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Questions about Bellagio 5-10 no limit holdem Questions about Bellagio 5-10 no limit holdem

08-25-2013 , 02:59 PM
No he didn't play last night, he played a morning sesh yesterday. He is reading the thread so he will see the comments. i appreciate the criticism but lets be a little more thought provoking on why you disagree rather than it being just bad. I've only posted the hands that stood out in my mind that he could have played differently. All in all he played great. He made some GREAT river folds that had he not made he could have gone broke early in the session.

#christianT: I think you're spot on with my thoughts on all 3 hands. Hand 1 is a littler tougher to continue on the flop. You've put in 1/4 the effective stacks pre and are out of position with A high. The flop hammers the callers range KQ/KJ/KT/QJ/AJ/TT/99/etc. I don't think I would be putting the guy on set mining smaller pairs for 230 pre.

#eco74: I agree that pre was too large and that a just under preflop sizing may have been his shot to win on the flop... But you were right about the set mining. Villian won hand with 55 if i remember correctly.
08-25-2013 , 04:50 PM
The hand that he raised to $40 with KK is horrible!!! 3 limpers and he decides to bet $40??? He needs to pop it up to at least $100 or else all those limpers will call, and most likely crack his kings. $40 is not even enough for 3 limpers at 2/5
08-25-2013 , 04:54 PM
It seems like he is running hot with his hole cards and missing out on value.
08-25-2013 , 04:59 PM
I am concerned for both of you with these hand history's.

I think all 3 hands were misplayed.

I am a 1/2 and 2/4 player online fwiw so maybe these plays aren't horrible live but online this player would get owned pretty hard.
08-25-2013 , 05:49 PM
Tell "dude" to play good poker instead of trying to be so0o0o sneaky and clever, it might work every now and then but it's really bad

Lol at picking up monster hands that you wait a whole session for and just limping and being forced to pray someone raises

Also don't just insta check-raise any flop you connect with oop
08-25-2013 , 05:57 PM
I agree that some of the hands posted are highly questionable, but am glad he came out with a profit.
08-25-2013 , 06:15 PM
Limp-3betting can be okay in really loose games with very bad players. Other than that I don't like the play and probably wouldn't do it in those games either. Everyone knows what you have when you do it which is bad.
08-25-2013 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbrah
Tell "dude" to play good poker instead of trying to be so0o0o sneaky and clever, it might work every now and then but it's really bad

Lol at picking up monster hands that you wait a whole session for and just limping and being forced to pray someone raises

Also don't just insta check-raise any flop you connect with oop
This is a pretty cool thread but posts like these will discourage people from making them. Yeah he maybe misplayed some hands but laughing at him and his play isn't helping.
08-25-2013 , 08:38 PM
txdome: yes he did pick up alot of big preflop hands in his first 5-10 session. hey whose complaining tho lol

pokerbrah: i agree that limp raising is a little obvious of hand strength, but his image was getting a lot of folds already (remember the QQ folded face up on J high flop) so him opening utg prob wouldn't have gotten that much action anyways. I don't mind that hand so much. as I said the sizing could have been a little smaller but we won the pot and picked up 200 uncontested dollars.

coffmaer: im not discouraged in the slightest. he might be inclined to tell me to not post more hands which will take away from the thread.

details from session 2 soon to come
08-25-2013 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by coffmaer
This is a pretty cool thread but posts like these will discourage people from making them. Yeah he maybe misplayed some hands but laughing at him and his play isn't helping.
I wish op and his horse the best, and respect the balls it takes to sit in a game like that on a limited roll

just saying the whole l/r stuff is obvious at any 1/2 game nevermind 5/10 at the B
08-25-2013 , 09:00 PM
He ran lucky with his 2006 online style. He will likely get owned over a decent sample at 5/10 bellagio
08-25-2013 , 09:16 PM
his skills will be tested again shortly
08-25-2013 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbrah
I wish op and his horse the best, and respect the balls it takes to sit in a game like that on a limited roll

just saying the whole l/r stuff is obvious at any 1/2 game nevermind 5/10 at the B
I agree. I play in those 5/10 games almost daily. I play there because I believe they're the softest on the strip but some of the stuff he is doing is questionable.
08-25-2013 , 10:19 PM
^ Glad to see I am not the only one in a bit of shock about what I have read above. Trying to be tricky, for the sake of being tricky, is massively -EV
08-25-2013 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by absherrj
lets be a little more thought provoking on why you disagree rather than it being just bad.
OP, understand that LVL isn't a strategy forum, and hence I think most of the posters here are not inclined to discuss strategy, especially those that currently play in the B's 5/10. Furthermore, if your horse is about to sit again in the game today, there's no way I'm going to discuss strat with him 'cause I'll be playing him.

Like many others have said, this is a cool thread. It's cool that you guys are taking a shot (poker without aggressive shot taking = so boring I'd rather shoot myself), it's always fun to sweat via a TR that focuses on the overall experience, and a few hands here and there. But imo if you want some detailed strat advice, you should post the full hands in the live low stakes nl forum (yes, 5/10 @ the B is still relatively low stakes), or maybe in the med stakes forum if the hand played deep and involved a straddle. I'm sure you'll get great detailed advice (or tough criticism, whatever you want to call it) there.

Anyway, when is your friend playing again? Wishing him some run good, but vs the sharks at the table (yes there are some), not vs me
08-25-2013 , 11:34 PM
I don't play Bellagio 5/10 much, but I have played (and consistently won) at 10/20 there and I gotta agree these sample hands are NOT good.

I would strongly suggest your "dude" bet 4BB + 1/limper for the first raise preflop, 2/3 of what the pot would be with your call (if any) on all subsequent bets or raises, and forget he knows how to check-raise. While it's possible to extract a little extra value with more sophisticated sizing if you know what you're doing, it's also possible to lose a ton of value with worse sizing and failed trickery which is what's happening here.
08-26-2013 , 12:09 AM
Sorry to hijackers this thread but Marc when are you going to do another thread. Your thread was the best I've ever read on here.
08-26-2013 , 01:00 AM
Glad to hear you guys are having fun, enjoy the hand history and updates........

I guess I didn't realize your horse was a long time $1/2 player and brought that mentality & style of play to the $5/10 game. Nonetheless its neat that he was able to book a modest win, keep playing and have fun!
08-26-2013 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by absherrj
A couple hands of interest to me that I wanted to know what you guys think. Keep in mind the image my friend has built up as being tight, solid, check raising frequently.

Hand 1: Effective stacks 1000. A couple limpers to cutoff makes it 40, button calls, my friend in BB with AsKs raises to 230, folds to button who calls. Flop JcTc9x and action gots check check on all streets after a blank on turn and river.

Hand 2: Effective stacks 1500. UTG he limps KK, couple limpers to cutoff makes it 50, folds to sb who makes it 160, folds to my friend who makes it 400, everyone folds.

Hand 3: Effective stacks 1500. 3 limpers to my friend in the bb with KK and raises it to 40, all limpers call. Flop J 7 8 two diamonds, he checks (hoping to check raise) and it checks through. Turn 2s, my friend bets 60 and gets one caller. River Ah and he checks and other player checks back.

On hand 1 I think shutting down is fine. He said he thought about jamming the flop but couldn't realizing that the flop was likely to hit the caller's range.

On hand 2 I like the 4 bet sizing to be bigger rather than smaller. We don't want to induce a cascading call with KK. Maybe a little smaller 350ish but 400 is fine imo.

On hand 3 I think a little bigger preflop 50 or 60. Def bet this flop with 2 diamonds and straight possibilities (again with the check raise I know). The turn is a dream card so I understand why he makes a smaller bet on the turn for value, but again could be a littler bigger since it went 40x4 preflop, basically giving a good price to any pair or draw. River is ok to check back although if the guy had AJ or AdXd then he might have bet the flop, maybe another smaller sized value bet but then again we don't want to get raised out by a river bomb.

Thanks for taking the time to read and participate in this thread. Ill update with session 2 results/hands/thought process the best i can.
Hand 1 and 2 I give your friend an F. Hand 3 I give him a D. He gets a small amount of credit for resisting the impulse to limp which he almost certainly had.

Your analysis is as bad if not worse.
08-26-2013 , 08:08 AM
Thanks guys for all the time you've put into reading and participating. Last night's session, as did Friday's, didn't happen. Looks like were going to go ahead and close out on this note as a 526$ winner. I'll be starting another thread soon as I was a recent winner of 2 free nights at Caesars, thanks to a generous 2+2er by the name of Frosted BS. Cheers and good luck at the table.
08-26-2013 , 09:52 AM
a win is usually a win... but when is a win just variance?
08-26-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
a win is usually a win... but when is a win just variance?
when its a jar?
08-26-2013 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
a win is usually a win... but when is a win just variance?
This thread

Gl op though
08-26-2013 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Kyle Saunders
Sorry to hijackers this thread but Marc when are you going to do another thread. Your thread was the best I've ever read on here.
Holy cow dude thanks for the massive ego boost lol. I was just in the process of settling down here (been here for 2 months, was looking at houses etc) and about to start posting in the blog forum, but the corporate world just made me an offer I cant refuse (just last week)... so its back to a regular job for me... "Just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in".
Short term there's still a chance this wont work out though, so who knows...
08-26-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Marc14
Holy cow dude thanks for the massive ego boost lol. I was just in the process of settling down here (been here for 2 months, was looking at houses etc) and about to start posting in the blog forum, but the corporate world just made me an offer I cant refuse (just last week)... so its back to a regular job for me... "Just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in".
Short term there's still a chance this wont work out though, so who knows...
dude don't tease me like this, ive always been a die hard fan of yours

either make a full fledged comeback or sit tight
