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2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way 2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way

09-01-2016 , 10:07 AM
BB ($289.58): One of the weaker players in the game. Is playing around 50% of hands preflop facing a raise, and is rarely three betting. Tends to donk when he makes decent hands, but has monster sizing tells (bigger = stronger).

CO ($583.70): Unknown but doesn't seem particularly good. Open limped earlier UTG with QTTT. Seems to play a little backwards as well, betting when weaker on flops and checking when strong.

Hero: covers both with a stack over $600

I have two questions regarding my flop play, as these monkey-in-the-middle spots tend to be weird for me. Second part is in the spoiler.

Hero has AAJ7 in HJ (UTG 5 handed)

Hero raises to $15, CO calls $15, fold, fold, BB calls $15

Flop ($47): QT2

BB bets $23.50, hero...

...raises to $78.33, CO raises to $133.16, BB calls $133.16, hero...
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-01-2016 , 11:32 AM
i'd raise and now i'd ship.
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-02-2016 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Your Mom
i'd raise and now i'd ship.
Aren't we behind main villain's range?
ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation
4,592,820 trials (Exhaustive)
board: QT2
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
AcAsJc7d41.93% 1,919,71112,441
QQ, TT, KcQcJ2, KcQJ2c, JT98, KQJT, QJT958.07% 2,660,66812,441

I'd estimate that I'm somewhere between 40%-48% equity against this 3 bet; seems thin to get it in against, no?
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-02-2016 , 04:27 PM
Call, we can fold if the board pairs
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-04-2016 , 10:59 PM
Yeah would ship, he can easily be overplaying weak 2p or p:fd
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-09-2016 , 03:23 AM
I agree with monikrazy. Call and fold if board pairs. BB looks like a draw but cutoff might have flopped a set and really wants to get value. His raise is confusing.
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-09-2016 , 04:15 AM
Question 1 - raise is fine.

Question 2 - CO made a mistake with the tiny raise. Call $50 all day.
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-09-2016 , 09:15 AM
Do we care that I'm making an exploitative raise size on the flop against the BB? Normally would just pot everything I want to raise on this board (which is like QJT and better + big draws like this), but against this guy, I kind of want to set my own price to set the river (since he won't punish me for it).
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-09-2016 , 09:30 AM
I believe that "setting the price" as you call it was well thought out. If you block bet or raise this particular hand to the river, you will be more likely to get paid off if you win, or get a cheap river if you miss the turn, and also a cheap crying call on the river if it comes to that, say if the straight card completes on the river. Well thought out, this is a game of tough decisions on the turn and river and it seems that you have set your plan for all variables. Well done.
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-09-2016 , 01:09 PM
I like the PF raise. Just call the BB's donk and try to keep the pot small. Played that way, now you're only getting 3bet on the flop and keeping the pot size reasonable. I know this is a difficult thing to master in the heat of the moment (especially against bad players). But you're most likely going to get called anyway by bad players. Wait until you have a really good combo draw (better than 11 outs; 9 outs + 2 Kings). Trust me, they'll still call with 2nd/3rd best hands thinking they got unlucky when, in fact, they just played bad.

I don't like how the hand is playing out since you got 4bet with what appears to be the CO holding QQxx or worse, some combo of KQQJ which renders the 2 aces left in the deck useless to you. Is he fishy enough to do this with TTxx or 2nd/3rd nut flush? If so, I guess shipping is kind of ok.

As played you might as well just ship and hope the board doesn't pair because the pot will be approx. $445 on the turn (if I'm correct) and you'll have about $475-ish left in your stack.

The correct play here would have been to just call BB (and then CO's 3bet) keeping the pot smaller and seeing what happens on the turn.

2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-27-2016 , 04:31 PM
Might as well add a bonus street. Hero called the min-3 bet, fyi.

Turn ($446.48): K

Check, hero w/ the nuts + redraw and < 1 PSB left...shoves? Checks and lets a weak player fire?
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-28-2016 , 12:35 PM
I would pot raise the flop to maximize value from BB dominated draws and fold equity.

100bb in this spot is to shallow to worry about sets from CO.
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
09-29-2016 , 02:37 PM
Pot and call both fine
2/5 PLO OL: Overpair + Combo draw 3 way Quote
