d: 0.066403993,
Ac7d: 0.066394635,
Ah8s: 0.065081455,
Ah8c: 0.065078415,
Ah7s: 0.063914828,
Ah7c: 0.063903846,
7d6d: 0.058633465,
KsJh: 0.056256004,
KcJh: 0.056255758,
KdJh: 0.054264844,
As7s: 0.051410124,
Ac7c: 0.051409043,
Ac7s: 0.051394634,
As7c: 0.051394101,
4s4c: 0.04992998,
Ac6h: 0.048678834,
As6h: 0.048678551,
KdJd: 0.048490446,
KdQh: 0.047926657,
KsQh: 0.047285724,
KcQh: 0.047285516,
Ad6h: 0.0447856,
Ad5d: 0.042905405,
Ah6c: 0.041276302,
Ah6s: 0.041275844,
Ah7d: 0.041225344,
Kd9d: 0.039650485,
Ah6d: 0.039078914,
Ad7d: 0.034615036,
KdQd: 0.03287277,
KhQc: 0.032798555,
KhQs: 0.032798465,
Kd5d: 0.03258685,
KdTd: 0.031491712,
KhQd: 0.028741181,
Ad6d: 0.024609737,
KhQh: 0.021191584,
4d4c: 0.021130923,
4s4d: 0.021129908,
7h6h: 0.019416507,
Ks5s: 0.019258646,
Kc5c: 0.019257229,
Ah5h: 0.016100265,
Qd5d: 0.010790468,
Qs5s: 0.008041466,
Qc5c: 0.008041353,
2d2c: 0,
2h2d: 0,
2s2d: 0,
3c2c: 0,
3c2d: 0,
3c2h: 0,
3c2s: 0,
3d2c: 0,
3d2d: 0,
3d2h: 0,
3d2s: 0,
3h2c: 0,
3h2d: 0,
3h2h: 0,
3h2s: 0,
3h3c: 0,
3h3d: 0,
3s2c: 0,
3s2d: 0,
3s2h: 0,
3s2s: 0,
3s3h: 0,
4c2c: 0,
4c2d: 0,
4c2h: 0,
4c2s: 0,
4c3c: 0,
4c3d: 0,
4c3h: 0,
4c3s: 0,
4d2c: 0,
4d2d: 0,
4d2h: 0,
4d2s: 0,
4d3c: 0,
4d3d: 0,
4d3h: 0,
4d3s: 0,
4h2c: 0,
4h2d: 0,
4h2h: 0,
4h2s: 0,
4h3c: 0,
4h3d: 0,
4h3h: 0,
4h3s: 0,
4h4c: 0,
4h4d: 0,
4s2c: 0,
4s2d: 0,
4s2h: 0,
4s2s: 0,
4s3c: 0,
4s3d: 0,
4s3h: 0,
4s3s: 0,
4s4h: 0,
5c2c: 0,
5c2d: 0,
5c2h: 0,
5c2s: 0,
5c3c: 0,
5c3d: 0,
5c3h: 0,
5c3s: 0,
5c4c: 0,
5c4d: 0,
5c4h: 0,
5c4s: 0,
5d2c: 0,
5d2d: 0,
5d2h: 0,
5d2s: 0,
5d3c: 0,
5d3d: 0,
5d3h: 0,
5d3s: 0,
5d4c: 0,
5d4d: 0,
5d4h: 0,
5d4s: 0,
5h2c: 0,
5h2d: 0,
5h2h: 0,
5h2s: 0,
5h3c: 0,
5h3d: 0,
5h3h: 0,
5h3s: 0,
5h4c: 0,
5h4d: 0,
5h4h: 0,
5h4s: 0,
5s2c: 0,
5s2d: 0,
5s2h: 0,
5s2s: 0,
5s3c: 0,
5s3d: 0,
5s3h: 0,
5s3s: 0,
5s4c: 0,
5s4d: 0,
5s4h: 0,
5s4s: 0,
6c2c: 0,
6c2d: 0,
6c2h: 0,
6c2s: 0,
6c3c: 0,
6c3d: 0,
6c3h: 0,
6c3s: 0,
6c4c: 0,
6c4d: 0,
6c4h: 0,
6c4s: 0,
6c5d: 0,
6c5h: 0,
6c5s: 0,
6d2c: 0,
6d2d: 0,
6d2h: 0,
6d2s: 0,
6d3c: 0,
6d3d: 0,
6d3h: 0,
6d3s: 0,
6d4c: 0,
6d4d: 0,
6d4h: 0,
6d4s: 0,
6d5c: 0,
6d5h: 0,
6d5s: 0,
6h2c: 0,
6h2d: 0,
6h2h: 0,
6h2s: 0,
6h3c: 0,
6h3d: 0,
6h3h: 0,
6h3s: 0,
6h4c: 0,
6h4d: 0,
6h4h: 0,
6h4s: 0,
6h5c: 0,
6h5d: 0,
6h5s: 0,
6s2c: 0,
6s2d: 0,
6s2h: 0,
6s2s: 0,
6s3c: 0,
6s3d: 0,
6s3h: 0,
6s3s: 0,
6s4c: 0,
6s4d: 0,
6s4h: 0,
6s4s: 0,
6s5c: 0,
6s5d: 0,
6s5h: 0,
7c2c: 0,
7c2d: 0,
7c2h: 0,
7c2s: 0,
7c3c: 0,
7c3d: 0,
7c3h: 0,
7c3s: 0,
7c4c: 0,
7c4d: 0,
7c4h: 0,
7c4s: 0,
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7c5d: 0,
7c5h: 0,
7c5s: 0,
7c6d: 0,
7c6h: 0,
7c6s: 0,
7d2c: 0,
7d2d: 0,
7d2h: 0,
7d2s: 0,
7d3c: 0,
7d3d: 0,
7d3h: 0,
7d3s: 0,
7d4c: 0,
7d4d: 0,
7d4h: 0,
7d4s: 0,
7d5c: 0,
7d5d: 0,
7d5h: 0,
7d5s: 0,
7d6c: 0,
7d6h: 0,
7d6s: 0,
7h2c: 0,
7h2d: 0,
7h2h: 0,
7h2s: 0,
7h3c: 0,
7h3d: 0,
7h3h: 0,
7h3s: 0,
7h4c: 0,
7h4d: 0,
7h4h: 0,
7h4s: 0,
7h5c: 0,
7h5d: 0,
7h5h: 0,
7h5s: 0,
7h6c: 0,
7h6d: 0,
7h6s: 0,
7s2c: 0,
7s2d: 0,
7s2h: 0,
7s2s: 0,
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7s6d: 0,
7s6h: 0,
8c2c: 0,
8c2d: 0,
8c2h: 0,
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8c3d: 0,
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8d5d: 0,
8d5h: 0,
8d5s: 0,
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8d6s: 0,
8d7c: 0,
8d7h: 0,
8d7s: 0,
8h2c: 0,
8h2d: 0,
8h2h: 0,
8h2s: 0,
8h3c: 0,
8h3d: 0,
8h3h: 0,
8h3s: 0,
8h4c: 0,
8h4d: 0,
8h4h: 0,
8h4s: 0,
8h5c: 0,
8h5d: 0,
8h5h: 0,
8h5s: 0,
8h6c: 0,
8h6d: 0,
8h6h: 0,
8h6s: 0,
8h7c: 0,
8h7d: 0,
8h7s: 0,
8s2c: 0,
8s2d: 0,
8s2h: 0,
8s2s: 0,
8s3c: 0,
8s3d: 0,
8s3h: 0,
8s3s: 0,
8s4c: 0,
8s4d: 0,
8s4h: 0,
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8s5h: 0,
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8s6c: 0,
8s6d: 0,
8s6h: 0,
8s6s: 0,
8s7c: 0,
8s7d: 0,
8s7h: 0,
9c2c: 0,
9c2d: 0,
9c2h: 0,
9c2s: 0,
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9s5d: 0,
9s5h: 0,
9s5s: 0,
9s6c: 0,
9s6d: 0,
9s6h: 0,
9s6s: 0,
9s7c: 0,
9s7d: 0,
9s7h: 0,
Tc2c: 0,
Tc2d: 0,
Tc2h: 0,
Tc2s: 0,
Tc3c: 0,
Tc3d: 0,
Tc3h: 0,
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Tc4s: 0,
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Tc5h: 0,
Tc5s: 0,
Tc6c: 0,
Tc6d: 0,
Tc6h: 0,
Tc6s: 0,
Tc7d: 0,
Tc7h: 0,
Tc7s: 0,
Tc8d: 0,
Tc8h: 0,
Tc8s: 0,
Td2c: 0,
Td2d: 0,
Td2h: 0,
Td2s: 0,
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Td3d: 0,
Td3h: 0,
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Td4d: 0,
Td4h: 0,
Td4s: 0,
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Td5d: 0,
Td5h: 0,
Td5s: 0,
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Td6s: 0,
Td7c: 0,
Td7h: 0,
Td7s: 0,
Td8c: 0,
Td8h: 0,
Td8s: 0,
Th2c: 0,
Th2d: 0,
Th2h: 0,
Th2s: 0,
Th3c: 0,
Th3d: 0,
Th3h: 0,
Th3s: 0,
Th4c: 0,
Th4d: 0,
Th4h: 0,
Th4s: 0,
Th5c: 0,
Th5d: 0,
Th5h: 0,
Th5s: 0,
Th6c: 0,
Th6d: 0,
Th6h: 0,
Th6s: 0,
Th7c: 0,
Th7d: 0,
Th7s: 0,
Th8c: 0,
Th8d: 0,
Th8s: 0,
Ts2c: 0,
Ts2d: 0,
Ts2h: 0,
Ts2s: 0,
Ts3c: 0,
Ts3d: 0,
Ts3h: 0,
Ts3s: 0,
Ts4c: 0,
Ts4d: 0,
Ts4h: 0,
Ts4s: 0,
Ts5c: 0,
Ts5d: 0,
Ts5h: 0,
Ts5s: 0,
Ts6c: 0,
Ts6d: 0,
Ts6h: 0,
Ts6s: 0,
Ts7c: 0,
Ts7d: 0,
Ts7h: 0,
Ts8c: 0,
Ts8d: 0,
Ts8h: 0,
Jc2c: 0,
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Jd6d: 0,
Jd6h: 0,
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Jd7h: 0,
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Jd8h: 0,
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Jh2c: 0,
Jh2d: 0,
Jh2h: 0,
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Jh4h: 0,
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Jh5d: 0,
Jh5h: 0,
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Js3d: 0,
Js3h: 0,
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Kc2d: 0,
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Kc3h: 0,
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Kc4h: 0,
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Kc5d: 0,
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Kd2d: 0,
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Kd6c: 0,
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Kd6s: 0,
Kd7c: 0,
Kd7h: 0,
Kd7s: 0,
Kh2c: 0,
Kh2d: 0,
Kh2s: 0,
Kh3c: 0,
Kh3d: 0,
Kh3h: 0,
Kh3s: 0,
Kh4c: 0,
Kh4d: 0,
Kh4h: 0,
Kh4s: 0,
Kh5c: 0,
Kh5d: 0,
Kh5s: 0,
Kh6c: 0,
Kh6d: 0,
Kh6s: 0,
Kh7c: 0,
Kh7d: 0,
Kh7s: 0,
Ks2c: 0,
Ks2d: 0,
Ks2h: 0,
Ks3c: 0,
Ks3d: 0,
Ks3h: 0,
Ks4c: 0,
Ks4d: 0,
Ks4h: 0,
Ks5c: 0,
Ks5d: 0,
Ks5h: 0,
Ks6c: 0,
Ks6d: 0,
Ks6h: 0,
Ks7c: 0,
Ks7d: 0,
Ks7h: 0,
Ac2d: 0,
Ac3h: 0,
Ac4h: 0,
Ad2d: 0,
Ad3h: 0,
Ad4h: 0,
Ah2d: 0,
Ah3h: 0,
Ah4h: 0,
As2d: 0,
As3h: 0,
As4h: 0

Last edited by _dave_; 08-07-2015 at 07:04 PM. Reason: code tags
PokerRanger Quote
08-08-2015 , 01:17 AM

I see. And yes, at the moment this format is not accepted.

With our next huge upgrade, we will offer real range weights in combination with groups, though. At least your scenario:
for example in a particular spot I have Ks8h bet for a 55% pot size bet 22.2% of the time, 33% pot size bet 22.3% of the time and checked 55.5% of the time
should work, then. I am not entirely sure how the rest of the tree is built but when sub-nodes of some betting range are also a subset of hands with weights equal or less to the ones of said betting range, it might even be possible to import entire trees.

Another question: Is a precision with one position after the decimal point necessary or are full percentage numbers absolutely sufficient? Like, e.g., 33% vs 33.3%.

Your input is great, thanks again!

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
08-12-2015 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Eisflamme

Another question: Is a precision with one position after the decimal point necessary or are full percentage numbers absolutely sufficient? Like, e.g., 33% vs 33.3%.

All the best,
Hi, sorry for the delay response, I was very busy crushing some MTTs XD haha
well Pio actually uses 2 decimal places for the strategies although it has a rounding feature, you might want to ask directly to the developer since the help I can provide you might be very limited

thanks for the interest! cheers!
PokerRanger Quote
08-12-2015 , 05:26 AM
Hi M_Acevedo,

I am glad to announce that I have spoken to the PIOSolver developer and we will think about some kind of solution together.

The most present issue I see at the moment is that PIO has very specific weights per hand. Like Flopzilla, PokerRanger will be more likely to adopt different weighting groups as this seems to be more convenient to work with. Using some output from PIOSolver could lead to many weight groups. So, this might be both a performance and a usability issue. Ideas against that might be building aggregate weight groups like putting 99.1%, 99.2%, 99.3% together to one group with 99% or something like that.

tl;dr: We will figure something out.

Thanks for your precious hint!

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
08-15-2015 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Eisflamme
Hi M_Acevedo,

I am glad to announce that I have spoken to the PIOSolver developer and we will think about some kind of solution together.

All the best,
Hey, that's great knews!

Please keep me informed on how that goes, cheers!!
PokerRanger Quote
09-04-2015 , 11:44 AM
Is there any way to make this bigger (full screen) without 3rd party software?
PokerRanger Quote
10-14-2015 , 04:12 AM
Hi CherryPoker,

sorry for the late answer.

The next version of PokerRanger will have a fully resizable range matrix. Other areas of the software will be resizable as well. The application will also take into account high DPI displays and work with them.

For the time being the only possibility is to make the font size larger to improve the readability, like 200% font scale which Windows offers. This does not change the matrix size but improves readability a little bit.

Thank you very much for your interest!

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
10-22-2015 , 07:00 AM
Hello Sir,

i am interested in PokerRanger. But i have a question. Can i use one license one 2 two computer? Laptop and PC?
PokerRanger Quote
10-22-2015 , 07:02 AM
Hello sir,

yes, this is indeed possible. The license works on two different computers and it is even possible to exchange one computer with another at a later time, for example in the case that you buy a new laptop to replace the old one.

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
10-22-2015 , 07:03 AM
Ohh that is very nice :-) thanks
PokerRanger Quote
10-29-2015 , 06:19 AM
its been a while since i used Pokerranger, but just downloaded the latest version. Some awesome improvements!

It would be really cool to design ranges in Pokerranger and use those ranges for crEV. so some functionality to work with other (BIG) programs would be awesome!.
PokerRanger Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:11 AM

one post and this is here praising another product - nopi, is it you?

Just kidding. As far as I know Power Equilab does not support a combination of groups and weights, some function that seems to be really essential to using weights after all. Since our idea is to implement this functionality in full, it is not right now in PokerRanger v1 implemented. Multi-screen or high DPI support does also not seem to be supported in the current version of PEL. However, I see that this piece of software has some extra features. I would barely use most of them, but they can be useful in some niche. nopi did a decent job here. I still feel that he has some other focus and PokerRanger still has some features that PEL lacks and a different kind of usability.

PokerRabe, do you have some suggestions what PokerRanger is missing that is of great importance? We collect a lot of feedback and are very positive that the new version will offer most of them in addition to a brand-new and modern user interface. However, if you think that something essential is really missing right now, please let us know!

It would be really cool to design ranges in Pokerranger and use those ranges for crEV. so some functionality to work with other (BIG) programs would be awesome!.
Very glad that you like the new features! The next heavy update will bring a ton more.

concerning your suggestion: Yes, cooperation with other software is indeed on the agenda and also in development so far. Weighted ranges in a group-efficient and crEV-compatible way will come with PR2.0 that is in heavy work right now. Like announced before we also talk with developers of GTO tools like PIO solver, so PokerRanger will most probably also be compatible with this one allowing a nice interaction there. What other tools would you have in mind?

Thank you very much for your feedback!

All the best,

Last edited by Eisflamme; 11-02-2015 at 06:19 AM.
PokerRanger Quote
11-03-2015 , 04:06 AM
Hi again,

rh300487: Sorry, I cannot edit my last answer anymore. The part below my quote of your text regards your post. All above is of no matter anymore.

Thanks again!

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
12-01-2015 , 11:40 AM

the work on PokerRanger2 is still in nice progress. However, we have learnt from some users that the stability of PR1 would be in need of improvement. Also, we have analyzed a lot of crash reports and heart from some lags.

That is why we decided to provide a stability update which gets rid of the crashs and makes the software run more smoothly on weaker CPUs. Moreover, even with some calculations going on the system's overall stability should remain higher.

If you experience (especially reproducable) crashs or strong lags, please let us know. Our new development process allows us to provide bugfix updates for PokerRanger1 while the work on PokerRanger2 is ongoing.

Thank you a lot for your great and elaborate feedback!

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
12-04-2015 , 06:01 AM
Is there any estimated release date for PR2? price and features differences from PR1?
PokerRanger Quote
12-04-2015 , 06:38 AM
Hi DeuceOTR,

we have no clear estimation for some date. It will not be this December and it will definitely take less than a year. We could make it more specific but we do not want to create too many expectations at the moment.

Feature-wise we will have most of everything people wished for so far. We will definitely have an elaborated weighting system and the current features will be developed further and we have nice ideas about performance improvements and some more graphical outputs. There will also be (at least some) support for more than two ranges.

Price-wise it is not yet clear. You definitely will not have to pay PR2 in full when you already have a PR1 license. Most probably you will also have to only pay the price difference between PR2 and PR1 only.

Do you have more specific questions? Especially when you have some functionality or detail in mind that you really miss in PR1, let us know (also via Skype, personal message or mail, if you wish), so that we can put it in.

I personally do believe that PR2 will have everything and more that you might miss in PR1 so far.

All the best,
PokerRanger Quote
12-17-2015 , 08:51 AM

Here is what I need to do :

can your software do that?

thank you
PokerRanger Quote
