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Takebacks online: why are people such scumbags about it? Takebacks online: why are people such scumbags about it?

07-18-2009 , 02:41 AM
I understand that takebacks are generally not accepted in live chess -- and for good reason -- but a chess client like BabasChess isn't perfect at tracking mouse movement, and so misplaces, at least for me, aren't very uncommon. With that said, I think the calibre of players I play should be good enough to distinguish between actual blunders and a legitimate misplace, and I think they're cheap bastards for just taking a piece when I misplace and refusing to accept a takeback, even when I explain myself.

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07-18-2009 , 03:23 AM
Takebacks are a reality in online chess because of mouseslips.

"Slips" due to smartmove and premove not counting as "real" mouseslips

On an obvious slip that has happened to me a few times in fast games 1-min/3 0 .. is 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 c4?? ---- No one in their right mind past 1000 ELO would ever play that move but you'd be hard pressed to get a takeback.

Takebacks happen to everyone from time to time. My advice to you is just to shrug it off and go onto the next game. Not worth getting all worked up over -- these are online games and they don't mean that much.

If you choose to allow takebacks to people on "obvious" slips then that's totally your decision to make and I wish you the good karma that should come with it. However, if you choose to decline all takeback requests, then I totally respect that decision too.

/rant answered

Edit: and if that's Tyler Durden in your avatar then all I have to say is.. the first rule of chess club is that you don't talk about chess club!
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07-18-2009 , 03:42 AM
I give them pretty liberally to opponents who are playing to play chess as opposed to win on time or whatever, but it kind of ruins the flow of the game. I just think it's lame to win a game on a mouse slip to gain some rating points of no value that will revert to their actual value over time anyhow.
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07-18-2009 , 03:59 AM
I can understand both sides. Touch/Move is so ingrained in me from otb play that my first instinct was always, "Be more careful with your mouse", but if it was really obvious, like a botched castling attempt, I'd give it. Like Dire said, it does interrupt the flow of the game.

I damn sure never asked for one. I'd just resign (if it was losing) and start another game
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07-18-2009 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I can understand both sides. Touch/Move is so ingrained in me from otb play that my first instinct was always, "Be more careful with your mouse", but if it was really obvious, like a botched castling attempt, I'd give it. Like Dire said, it does interrupt the flow of the game.

I damn sure never asked for one. I'd just resign (if it was losing) and start another game
A 5-min game I played a few days ago, My opponent play ..Kf8 , in what I guessed was an attempt to castle. I decided to be a good sport and offer a takeback. My opponent declined! and said "no it's okay, just play." lol
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07-18-2009 , 05:31 AM
I once won a nice game with black after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 Ke7!?

I never give takebacks and never request any, imo mouseslips just are part of internet chess like the clock is part of blitz chess.
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07-18-2009 , 05:50 AM
that bothers me a lot less then attempting a win on disconnect - LOL

my scumbag story - I was on - a guy accepted my 15 minute challenge - he was low rated but had a GM title before his name, which leads me to believe he was just beginning cause he hardly had any games under his belt - (in fact, it may have been his intro rating) -

4th or 5th move he hangs his queen in a way that HAD to be a mouseslip - they don't allow takebacks to my knowledge on the playchess server, but he offered me a draw -

I declined and took his queen - and him being a grandmaster and me being a doghead, proceeded to get slowly beaten into a position where even without a queen he could beat me -

he then took a long time to think and on a whim I claimed the "win on disconnect" and it was accepted - - now THAT was scummy - but not as bad as the guy who tries it 40-50 times a game trying to either break your concentration or get lucky on a couple pings not getting thru the server.

then once in a while I'll get *bless you in my chat window after a nice swindle back- and I know they're not telling me to go bless myself

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07-18-2009 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Noir_Desir
I never give takebacks and never request any, imo mouseslips just are part of internet chess like the clock is part of blitz chess.
Fully agree with this. It's not as though your opponent is actually being harmed in any way. Plus having to figure out where they were intending to move their piece so I can make a judgment on whether or not a mouseslip was possible/likely completely breaks the game. That and it tilts some people really bad, which is funny. Oh and on ICC you can disable takebacks so the offers never come through.

Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
On an obvious slip that has happened to me a few times in fast games 1-min/3 0 .. is 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 c4?? ---- No one in their right mind past 1000 ELO would ever play that move but you'd be hard pressed to get a takeback.
I've done this a few times. I just resign and move on, but I have takebacks disabled on ICC so I can't even easily ask for one.
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08-01-2009 , 04:30 AM
I've always wanted to ask for a takeback as an angle-shoot/slow-roll after giving up my queen for Legal's Mate , but the position has never come up for me.
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08-01-2009 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by slickpoppa
I've always wanted to ask for a takeback as an angle-shoot/slow-roll after giving up my queen for Legal's Mate , but the position has never come up for me.

you sandbagging son of a bitch
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08-08-2009 , 10:26 PM
I still remember this game from my very first tournament...I think I was in fourth grade...

I have white. Someone just showed me "Scholar's Mate," and I decide to go for it. The game proceeds 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Bc5 3. Qf3. I am very excited and hoping I will get to show off the trick I just learned. At this point the tournament director announces that it is only now time for the round to start, and everyone who already started their games has to start over. My opponent and I had jumped the gun. Obviously I am disappointed, since I think he's sure to notice my threat the second time around. But like a poker player on a bad bluff, I go for it anyway. We quickly play the same opening moves, and without much thought he plays a random move, I think it was 3. ... Nc6, and I bash out Qxf7 mate. One of my most satisfying games ever.
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08-08-2009 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by willage
I still remember this game from my very first tournament...I think I was in fourth grade...

I have white. Someone just showed me "Scholar's Mate," and I decide to go for it. The game proceeds 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Bc5 3. Qf3. I am very excited and hoping I will get to show off the trick I just learned. At this point the tournament director announces that it is only now time for the round to start, and everyone who already started their games has to start over. My opponent and I had jumped the gun. Obviously I am disappointed, since I think he's sure to notice my threat the second time around. But like a poker player on a bad bluff, I go for it anyway. We quickly play the same opening moves, and without much thought he plays a random move, I think it was 3. ... Nc6, and I bash out Qxf7 mate. One of my most satisfying games ever.
4 move checkmate vs. someone who barely knows how to play.

A+ sir
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08-09-2009 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Dire
I give them pretty liberally to opponents who are playing to play chess as opposed to win on time or whatever, but it kind of ruins the flow of the game. I just think it's lame to win a game on a mouse slip to gain some rating points of no value that will revert to their actual value over time anyhow.
This. Same way I don't want to win a K+R v.s K+T rook ending on time, I want to actually play chess. I don't really give takebacks to people who make real blunders though, at least not over the internet. I actually think that might not be a good idea in blitz chess either. One of my best friends is a takeback king, and he is pretty good now after having studied the game for a long while (around 2000 FIDE), but has trouble making more impressive progress because he so frequently blunders in his games. He has so much chess culture and understanding (played out the games of basically all the world champions + Keres, Bronstein, and a few others) but has a problem filtering out tactical mistakes and I something think it's because I've been too nice in giving takebacks in our 1000+ blitz games together... that's why I almost never ask for them myself, maybe once if the game is really interesting and I want to see how it plays out if I don't commit suicide immediately...

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09-13-2009 , 12:41 PM
lol I've done that in a Legal's Mate position.

It's also fun to offer a takeback when you have mate in 1.

Or to offer a draw when you have mate in 1 and mate them before they could ever click accept. And then type: "Dude I offered you a draw, what happened?"

Not like I would ever do that.
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09-13-2009 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Or to offer a draw when you have mate in 1 and mate them before they could ever click accept. And then type: "Dude I offered you a draw, what happened?"
haha, i will do that one...

who cares about rating when you play blitz. if you get under your performance level it will get up quickly again. i always accept takebacks if position is equal or i have advantage but not when opponent have better position. i do it because i want a more equal/funny game, not because i want to have a more perfect game.
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09-13-2009 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by DipoleMoment
Great ideas. So far my main 'move' has just been to delay moving while mate in 1 (or a forced mating line with aggressive premove enabled) until I have a fraction of a second remaining on my clock. Most players will see the inevitable and deprive you of your enjoyment by resigning, but sometimes they don't see it and think ur not moving due to connection problems, etc.

In live blitz sessions I like to get up from the table when mate in one is on the board and go grab a coffee/go to washroom, etc, only to make it back to the board with seconds remaining.
How could I leave that one out.

I had a contest with my friend to do the "Mate-Wait" to see who could mate with the least time possible. I usually go down to about 0.2 seconds but one time I got down to 0.07s , he is yet to beat my record.
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